Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Woohoo it’s Friday everyone!!!
I know the weekend can be tough and a temptation, so let’s dig deep and together get through it!!!
Use our tools, reach out for support and no matter what, do not pick up that first drink (or drug)!


Checking in at day 276.
Just got back from blood tests. The doctor wants to rule out a few more things before sending me to the internist. I’m starting to feel a bit like a pathetic old woman which in itself makes no sense because I’m not that old at all. Only I am not 24 years old anymore, but in my head I sometimes think I still am. Sometimes I think I have stood still for 17 years as a result of use, so also my development. But of course you can get sick at any age. The doctor initially wanted to watch it for a few more weeks to see if the fever would drop. But then I thought wait a minute, I’ve been running with a fever since the beginning of May, that’s long enough, something has to be done now. My sponsor complimented me for standing up for myself and my health. I wouldn’t have done that before, not even a month ago. However, I’ve also had some strange thoughts that indicate that I don’t want to get better, some kind of self-destructive behavior/thought. Very strange. But I’m glad I’m aware of the thought and now I can take a closer look at it.
I also look forward to Pentecost. 1st day of Pentecost I go to my sister and brother-in-law and 2nd day to my son yay I really look forward to that. He’s already becoming a real young man at 15 and I think it’s an age where he might be able to get some advice or support from me. I only see him once a month so I try to do as much as I can and also keep it fun.
Have a nice addiction free day everyone :tulip:


Have a nice weekend, enjoy :partying_face:


Well done on being assertive with the Doctor. I really hope you get some answers soon. I know exactly what you mean about being a pathetic old woman as I often feel the same, but I think as women we have become conditioned to put up with so much (from our first periods really). You are absolutely not pathetic and have the right to investigate causes etc. Good luck!


Thank you very kind of you and also nice that you understand me :tulip:


Oh no! reminds me of Passierschein A38 :rofl:

Hope you get it sorted!


That"s really great! When are you going?

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Day 721 clean and sober today. I hope everyone has a kick ass day today, I love you guys and am soooo proud of you all!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey all, checking in on day 719. I hope everybody has a good one!


Unfortunately still no date as they are waiting for the male bed to open. Just that I’ve been approved, she still said it should be within the week.


Good morning

Day 33.22 free from weed and alcohol

I had using dreams again last night. I hope this isnt going to be a nightly occurance. Maybe its because im so close to that 30 day milestone that was my downfall last time. Idk i feel differently about sobriety this time: positive, at peace, looking to make history and beat milestones with each passing day. I want to get engaged not only in sobriety but recovery. For me I think that road includes getting an AA sponsor and working the steps. Idk where to start with finding a sponsor…we’ll see. Uncertain with uncharted territory but feeling proud in this journey.

Let’s all go out and slay the day sober and at peace!



I had also felt this way and it was overwhelming I remember.

I am going to take this moment to point out the insanity of our disease. Who in their right mind after suffering for ,in my case, a life time would even consider drinking or drugging again once their got off that vicious merry-go-round? Only a person with a diseased mind would… and that is our addict talking. It’s in our heads.

I don’t know if I will never drink again. I can’t promise that to anyone, but I am pretty sure I can get through today and that’s how I have gotten through the last 887 days. One day at a time, no forecasting for anything.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


Hello @SoberWalker Claudia,

Where are you going to in Germany?

I’m glad, that your wound is healing!


Day 14 (Part 1) - An early check in today. I’m at home alone and the H, L and T parts of HALT are kicking me pretty hard.

Like everyone I have good days and bad days but the last couple have been pretty rough from a temptation perspective. I’m trying to be kind to myself and just rest. I have spent so long just pushing myself past the point I should (trying to be “enough”) so today I am steering against my usual behaviours. Breaking up the situation when temptation strikes. Resting and trying to just do one things at a time.

It’s good to be able to talk about this in a safe space. One thing at a time.


Hey @Catinthehat,

It is the same for me. Because of my bad liver work, I’m not drinking. Rules and so on… :wink:

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@Dazercat Eric!!! A huge happy 29 months my friend! I was excited to congratulate you today as you have worked so incredibly hard to get here! Hugs Eric!!! Thanks for being an amazing friend and an amazing support on TS!


Good morning TS. I’m still in bed wishing I didn’t have to get out because it’s so comfy here. I kind of just want to vegg out, watch TV, or think. I am so proud of myself only because I remember what rock bottom looked like…however, I’m still dissatisfied with myself in other aspects. I struggle with impostor syndrome and in huge part, I’m shocked I haven’t gone more self destructive mode and relapsed a long time ago. I feel like I’m in the phase of my life where I’m finally starting to accept the new me. The changed me. I’m at the demarcation line of leaving behind old Lashay and embracing new Lashay. New Lashay comes with greater responsibility. Will I be consistent enough for it all to stick? Who knows.

Happy Friday.


Congratulations Brian on 40 days!!! Great work! Very proud of you!


Look at you go girl!!
Congratulations on your 5 months Wakikki
I’m so happy for you.


Congratulations on your 2 weeks.
This is HUGE!!
Great job.