Checking in daily to maintain focus #48

Check in here everyday…
Be inspired!
And simply share if you get in trouble…
Here is always somebody online who can give you helpful support. You are not alone!

I was a lot in trouble, struggling, craving, emotional overwhelming… And this community really helped me stay sober until here… Day 67



Checking in. 39 days.


Congratulations on your 10 days Ben.
Great job :clap:


Haha. That’s awesome. Thank you very much. 2 week chip here I come!!!


Day 177

Doing good
Decorated the inside and outside of the house for Halloween; sober me can commandeer and make it happen for the kids, who were very happy. I never used to do it until the last minute, and only half-assed at most every year prior, so felt like another step forward in redemption progress. I’m excited for taking over the decorating for Christmas this year as well for the same reasons.
Years ago the house was decked out, my daughter’s been missing that for a long time and I’m giving her the best one yet this time. It’s gonna be an undertaking (we have 12 totes of xmas stuff :joy::flushed:) but it’s gonna be worth it for their faces when it’s done.

Getting into healthier sustainable mindsets and habits re: food, self-care and such, balancing things a little better every day. Exploring old baggage slowly and then letting go when i find the reasons for hanging on to those things for so long in the first place. It’ll take a lot of time but I have plenty.

Trying to care for myself for the reason that I’m worth it and i deserve it. Have to be patient and pour into myself to fill my own glass before i give to others.
Getting a haircut on Oct 4th, and septum pierced shortly thereafter. Excited about it, been wanting for a while.

Have a great day all and take care


Almost 2 days here.

Post 5pm is the hardest part of my day. That’s when I would go by the liquor store on my way home and buy two 100ml of Fireball and drink them on the way home.

I have the courage to be strong today.


Happy day two! I’m glad you’re not gonna stop on the way home today. Good job you. :clap::clap::clap::clap:


Nice to see you again. I’m at day 4


Cool job Ben!
Congratulations for this process :muscle:t2:

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Definitely Jan - that’s a fact!
Hope you will find your balance with this matter…

Don’t judge yourself too much, it’s a process! :v:t2:

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I’m surprised that no one else has responded. But I believe your gut instincts to be correct; that if sex is brought into the relationship before you’re ready, you’ll regret it.

I believe that God desires you

… to have a man committed to you. One that loves, respects, and cares for you more than he loves and cares for sex


Checking in
Day 224
Overall today has been decent. I got my son on the bus to school. Did a great upper body workout. Ran a couple errands, made some phone calls, nothing major. Feeling pretty good overall. I did try to change up my morning routine today. I actually did my 2 morning readings before my workout which was good! I am determined to stay on track this week with my eating and exercise and give it my all. Ive just been slacking and my focus as weakened. So i am going to change that. Have done well so far today and feel pretty good. Tmrws workout will be hard bcuz ill have to wake up and start exercising for 5am. My son has an early MRI at the childrens hospital and we need to be in the wheelchair cab for 645am. Thats a bright and early day! Just a routine MRI to make sure his brainstem tumor is stable. Praying for good results. I always get a bit nervous :sweat: Other than that, things have been improving with me and hubbys relationship. I have been making more of an effort to be affectionate and to not be cranky etc. It seems to be helping :slight_smile: Hope everyone is having an addiction free day!


Day 2 again :pensive:


Thank you. Glad you’re still here.


Day 646

Good day with a lot of sleep. Texted my HR contact that I would like to pick up some work. Feeling some room to do that under my conditions. It also gives me some push and satisfaction to finish up my home office. Therapies will continue alongside, but no more hiding. Feels good to start climbing back on my horse and more and more take the lead in my recovery. Last weeks I took more or less the child position, like please take care of me, some conversations with a nurse in a treatment center helped me change my mindset which I’m grateful for.

So no more :see_no_evil::


Congratulations on another day of sobriety 224 :+1:. Hope all goes well tomorrow. :full_moon_with_face:


Evening check-in

Work sucked, again.
Dopamine system is down the gutter again due to making the daft decision to watch YouTube shorts which literally always leads to a fucked up dopamine system.
I’m not going to be positive about my circumstances. Life isn’t always positive. And I should not instantly forgive myself when I fuck up.

I have to realize that I am important. I’ve got to stop ruining my wellbeing for some dopamine release.

Fucking hate these cravings. I’m so fucking close to giving in. But I won’t! I’ll just read a book until 6 am if it prevents me from giving in to YouTube.
Too bad if I’m late for work, my wellbeing is way more important.


Day 205

I found myself in a position to be a support person in 2 separate situations. I had to send a hard text message. Ill have to double down in a hard conversation.

I want to be worthy of this. My past claws at me and i dont know how I can be accountable and also move on with changed behavior.

But all of my problems have a common thread - fundamental loss of trust in myself.

One day at a time. No desire to drink or smoke. Grateful for that and my concurrent commitment to living in a clean safe environment.


Day 50

I didn’t know for the longest time exactly when my father died, so I’ve always used his birthday as a day of remembrance. He would’ve been 93 today if he was still here. The longer I live, the more I miss him. I’ve been feeling ungrounded and adrift lately. Anyway, nothing to report for now, I just needed to check in for my own sanity. Great sober afternoon to all!


Checking in on day 3 :game_die::game_die: