Checking in daily to maintain focus #55

Good morning on day 246 :sun_with_face:

There is a lot to do for me today, a big box on my balcony I have to shred and throw in the container that is 10 minutes away. I’ll have to go several times :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Another laundry needs to be done, I want to cook and check my plants and the ants on my balcony.
Guess where I’m still at? In my bed :joy: I think I’m a sloth.


Checking in EXCITED I’m Southbound baby,to see Blake and my Madi. Oh and my daughter and son-in-law,yeh whatever. Totally relate @anon53116147. I am grateful for how your killin it. And proud of you. Much love boomeranged back toy you!!


Back to day 3 :disappointed:


@JazzyS you are the most supportive person in the whole app. May The Lord bless you. I guess everyone here loves you


That’s such good advice! I used to be seething with jealousy about other people’s accomplishments. I could spend hours scrolling the facebook or other socials and wondering " what does this bitch have that I don’t? Why is she so fucking successful while I’m here downing my wine and living paycheck to paycheck?"

I remember resenting a friend for years because she kept a job I helped her get, while they sacked me. But in reality, it wasn’t her fault I was shit at the work and got absolutely wasted during my first (and only!) shift.

Most of the time I kept my feelings to myself but it was eating me up inside.

Now… I no longer do the social media, but I learned to be genuinely happy for other people’s accomplishments. And when do chose to share them with me, I see it as a privilege to be able to share in their joy.

It took years of therapy, but like year or so ago, my best friend bought her first house while I was dealing with yet another one of my mental breakdowns. And when she told me, I put myself aside for a few minutes to share in her happiness and congratulate her.

Now that I’m sober, I’m nearly cured of jealousy. I’m content with where my life is going. Sure, I may not be as successful of financially stable as other people my age, but I still get to chose how (and where) I live my days.

Anyway, enough rambling.

Day 141.

Greetings from the magical sea view balcony.

These past few days have been exhausting. Most of June is looking pretty quiet, but this weekend I landed three big laborious projects. So aside from the dog walks and balcony coffee, I’m pretty much glued to my laptop making words come out of my brain.

So, of course my carpal tunnel flared up. And of course one editor is turning passive aggressive.

But fuck it, I’m here. I’m doing it. I’m not hangover. And the view is pretty stunning.


@soberwalker How lovely to have a late mothersday Saturday with you mom and a one on one with your daughter today.
@dmcg1987 That’s rough my friend. Whatever you decide I’m glad you are looking out for your recovery first. You can’t be any good to anyone else if you are not the best you. Do check out this thread Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict? . Also possibly attend some Al anon meetings if you two decide to stick together.

LOL – not a sloth just taking it easy on a lovely Sunday. I do hope you get it all done without stress – have a wonderful day!
@bomdhil Man I know it’s a rough road but do love how determination! Never stop quitting on yourself. Just think, even with all the slips your will and determination has so many clean days. Just keep at it and eventually with god’s will it will stick! We are all here for you my friend – Yeah to day 3

LOL – I love it – half the time the words come out jumbled from mine so you are killing it already! Are you able to get the little roller pad to put under your wrists while you type (maybe a rolled up towel might help) so that you aren’t stressing your wrists as much? :thinking:
Checking in Sunday morning …
I am able to start a little later today as I did get everything done last night (just need to make some sandwiches for our lunch)… I did not sleep much at all but feel like i’ve got this. In the past I would add something to my coffee to get me the jolt for the day but today the coffee is all i need :wink: I know it will all go super well - will check in at the end of the day if I don’t pass out first from exhaustion :rofl:
sending much love my sober friends :heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1,085. I hope everybody has a good one!


Great job on 6 days Nastya, you’re doing great. The support you offer everyone is fantastic, thanks so much :sparkling_heart:


She truly is so supportive. Love her.


21 days 14 hours going well, im hoping my doctors note and appointment etc will all go ok so i have the relevant documents for work, worrying about money and a new role but swear its to force me into a better position and frame of mind, feeling optimistic, have a good sunday folks! :grinning:


Day 2 and feeling tired but good!! Still trying to wrap my head around not drinking this summer and well into the future at all.


It wasn’t with my mom but with my children, I was the mom! :sweat_smile:


Welcome to the community and congrats on 2 days. Do yourself a favor and don’t worry about tomorrow or the summer or forever, that’s the quickest way to a relapse. Just concentrate on going to bed sober, just for today.


Welcome and we’re glad you’re here!! Just take it one day at a time. If you’re serious about recovery, I recommend getting some “quit lit” (‘This Naked Mind’ is a good one to start) and joining a recovery community. The purpose for the latter is that we cannot overcome addiction on our own or through sheer willpower or reasoning; connection with other addicts is so important and has been the only thing that saved me from multiple potential relapses.


Checking in sober. Depression is a monster. Been crying a lot this morning. I don’t remember a time when even basic things weren’t a major struggle. I’ve been in survival mode so long it’s all I know. And it’s exhausting.


Good morning. Day 11 it felt good to do some tattoos last night. My girls had a birthday party last night and had a sleep over, my oldest broke her pinky when her sister was coming down a slide. It kind of just made me sad a little bc I wasn’t there to comfort her, but my mom said she was super tough about it. Thursday I believe I’ll be off orientation and then I’ll be able to go for a nice bike ride or something. Yeah much love everyone


Thank you Brian, that is all really helpful. She just loves playing sport so maybe something more individual would help her. The football season is over in a couple of weeks so she should have time to just enjoy kickabouts and the fun side for a while. It goes up a level in September (9aside, off side etc.) and she starts secondary school so building in other things now may help. Thank you so much.


Second check in on day 246

It was a good day, I was able to do more than I thought I’d be able to do, but with a lot of breaks in-between.
The exhaustion I feel maybe is cycle related. Yay for being a woman…again…

Now I’m on my couch relaxing. I made potatoe salad and had a plate of it already :drooling_face::+1:
It will be better tomorrow but I couldn’t wait.

The laundry should be dry soon, this really is the best about summer: laundry is done super fast :joy:

I’m watching a UFO documentary now and will be in bed early today.

I hope you’re having a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


I was outside with my boyfriend. I buyed for him hot chocolate drink - he was so excited about it, like little kid with light hooe in a heart. It was so beautiful to look on that. :two_hearts:
Prague looks wonderful today. Sun is shining. What a beautiful day, guys. :sunny:


I know,right? @JazzyS is incredibly supportive and caring. I am sure everyone loves her. Congratulations on three days @Bomdhil. Try to be kind to yourself. Wish you well.