Checking in daily to maintain focus #55

It’s the weekend, and I’m pretty chuffed with my sober days today!
My son had an afl game last night, was nice to watch him with his friends, they won so they got to sing the club song.
I’m going to miss all of this when he’s all grown up. Parenting is so full on and it’s really tiring. I find I’m normally so stressed, it’s hard to slow down and remember that all this passes, and they won’t be little forever.
Grateful for my sobriety, so I can enjoy these moments now with a clear mind.
Have a great weekend friends, stay strong, take care of yourselves :people_hugging:


Day 258

I don’t feel like checking in, but I’ll check in anyway.
I feel lonely and empty today, kinda lost you know? It’s that time of the month when I get this depressing moodchanges. One more week and it’s hopefully over then.
Sometimes I hate being a woman for this hormonal storm some of us suffer from.
Not more to say today.

I hope you’re having a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle: :kissing_heart:


@PINKYP I do hope you enjoy meeting your friend tomorrow. If you have any doubt or feel the slightest bit uncomfortable then choose a different venue. Your sobriety is worth protecting.
@mno thankyou friend – feeling a bit better after a day of going slowly and taking it easy. Glad you had a great time at your party. So proud that you were able to reject that fleeting urge – what a healthy reminder that we have to keep our guards up and forever stay active in our recovery.
@zzz Congrats on your 1 week my friend. So thrilled for you and your new healthy attitude. Keep strong
@rockstar24777 thanks for sharing your vacation pics – how beautiful. Did you see any witchy stuff?
@amy30 so awesome that you were able to say the words out loud and take away the urges power.

I love this!
@BirdyP thank you for your hugs :people_hugging:
@starlight14 YES That is so flipping awesome!!! So thrilled for you my friend.
@nastya_is_fighting love those socks and a cute new friend. So glad that your mood improved today!
@Butterflymoonwoman Best of luck with finishing up the cupcake orders and hopefully regaining some energy throughout the day. Wow – how quick time is passing – your appointment is already here. I do think this will be super helpful for you. Wishing you well with dealing with your anxiety. Sending strength and comfort


@catmancam Thankyou my friend. WOW man you are doing great with your numbers. Sorry this one person is causing it hard for you to concentrate in your class – hopefully they will not be like this for each session and possibly you can request that everyone be muted during class except for when speaking – I know the administrator has the ability to mute all. Excited for you to get out and meet with family this weekend – I do hope it all goes well for you.
@wakikki I am so sorry that the urges for SH are so prominent today. It is scary when these feelings come up after long periods of time away. Glad you were able to resist
@Sabrina80 so sorry love - glad you did force yourself to check in anyways. Take care of yourself and I do hope the hormonal symptoms and physical symptoms don’t last too long.

Checking in Friday evening
Did not sleep more than an hour last night - it was a tough night and a very hard start to the day. I was able to sit down this afternoon to watch Fast and the Furious X and found that I fell asleep for 1/2 hour in the middle of the movie - It was not a lot but it did help. I am still in all sorts of pain and uncomfortable but the dark thoughts and negative feelings have finally gone away! :muscle: Baby steps but this in my opinion is the biggest step in the right direction (when my mental positivity shield is down then all bets are off). Have a wonderful Friday everyone – sending much love :heart:


Checking in day 13

Hi all that time again hope everybody is doing good today

Iam feeling great today moodwise and head is so clear no craving at all as of yet this week :slightly_smiling_face:

From what I saved of not buying drink and coc this week I got 3 new tattoos tonight just in the door now heading to bed to watch a bit of telly before iam back up for work in the morning :slightly_smiling_face:


OOOH - 3 new tattoos all in 1 week? SO cool! You should post them on the tattoo thread.
Share your tattoos (no triggers please :pray:t2:)

So glad that you are doing so well and 1 day from your 2 week milestone :muscle:


Checking in sober. It’ll be an early night tonight since I have an early flight tomorrow. My anxiety has been getting bad in the evenings. I think because life is very unsettled right now. But ODAAT.


Checking in
Day 488
Day has been… interesting. Lots of technology issues happening. Couldnt pay with my debit card bcuz of bank issues. Phone issues. Amazed me how much I rely on technology to function every day :unamused: So i baked and decorated cupcakes for my order tmrw. They turned out great! Very pleased with them. Did a gratitude list recently bcuz my mood started to decline. It usually does half way thru the day and i hate that bcuz then my husband has to listen to my grumpiness as soon as he gets home. I think the gratitude list helped tho. Im not AS grumpy right now lol Hope everyone is having a good day! Hugs TS fam!


Thanks jazzy

3 tattoos tonight getting the back of my 2 legs done so just made a start on both of them tonight will post pics on the tattoo thread tomorrow once there cleaned and that :slightly_smiling_face: but thse are a few ideas for one leg got two of these done tonight :slightly_smiling_face:



sorry - been out of hearts for a while — :heart:

I love it and can’t wait to see on thread tomorrow :slight_smile:
Do totally approve of Michael being one of em :wink:


Omg this is an epic mash up of characters. Sopranos, ghost busters, Michael myers and Harry Potter :sweat_smile: looking forward to seeing the tattoo!


Haha I just noticed the scream mask too, awesome


Evening of day 13

Hard working day
Got my first pay check yaaaay

It was only for 11hours because of my starting date but it was good motivation
I get paid every 2 weeks so the next one will be wayy better
I’m happy to have this and I have no desire to buy drugs or alcohol which makes it even more motivating

I spent so much money on stupid stuff for so long that I don’t even know what to do with it so I’m going to save

I’m taking a little break then back at it

Take care


Love the change in thinking about money. Thats huge! Imagine what healthy things u can do with ur paychecks now that ur on the sober path!


206 :muscle: chilling about to play Diablo 4 this hot :hot_face: weather is brutal haha

Pain not to bad today

Happy sober Saturday everyone


Doing awesome today :smile_cat:
About to mac down on some Chick-fil-A!


Wow @Catmama23 thanks for sharing this…

I needed to read this today


Checking in at 129 days sober. It’s Friday so I am thankful for the weekend. Had to stay a couple nights away from home this week for work. I took a picture of my traveling companions that help keep me out of trouble.


That is so cool, sorry to hear it got lost!


This game i actually enjoy. Never play anymore…i guess I could if i go turn the Xbox on :sweat_smile:

Hope you’ve been able to keep cool