Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

Awww Dana hey girl. I think Ionic foot baths are a scam. Its nice seeing the gross results in the water “pulling out the toxins” but i did some research and its totally antidotal. I felt fucking crazy trying cryotherapy. I had a groupon for three sessions. You stand in your underwear in a pod thats -180f for 3 minutes. I almost didnt last the full 3 minutes the first time but i wanted the most outta my money so danced it out. I had elevated mood for the rest of the day. Its supposed to support anti inflammation and weight loss…i didnt see any results. Went to all 3 sessions tho.

Im a curious being so like to try new things.


Is this ur 6 months kevin? I feel like 180 days is 6 months!!! If sooo… big BIG congratulations :hugs:


The cryotherapy sounds intense! :hot_face: Its sort of fun to try new things tho. You never know if they will work unless u give them a go.


Also, i was wondering how are u sustaining ur motivation of a healthier lifestyle? I see u have like 95+ days living this way. Thats impressive!! I try to be consistent but its tough. My eating is the worst some days lol any tricks or advice? The selfie u took the other day on the selfie thread… you looked soo good and healthy and glowing.


Eyup fam,

It’s 12:30am in Australia. My plan for the rest of the day? I don’t have work in the evening today, only a uni class in the afternoon, so I’ll make today my uni day and focus on that. I plan to eat healthily, stay hydrated, exercise and clean up inbetween too.

Cravings are mediocre. Not intense nor non-existant. I’ve had to learn the hard way to redirect my attention and cut harmful thoughts off at their roots before they can manifest themselves to dangerous levels. Every day I’m engaging in an internal dialogue to remind and convince myself why I need to quit. Addictions are so deceitful, acting so harmless (in theoretical concept form) yet their tentacles interfere in and can literally destroy every aspect of life. I have to let go and move on, that much I 100% know. My life, success and happiness depend on me and my actions right here, right now… And will until my short time on this stage is up.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. We can do this… If achieving sobriety for weeks or months at a time has proven anything, it’s that it f*cking rocks! I am able and capable, and this life is a test. Can I? 100% yes.


Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Thru the 12 steps I realised sloth is a trait ive been wollowing in for years. Put 100lbs on drinking heavily and being sedentary.

Bought a $20 scale on amazon and it has a calorie tracking app. Googled how many calories i can eat and lose 50lbs in a year. Im sticking to 1350cal a day unless i do some serious exercising. Also not eating between 7pm and 7am (intermittent fasting). Ive also started using the Whisk recipe app and find new recipes that keep things interesting.

Im finally starting to feel more comfortable in my skin. And that keeps me motivated.


Checking in with 36 days AF. Had dinner at our neighbors tonight. They are big hunters, and had moose on the menu! I gave up 4-legged animals a year or so ago, so I stuck to salmon. But my husband said the smoked moose was pretty good! I recall them serving elk backstrap a couple years ago and it was the best thing I had ever tasted. Glad I only missed out on moose. They were all also sampling the local beers. I stuck with water and that was fine!
Now home with my stress relief tea and happy as can be.
Take care all!


90 days and it feels really damn good. And I got through a first therapy session this week. I’d forgotten how rewarding it is to actually work through hard things and make it happen.


It’s amazing on what intermittent fasting will do.


Have s good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

Yesterday felt like the first day of spring. Today is my last work day before my vacation. Things are looking up. Even when it will rain today. X


April 5th

The day the Seattle Music Scene died

Kurt Cobain was found dead in his garage in 1994

Layne Staley was found dead in his apartment 8 years Later dead in 2002

Kurt Suicide, Staley OD

Years later Chris Cornell took his life on May 18th

The people I admired the most killed themselves, and I was nearly one of them

My day would have been 06/19/2020, yet an unexplainable sequence of events, and a phone call from a stubborn bitch, who refused to back down till I got help stopped all that

That stubborn bitches name is Ashley, and till this day I am indebted in gratitude to her.


3 amazing artists who have helped shape my life


I feel this so much. I’m glad you’re here. :heartpulse:


And we are too! Thank you for hanging on, and thanks to her for helping you through!


A lot on my mind tonight.its after 2. I’m gonna try to turn in (again)
On to day 178 sober and I’m so grateful! I don’t want to think about where i would be if i were still using. Definitely not where I am now. At least not mentally/emotionally.

Have a good night/day y’all! Lots of love :two_hearts:


Seventh months of sobriety, let me share it with you and let me as well encourage to continue in this path of happiness that is the absence of booze.

Kind regards.


So, not a bad day today; which is nice.

It has been a bit of an odd day today, I have been creating some drawings on CAD and then rendering them into images for a report I am writing so there have been periods of intense work, followed my waiting…

I got stuck waiting for Amazon to deliver some parts I needed. Unfortunately they arrived too late for me to do anything with, so I will have an early start tomorrow and catch up.

So, I guess a quite normal day. Spencer is fine, so it has been normal, and I guess that normality could have lead to habitual behaviour almost without noticing. But when I stopped to pick up some beers to have with my evening meal, I stuck with my 0% Guiness. I am quite proud of myself for that.

Fortunately my sciatica seems to have settled down, I was a little sore when I first got out of bed, so had one pill then. I am going to have one more pill before bed, and hope that tomorrow morning there will be no need to have any pills going forward.

I must admit I am not feeling as bad as I expected, and I am grateful for that. I am a bit concerned about my weight, as over the last four months of drinking I have put on so much weight. But again, that is something to be looked at once I have got through these next few weeks…


Thought you might like to join us on here, we check in daily (ish) to keep focused!


#Day 1661 :walking_woman:
Quick check in. Off from work untill thuesday :confetti_ball:
Today: going to a triftshop and for a long walk.

Have a good day all :raising_hand_woman::cat:


Have a wonderful surprise vacation @SoberWalker … so cute the kitty in her new home. I love her.