@Lorelai @Twizzlers thank you both, the iron method is the only thing I havent tried, bcuz I dont have an iron nor a hair dryer. The man is going to use an iron at first, so hopefully that will work then, it’s just that the stain is a very deep pink and my efforts to remove it may have made it permanent!
@ReeBee28 welcome congrats on both your AF days and 3 years of no drugs and good luck with your training for the new role
@Hotic congrats on 1400+ days
@sadmemequeen sending strength it does sound like you would benefit from prioritising your mental health and going to see your psychiatrist, get it out the way so you’ve got your meds. Fibro solidarity and congrats on 8 months and the promotion
@juli1 wow, I need some of your excess energy!
@Alisa thank you
@butterflymoonwoman wow, I’d be feeling used too if I had a friend like that. I can relate to wanting to maintain an only local friendship, but I had to cut ties with my only remaining friend a few weeks ago bcuz it was so toxic and all he ever wanted to do was drink alcohol and sit in pubs. You’ve got so much going on in your own life, you can’t be taking on other people’s responsibilities too.
@minatasha oh to not have thoughts! sending strength you’re doing better than you think
@KarenKW it’s great that you are taking action and listening to professional advice, I hope things start to improve for you very soon