Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

@Wakikki wow 5 months!! Great work :slight_smile: Really excited for you! Yay!!
@Staringupfromthewell congratulations to you also on 2 weeks! This is huge! 2 weeks for me was a huge milestone and I really hope u feel proud of yourself bcuz it IS alot of hard work. One day at a time :slight_smile:


Gooood morning fam-dam checking in on dayā€¦
887 substance free
406 self-injury free
22 sugar-free

Heading out tonight to a show of some sort its a double date!!! It should be fun. Another couple from the program bought some extra tickets with us in mind, how sweet. I have no idea what genre of musicā€¦ bluegrass I bet. Not really my thing but I can enjoy any tunes with good company. It will be nice to put on some make up and maybe a dress??? ( Probably not a dress thatā€™s a bit of a stretch actually. ) :laughing:

Oh and I booked three tattoo appointments!!! I am finally getting my sleeve finish, itā€™s been a hot minute (7 years). Between moving, Covid, and the depths of active addiction I had to put a hold on it. Not anymore! I am hoping the artist can rework an awful fox I have on my forearm or at least make everything else so amazing the fox disappears into it. Lol

Congrats everyone on your recovery and on having the courage to face another day clean.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


Thanks @Dazercat it feels good to reach another milestone. I think I need to actually celebrate these moments rather than just looking at whatā€™s ahead.


I hope your double date goes well! Sounds like a lot of fun! And the tattooā€¦ I canā€™t wait to see pics if ur up for sharing them once u get ur work done! Itā€™s so nice how sobriety gives us these chances to have sober fun. Thereā€™s sooo much out in this world besides addiction. I often feel like a kid relearning the world! Haha hope u have an amazing day girl hugs


Starting day five here and feeling pretty good this morning. Heading out of town this weekend for a wedding and to visit family. Pretty sure I donā€™t want to have a drink at the wedding but hanging out with my sister will be a little tougher. Today I need to make a plan.


@Butterflymoonwoman thanks :grinning: I hope that I can build on this. One day at a time. Thanks for the support

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Back on that day 1 hype.

Feeling very optimistic as usual. A bit scared but thatā€™s just the booze still in my brain. Excited already for day 4-5 when I get to think clearer again.

Thanks guys!


Hi @Dansig Dan,

What do you do with so much statistic lessons and tests? :astonished:

Ty, it is incredible.

It took some time for me to get that feeling of excitement and pleasure to come back. I remember saying to my sponsor that if I never had to suffer or live in chaos again I would be ok giving up that feeling of excitement I got from doing risky things. She simply said, the excitement will return, you will see. It has, and it amazes me that I can now feel excitement without doing stupid shit! Why did I ever do stupid shit to get that endorphin rushā€¦ and I guess the answer to that is we become tolerant. The things we need to do become riskier and riskerā€¦

I am so glad we both have managed to survive the lives we have lead and that we get to really live now. Have an amazing day my friend.


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 109
Feeling fabulous today! Really donā€™t have much going on except 1 errand to run and my morning routine. Feeling grateful today and really feeling present and in the moment right now. Grateful for my HP and for my recovery. And so happy to see the many milestones pop up on here! That makes my day! I really love TS and love u guys! Iā€™ve made really good friends here and continue to do so everyday. I really donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve made it this far being alone in a province with no family or supports in it. So I definitly owe alot to u all!
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Congratulations to freaking 9 months, @LaDyLooNtje Ilona! :tada:


Hi @Bistro612 Tom,

Welcome to this forum!

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Look at YOU inching towards 1,000 days! Amazing! Prince Louis is now a meme. What a cute little guy.


1042 Seems pretty consistent to me Shay. Just keep going. Yes to imposter syndrome still being active. But you are doing fantastic lady. Telling you. Truth. Love. Hugs. Great to see you.


Fingers crossed, Michael! :crossed_fingers:t3:

Thank you Menno. :heart:

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Wow! Loving your numbers. Havenā€™t been lurking for a bit. Super proud of your progress. :heart:

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Day 230 AF

Came out for morning walk. Congrats to those hitting those milestones. Keep it goin!

@Its_me_Stella have fun at the show. Iā€™m still debating on getting my first tat. Told everyone I was get one once I hit my 7 months of sobriety. Now I am wussin out lmao. Nah, Idk what to get to be honest. :thinking:


Oh okay thatā€™s good! Then you have that to look forward to. I hope you can get there soon

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Day 455! Never going back.