Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

Congrats @Billy85 on 60 days!!


Checking in day 215! Still a bit sick, car wouldnā€™t start (towed it to the shop), and cramming to pack for a trip to visit my best friend before working 12 hours. Not the best start to the day, but Iā€™m feeling really grateful to be present for lifeā€™s stressors and not have the desire to drink. Really hoping I feel better before my flight tomorrow :grimacing: this head cold situation has been lingering over a week, but I do think itā€™s starting to lift.

Hoping for a calm night at work since last night was busy. Wishing you all a fantastic sober Friday and kickoff to the weekend! Whether youā€™re 1 day or 10 years sober, you can get through this weekend :sparkles::sparkles:


Day :one::two:

Going into Day 12 / into weekends / Holydays!

Letā€™s kickstart it the right way!

My preworkout - citruline / alanine / creatine / gaba / matcha :muscle:

LOL :sweat_smile: made my day


So checking in on day 5.

Still being good. Today I had to make a decision. I stopped at Aldi for some food, and they did not have any alcohol free Guinness, and I was struggling to find any alcohol free beer I thought I would like. So I was standing in front of the beer shelves and I knew I had to buy something.

But I did see a six pack of alcohol free pilsner, and managed to keep the bad voice at bayā€¦

I am really beginning to dislike that voice, it is a lying P.O.S.

It tried to tell me that as this site, and also AA rely on honesty, I could have whatever I wanted and no one would know. That is not like the conscious meā€¦ It is like listening to a completely different person. And it is a person I really donā€™t like. But the real me overpowered the little git and I am still 0%ABV :+1:


Taking the :steam_locomotive: to Berlin and bringing my :bike:. Five nights. Very nice city if I can trust my memories from 20 years back. With a bit of luck I might meet one or two TS folk too :sunglasses: :people_hugging:!
@Amy30 I had a nice hike from individual to group therapy today and listened to some birdsong for you.


I appreciate that the substitution is a temporary fix, but it is not so much that I am only drinking alcohol free beer. For the most part, I am drinking ribena, or zero sugar Fanta and Coke.

The time I drink the alcohol free beer is when I am eating. It does not change the flavour of the food as much as conventional soft drinksā€¦

I will find a better solution, but I had not planned to stop drinking. It was a spur of the moment thingā€¦ I decided last Saturday night, whilst under the influence of alcohol. Then I went to AA, then downloaded this app ā€¦

I am pleased that I managed to follow through on the urge once I woke upā€¦

But one day at a time is good for meā€¦


Sorry I mix those a lot, I ment Ardennes! :flushed::sweat_smile:


Thank you Dana. My 6 month mark is today actually. Day 182.


Yay, Iā€™m glad it works for you too!


93 days today! Thankful to be 31 today and sober! Played golf this morning and took the day off work, short batting practice this afternoon with my team and dinner with my family! Have a great weekend everyone!


Iā€™m the same with not wanting juice or soda with meals and I like the alcohol free pils from Lidl myself. Many people find alcohol free beers a trigger, and I avoided them in the first few months just to break the habit.


Day 35 alcohol free and day 10 smoke free. Still quite tired from the no smoking, but all good. The no drinking is going great. Have zero desire and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m over the 30 days which a therapist had said was a good stage to get to (to break a habit.). Iā€™m proud of myself as I cannot remember the last time Iā€™ve not either been drinking OR smoking. Itā€™s really exciting (which sounds bizarre!). Hope everyone is having a lovely long weekend if you have one where you are. Onwards and upwards šŸ©¶


Checking in on day 59.

Emotions are up and down over the job news but I have always been taken care of.

Have a great day everyone.


Weā€™re having an early Easter dinner tomorrow evening with some friends. This will be my second recent social gathering not drinking (not counting the many years I spent sober, so I know itā€™s not a big deal for me). Iā€™m pretty sure one person coming doesnā€™t drink at all but does enjoy some herb. I just prepared the meal to marinateā€¦ normally that would involve mandatory wineā€¦not this time :+1: Hope everyone is feeling at peace. Much love.


Day 40 AF
Today I am feeling proud. I watched a show last night and there was a character who was 70 days sober and him talking about his struggles and accomplishments really hit home with me. We can be given all the tools and information to become/remain sober, but ultimately it depends on US. Our willpower, our determination, our dreams, our strengths.
Peace to you all.


Checking in on day 1. Feeling scared, but also tired of waking up feeling like crap when I drink. And tired of how much time and thought I put into analyzing whether or not I have a problem with alcohol even on the days when Iā€™m not drinking it and not even in the mood for it. So letā€™s try something different.


Welcome, I wish you well on your AF journey.


Iā€™m excited about this:

Iā€™m treating myself to a pedicure tomorrow. Itā€™s been a long road to get here with countless day 1s. Things finally clicked this year. Iā€™m still struggling with depression, but my anxiety is better. And a lot less shame and self-loathing.

Itā€™s all about remembering that what ever the problem is, drinking will just make things worse.

Thanks for supporting me on this journey.


Day 5 and BBQd a tri tip


This makes me sooooo happy, Karen! You have fricken earned this, you have worked so hard and it paid off. Well done and congrats!