Checking in daily to maintain focus #55

Then the garlands has to wait for a few days…:sunglasses:


I’ve been home a little while. Have been in bed laying down waiting for my legs to stop hurting enough to get comfortable to sleep.
I worked 12 hours no break today because my shifts were split into 3 separate shifts. 11-4, 4-8, 8-11(between multiple locations) and i wasn’t owed a break on any shift. So my body is sore.
But i am grateful for today. I am sober another day. My kids are safe. And I am slowly, but steadily moving on from my relationship. It ended hard and fast, and I believe that is what was needed…even though it was so hard. I still have hard moments, but overall it’s getting better.

I am 232 days sober.
And 149 days self harm free

Work in 9 hours but thankfully only an 8 hour shift tomorrow and I get a break.

I hope everyone had a good day! :people_hugging::heart:


Day 241

Feels like Monday :weary: It’s cold, way too early and I’m tired. Happy to see my friend coffee at work.

One coworker already called in sick, every week someone else. But I can’t blame them, it’s the stress, and this one did quit already so could be she won’t come back at all.

If the weather is nice I’ll walk home after work again :smiling_face: That’s my meditation by day.

I hope you’re having a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


I’m so happy for you, hope you have a great first day :sparkling_heart:


Checking in on day 436. It’s another lovely day here. Only a 6hr day at work today so I’ll go for a walk after.


Ckecking in Day 324 AF

Enjoying my last days of my holiday. It was my first sober holiday and in comparing to other holidays I am looking forward to go back to work. I am getting close to 11 months of sobriety, I still discover new positive things from not drinking anymore every day. And going back to work well rested is one of them!

I am so grateful that I finally discovered that there are many things in this world that can give me Energy, Love, Resilience, Perseverance, Empathy, Perspective and most of all inner peace, and alcohol en drugs are not one of them!

Have a amazing sober day my friends!

:blue_heart: :v: :pray:


Checking in sober on day 50 :pray:t2:


Update- my counselling session was good. I was really nervous and definitely teary but I have some hope :sun_with_face:


1.34AM on my 15th sober day, though though but feeling helthier by the day


1 day clean from self-harm.

My cuts are itching a lot for now, which is only good for me, because it means I take good care for them. Not sure how long they will take time to finally become into scars, but nevermind. I’m not going anywhere outside this week so no one can’t see them (I’m sick so I stayed at home for whole week).
After yesterday I feel like I have 0 emotions honestly. I had 12 hours full of anxiety attacks, so maybe because of that I now just don’t feel anything…
But I’m really glad my boyfriend was with me all this time. I don’t know what I would do without him. :pray:t2::heart: He just listened me and calmed me down without any phrases which would hurt me somehow. I didn’t have anyone like this for long time - I was fighting with my shits alone. Now I have him and life seems a bit easier because I know I’m not that alone and someone loves me, no matter how much I am fucked up.
And this is amazing feeling. It feels like a home. It is a home. He’s my little home, where I can tell him anything and he will be happy with me when I’m happy or he will be with me in hard times.
I’m really glad I met him and I can as well help him with his stuff and listen to his beautiful soul full of stories.
I as well got yesterday at shower an idea for my new book. Or well, not book, but more like quotes, you know. So I will start work on it today.

I hope everyone are okay. If something, my dms are always open and I will be glad to someone talk or listen to. You’re not alone. :blush::heart:


Day 0

Wanted to start checking in again anyway.
Please don’t judge.
Phase of daily relapses.
Killed bottle of wine every few days.
Checking in to stay sober.
Yes, I got some tools :heartpulse:

Trying daily “no deficit me” point of view, an aspect I heard about in a german sobriety Podcast “Sodaklub”.

How would you create your day, if you are already fixed…?
If you don’t plan your activities in the aspect of balancing out a deficit. If you are your version of “no deficit me”.

This is a very intense energy to me.

Love :blue_heart:


Morning everyone (at least, morning here in Canada), checking in at 1 month, 4 days. I’ve been pushing myself very hard at work and I’m feeling a little burnt out. I’m feeling the need to reach out and connect. This morning I woke up and my mind was wandering in addiction thinking and that is always a sign that I need to “grease the wheel” of my recovery. I haven’t journaled for my stepwork in a few days so I’m sure that contributed.

Thinking of you guys and I’m always grateful for this community. I couldn’t do it without this space to share and connect.


No, i do not attend any meetings, i would like to. Also, no i dont have a sponsor. Im new to all of this so idk how i would go about getting into any meetings or getting a sponsor? I thought the only way to have a sponsor was if you had done sometime in a rehab? I might not have my information correct as i am so new to all of this. Any advice/suggestions would be gratefully appreciated. Im from Dyersburg, Tennessee in the united states.
Day #6 clean and sober. Feeling more accomplished today. Thank you so much. :heartbeat:


You can find a meeting by searching here:

Just show up and listen, maybe share a bit about what brought you there. I’ve been to many meetings for my addiction and I always find the people understand. Everyone’s there for the same reason.


Thank you, im going to look into some meetings to get into as soon as one day this week. I think meetings would really be beneficial to me especially with all the different emotions and triggers ive been experiencing. Thanks so much for the awesome advice.


Day 197.

I stopped working in January. The daily routine that most people take for granted is too much for me with PTSD. I don’t do real world very well.

But everyday I get up and do my physio, I’ve walked Willow for 1.5 hrs, and I’ll be out with her again later. I keep busy, feel less stressed and feel I’m living in a world that doesn’t need to be soaked in booze to be manageable :slightly_smiling_face:


90 days! A milestone and I’ll be back in 10 days to celebrate triple digits. Yesterday was my 11 years cancer free so it just feels right. I’m gonna go into nature later and sit by a lake


day 253 AF

Do the Mahi(work), get the treats!
Common saying here in NZ and today was treat day for me as my new pair of Jordans turned up!

Being in active addiction id always pine over the bros collection and clothes, now im sober I got that spare money to save an play with!

Coming up to another long weekend, looking forward to some down time from work and chilling at home!

Much love Sober Whanau


Good morning TS family. Had a bit of broken sleep, and I am up for the day. Hope you all have an addiction free day :heart:


Its great that you are here and checking in and being active on the threads.

Check out Meetings in Dyersburg TN. Possibly check out a 24 hour online meeting …you dont have to turn on your camera till you are ready and alao speak when you feel comfortable.
You can look for a sponsor at these meetings. Find someone that you can feel comfortable talking. From listening to others ive realuzed you need to make sure to ask how often this person will be available (can you call him/her late at night or on weekends). It may take time to click with the right sponsor but dont give up hope.
So glad to ser you working on your sobriety.