Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

Jeez! 600 days! Well done!:tada::confetti_ball::tada::heavy_check_mark:


270, checking in.



Day 124

The day was going alright until 2 things happened:

I found a big puddle of water in our kitchen at work. Cleaned everything, tried to call a technician from our main office but had no luck. He has to fix that tomorrow or next week. So again: cleaning our dishes in the toilet sink :sob:

The second bad thing was our boss. She hates carnival. Okay. She now wants us to skip the carnival party at our main office on Feb. 14th because she doesn’t want to go there and wants to do surgeries instead :broken_heart:
I won’t write here what I thought when my coworker told me.
We won’t let that happen. We would be the ONLY ones working on that day for a full day.
Nope! Carnival is holy here and we’ll go to the party.

This happens when you never have fun, when you’re always grumpy and only see the bad in everything. Then you become bitter and an a**hole.

I hope you’re having a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


Congratulations to 11 months of soberness!:ok_hand:t2:


Does that also mean, that we won’t see your new costume? :confused: I don’t like your boss.

At first I thought you have to wash the dishes in the toilet, because I’ve ignored the “sink”.:person_facepalming:t3:


No, you guys will see my costume :relaxed: We will go there, I’m sure.
My office makes the appointments for the surgeries we do. We won’t give appointments to anyone for that day :smirk::wink:
Our boss can’t prove that. If she asks we’ll tell her that nobody wants to get an eye surgery on that day because our city will freak out on carnival :joy: Everyone who doesn’t like that stays at home that day.


Checking in day 151! Had my usual busy Thursday- gym, therapy, a meeting. Had lunch and cooked dinner, now a 12 hour shift at work :sweat_smile: On a positive note, I’m not looking at any more places. I’m between two great ones and put in an application for one (still talking about something with the landlord of the other first)- it’s nice to have options that feel good for me.

Wishing you all a beautiful sober day ahead :sunny:


congratulations :v::four_leaf_clover::dizzy::raised_hands:


Way to go on tackling another demon :slight_smile: i know u got this!


@SadMemeQueen huge congratulations on ur 11 months free from self harm! Glad to see you posting this!
@SassyBoomer im so glad to see you posting. Ur absolutely right in that our addictive thinking sneaks up on us in many ways. You ARE deserving and im so glad that u were able to get some help for the hearing aid. That im sure will help you to feel alot better overall. Please keep posting and push aside that urge to isolate :slight_smile: hugs my friend!


Checking in
Day 354
My day has gotten better as the day went on. My increase in meds just make me sooo groggy tho. But i know my body will eventually get used to it. I had crazy vivid dreams last night and soo little energy waking up, so i thought id just get my son on the bus and then head out to get some cupcake supplies and cards for my sons Valentines Day gift to the school. I normally work out right after he heads to school, but i had no energy for exercise… especially since it was leg day.
I did my shopping. Came home and then exercised. Had my protein shake and a light lunch. And now going to do some cleaning and some work on my self love workbook before he gets home.
And today, bcuz of all of this… i am learning to listen to my body and to be okay with NOT being so rigid with routine. I was initally kicking myself bcuz i didnt follow my usual routine this morning. Why routine is so engrained in my head… idk. But I switched things up today based on what i needed to do and how my body felt. It really felt so diff to not follow my usual routine. But it felt sooo good to listen to myself instead of beating myself up over what? And i got my workout in when my body felt ready for it :slight_smile: So, i want to keep at this way of thinking. I think i will be a happier person if im not forcing myself to follow a certain way every day. Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Day 601. Thanks for the well wishes, friends. Feeling pretty rubbish today. Got in a huge fight with my SO and feeling pretty cut adrift. I know this will pass, but I feel these big blunt emotions that I am just unable to articulate. I used to try to manage that with alcohol; now I have to learn how to do it another way.

Hope everyone finds some peace today. We need it.


Day 10

  • free from alcohol
  • being aware of toxic relationships
  • regular eating without drama

Work was challenging, professional and had positive vibes with my interim professional coworker.

Joyned the yoga class, we are upgraded to a intermediate level class now. That’s cool :woman_in_lotus_position:t2:

Weekend is near!
Safe home, bringing head sober on pillow.

Much love :blue_heart:


Day 26. Feeling okay in my sobriety. But really struggling with my depression. I’m feeling really frustrated with the medical team at the IOP. I don’t feel like I am being heard. The therapists are great and it’s been a big help for my sobriety and my anxiety, but my depression is no better. And the docs have done nothing to adjust my meds. I’m supposed to start back at work part time on Monday but I’m not really functional so not sure how that will work. Feeling fairly hopeless.



Cam, congrats on your massive milestones. Your never-ending determination and constant effort inspires me daily. I am so grateful you found your way back to us and are posting again. You were missed my friend.

I am soooooper doooooooper proud of you.

Lots of love.


@SassyBoomer Your post made my day. Thank you. I hope that hearing aide turns things around for you. Such an amazing person. So grateful for you and your service.


Checking in.

Last year about this time I started a new relationship, this year around this time I ended it.

Life will keep offering us the same lesson until we learn from it. I am grateful that I am of sane mind, that I am of present mind and that I love myself enough today to make this lesson count. I chose myself over drowning myself into a relationship where I would have been the “fixer” once again. What an empowering feeling to see the pattern surfacing and not feel stuck, not become fearful and not RUN. Instead I became curious and handed my will over to my Higher Power, asking for guidance on how to move forward. I KNEW that I did not know how to live in a healthy way in such a relationship, I knew I didnt know how to leave such a relationship in a healthy, kind way either. So I had faith that I would be guided. I practiced patience daily because things definitely didnt happen as quickly as I was used to or even wanted them to for that matter. It wasnt easy keeping my hands out of the mix and having complete trust in something untangible. All I could do was go day by day and eventually all the answers were there. Eventually everything fell into the places they were meant to be, when they were meant to be there.

If I hadnt been working a program of recovery for the last 3 years I can assure you none of the above would have happened. I wouldnt have known my patterns because I wouldnt have written them out when I did the steps. I would not have been practicing spiritual principles in my life like curiosity, patience, faith, and trust because I didnt know I could.
I would have just tried to fix someone when it isnt my job…

I believe in growth.
I believe in myself.
I believe in the 12 steps.


Day 72 :muscle: chilling playing dark souls 2

Happy sober Thursday everyone


Here’s a Panda playing in snow. This’ll make you feel better!
Panda snow