Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Oh okay that’s good! Then you have that to look forward to. I hope you can get there soon

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Day 455! Never going back.


Day 18 and each day feels more “normal”…but still feeling antsy. Have a lot of new unexpected anxiety with work. Taking it a day at a time. Consuming incredible amounts of sparkling water :rofl:


Relaxing in the sunshine. Another sober break away racked up. 55 days strong today.


Happy 20th day without alcohol!


This is all for one college class lol

Traveling in the area of Trier and Idar Oberstein.
Planned to vistit Cochem as well.
Last year I had a hike holiday in the same area. So have seen some of it already. Did the Geierley bridge also and maybe we wanna walk that awesome bridge again!

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Day 160 af

I’m trying to incorporate some healthy eat habits and exercise and it’s been challenging. I guess I gave myself a break with ditching the booze and now I need to get those things back on track. I’m going to sign up for a half marathon this fall and start training next month.

I’m going to make a list of all of the things I want to do and just do them! I need to get my mind focused and on task. It’s so easy to take the path of least resistance, which isn’t always the best decisions. So it’s time to work!

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone! Stay strong peeps! :muscle:


Congratulations @Wakikki to your 5 months!

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1997 days, almost 2000. Have a good, sober Friday everyone! Here’s a photo from a few weeks ago, of the Jacaranda trees that we have in San Diego and a trolley-on-wheels.


What are you studying?

That sounds great! I hope your wound won’t come in the way.

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Good morning/evening fam.

Checking in @ day #35

I’m in Seattle this weekend for my daughters wedding (well take 2 full blown wedding lol)

Airports were a MAJOR trigger to pick up. I knew the bartender at Phils bbq ( saw him yesterday). I would have been lit before I even boarded.

Today I can say by the grace of God I chose to be sober minded. And I’ll be sober minded and present at my daughters wedding today. Yesterday at the rehearsal dinner I was getting compliments on how good I looked, (guess that poison really took a toll on my body :pensive:)

But I’m so much happier today. I saw this meme that I thought was beautiful:

“I thought I was just going to quit drinking. I ended up falling in love with living”

Have a wonderful and blessed day/eve fam :pray:t3:


Yeah they just called back. I’m leaving this Monday at 10 am


Amazing news. So glad you can go there Monday. How’s your motivation going? I mean you’re really going right? It helped me so much to get out of the situation for a while. Keep us posted and good luck. I’m really happy for you and relieved with this news


Yeah I’m definitely going. I honestly just want to get out of this house for a while and heal myself without any distractions. I’ll miss my girls terribly but they will have a happy refreshed daddy when he gets back.


That’s good news man, take care of you so you can take care of them. I’m pulling for you


I’m proud of you, Mike. And in the big picture you will be back and better before they know it.
You have all of TS standing behind you. :hugs:


Exactly! That’s a very good motivation. Proud of you for being so aware of why you want this and what you want to achieve


I have a business degree already but took this course as a refresher before starting my next employment role.

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