Checking in daily to maintain focus #55

It wasn’t with my mom but with my children, I was the mom! :sweat_smile:


Welcome to the community and congrats on 2 days. Do yourself a favor and don’t worry about tomorrow or the summer or forever, that’s the quickest way to a relapse. Just concentrate on going to bed sober, just for today.


Welcome and we’re glad you’re here!! Just take it one day at a time. If you’re serious about recovery, I recommend getting some “quit lit” (‘This Naked Mind’ is a good one to start) and joining a recovery community. The purpose for the latter is that we cannot overcome addiction on our own or through sheer willpower or reasoning; connection with other addicts is so important and has been the only thing that saved me from multiple potential relapses.


Checking in sober. Depression is a monster. Been crying a lot this morning. I don’t remember a time when even basic things weren’t a major struggle. I’ve been in survival mode so long it’s all I know. And it’s exhausting.


Good morning. Day 11 it felt good to do some tattoos last night. My girls had a birthday party last night and had a sleep over, my oldest broke her pinky when her sister was coming down a slide. It kind of just made me sad a little bc I wasn’t there to comfort her, but my mom said she was super tough about it. Thursday I believe I’ll be off orientation and then I’ll be able to go for a nice bike ride or something. Yeah much love everyone


Thank you Brian, that is all really helpful. She just loves playing sport so maybe something more individual would help her. The football season is over in a couple of weeks so she should have time to just enjoy kickabouts and the fun side for a while. It goes up a level in September (9aside, off side etc.) and she starts secondary school so building in other things now may help. Thank you so much.


Second check in on day 246

It was a good day, I was able to do more than I thought I’d be able to do, but with a lot of breaks in-between.
The exhaustion I feel maybe is cycle related. Yay for being a woman…again…

Now I’m on my couch relaxing. I made potatoe salad and had a plate of it already :drooling_face::+1:
It will be better tomorrow but I couldn’t wait.

The laundry should be dry soon, this really is the best about summer: laundry is done super fast :joy:

I’m watching a UFO documentary now and will be in bed early today.

I hope you’re having a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


I was outside with my boyfriend. I buyed for him hot chocolate drink - he was so excited about it, like little kid with light hooe in a heart. It was so beautiful to look on that. :two_hearts:
Prague looks wonderful today. Sun is shining. What a beautiful day, guys. :sunny:


I know,right? @JazzyS is incredibly supportive and caring. I am sure everyone loves her. Congratulations on three days @Bomdhil. Try to be kind to yourself. Wish you well.


Gorgeous pic Nastya.
Prague :thinking: Love to see more pics of that.
Great way to spend a Sunday.


Thank you! :sunny::heart:


Welcome Kristi.
Congratulations on day 2.
Fat drunk and hungover was no way for me to enter my bronze years. I’m enjoying 3 plus years of sobriety because I’m very active here with this excellent sober community.
I’m glad you found us.
If you need anything, just ask. The lights are always on around here.


Lovely. Thank you for sharing. I would love to visit Prague. One of my friends was talking about it just yesterday.


The voice telling me to fold is a little stronger today… There’s zero chance it wins, but it’s definitely there… As always when I quit I self isolate… And before anyone says that’s bad, for me, it’s necessary… During these 3 days, I get extremely ridden with anxiety… To the point that if I were to have to talk to anyone face to face it’d be a nightmare and awkward AF… I usually use having to go to work as the reason I must take vicodin to just be able to face the day… I work for myself, so I took Monday off to get a solid 3 days in… That first day back out in the world is always the hardest… I did it last time before the relapse, I WILL do it again…


@Butterflymoonwoman I know right, so refreshing! :raised_hands:t2:
@JazzyS thank you, 🩵 I think it did, because I feel okay today :blush:
@SoberMedic welcome :blush:
@Mno thank you, I got through it until 5am, so pleased that it’s stuck to me today, it’s made a world of difference. I’d called your progress hugem, admirably so! Proud of you. 🩵
@SoberWalker thank you 🩵 I hope so too :blush:
@Bomdhil welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Kelwooo congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@KristiVee welcome :blush: congrats on day 2 :tada:

1028 days no alcohol.
493 days no cocaine.
8 days no vape.
6 days no binge-eating.

The second day in a row of sunshine has helped to lift the depression, it hasn’t suffocated me today. I have felt so free doing my walks in shorts and a vest, that is, until I was nearly home and caught a glimpse of the horror that is my reflection. Working on it.

The urges for a vape have been minimal today bcuz the patch I applied at 5am has stayed on :raised_hands:t2: they are 16hr ones so it’s running out now but I’ll cope.

I have had a lot of food cravings today, but haven’t given in, I’ve heard it all before, too many times, so I just hope I can stay strong and keep resisting.

I’ve spent most of the day catching up/binge-watching all the BGT semi-finals. The final is on tonight but I’ve still got Friday night’s semi-final to watch before I can watch that, so maybe tomorrow after the appointment I am dreading.

Tomorrow I have my appointment with the Adult Social Care team, to discuss/plan, the support they can give me to get me involved with groups in the community. I’ve looked on the website and there are a few that I like the sound of, I just can’t imagine myself talking/connecting with anyone, or making friends. I also know from experience that for my whole life, being around other people, fills my head with evil voices and ultimately makes me feel suicidal, so I will tell this in the appointment, and see what they say.

I hope you’ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Checking in on end of day 7. 1 week.


Congratulations on your first week Julia.


Congrats @Sunshine-girl

This is such an inspiring community to be a part of :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


End of day 90, that went kinda quick. Not sure how I’m feeling about it. I expected it to be more of a celebration. But it just happened without me realising it until late afternoon. I was so busy today. Now I’m in bed with a pounding headache, not looking forward to Monday morning.


Good effort. Don’t worry about how you feel. You’re doing well.