Checking in daily to maintain focus #55

This game i actually enjoy. Never play anymore…i guess I could if i go turn the Xbox on :sweat_smile:

Hope you’ve been able to keep cool


Checking in with 1,356 days of recovery. :rainbow:🩵

I’ve had a headache all day. Feeling annoyed & scared. Thank goodness for TS; The one place I look forward to coming daily. :people_hugging:


Nastya, you’re so kind to animals & I love that. 🩵 Just be careful. That’s a Flesh Fly & they are attracted to poop & rotten flesh. They carry pathogens that could infect you & lead to disease. I’m so sorry, I’m not trying to shame you or scare you. Just wanted to warn you to wash your hands after this little guy hangs out with you. :slightly_smiling_face: I have a soft spot for bugs too.


250 substance free
167 self harm free
62 not restricting food
2 nicotine free

Today i took my little one to a check up, then to my big kids school (there was an optional fun day, and big kids decided to opt out) and she played in the kindergarten classrooms, jumped on the bounce castle, the inflated obstacle course, the playground, and didn’t want to leave.
At the doctor’s they were asking what school will she go to? And there aren’t any near me that have a program for her…so i am still looking. The doctor pulled up her own google and searched…to show me a place and i hit “directions” and it showed an almost 3 hour drive each way :sweat_smile:
It’s almost as if I had already checked these things :joy:
But to her credit, I have never seen a doctor attempt to find a school for me before. And if i assume good intentions, she was trying to help.

It does kind of suck that finding an education that is safe and she will enjoy is so hard to find near me. But I may have to do some kind of online or homeschool stuff… I do hope i can find something, because she wants to go to school…

We were out from 830-2

Then off to work i went. From 215 to 930.
Not a very long shift at all. It’s two hours later and I’ve taken the kids to the store to pick out their snacks, and eaten a dragon fruit for dinner.

I do have to get up again at 7 so i hope i get to sleep soon.

@Butterflymoonwoman im sorry you had a rough time with technology today! It seems like sometimes it all just breaks down around us doesn’t it :weary: sending :people_hugging::heart:

@JazzyS I am glad you’re doing better mentally. I hope physically you’ll be in less pain soon too! I hope you are able to rest up this weekend :people_hugging::heart::sleeping:


Day 5 and it’s Friday night here. Got myself some taco bell and trying a new show! Woohoo lol


day 271 AF

Just before we left this morning we got some bad news a friend of ours lost his life in a car accident yesterday.

But we made it after quite a nice 3 hours or so on the road.

This lake Tekapo in the South Island of Aotearoa/New Zealand with the Southern Alps in the background.


Thank you a lot. :heart: Also don’t worry, I washed my hands (I’m used that after being outside I always wash hands). :smiling_face:


19 days being clean from self-harm.

Morning check in.

Surprisingly I woke up a bit early, so I will read book and sleep again, hah! In to do list I have written to clean house, so I will after sleeping do it. :smile_cat:
I’m feeling fine after whole Thursday and Friday morning, so yay! :two_hearts:

I hope everyone are okay. :pray:t2::heart:


Have as good a day as you can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

Had a good session at group therapy yesterday. No big aha moment or dramatic stuff happening. But some good insights gained, and snapshots from inside my head and body to take away from it. Also not totally exhausted after, like it always used to be for the first two years or so.

Went on a date later. My second one in about ten years actually. Interesting guy and will meet again but no instant fire was ignited. Will see. For now it’s my weekend and it’s warm. Today I will do nothing, or nothing much anyway. Recoup. Breath. Drink ginger lemonade. Make salad. Have a good one all. Love from my balcony X


Day 259

The headache is back :pensive: Damn body sometimes you have a strange humor, really…
Going to the pharmacy and the grocery store before it gets too hot, laundry and cleaning day ahead. I hope I can manage some of those tasks today as soon as the meds kick in.
I didn’t drink enough water yesterday and was laying too much. Meh.

Mood is a little better today, I’ll see how that evolves through the day.
Now that I understand why I feel like this and what the reason is, I don’t feel the need to numb it with alcohol. I know it passes. It may last some days and is very annoying yes, but it will pass.
I’m safe :smiling_face: Grumpy and sad, but safe.

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


Checking in Day 342 AF.

Have a great sober weekend my friends!



Hey all, checking in on day 1,098. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hi, havent checked in for a while…442 days AF :blush:


Day 910,

Feeling some change, but can not really explain. Still a lot avoidance. Contact via mail with my therapist yesterday, she is discussing my situation with her colleagues. Also the feedback of the center were I had my trauma therapy will be incorporated. Still a lot avoidance, but walk with friend went fine yesterday. Today a friend comes for diner, so crawling a bit out of my isolation. So the fear anxiety is there again, the fear of rejection and that I’m not good enough as I label it now. Did also some step 4 work this week, it’s hard work, but maybe that’s what I feel.


Day 9 / 10 this evening

Checking in

Doing some house cleaning, laundry…
And resting in between.
The inflamation gets better, the medicine is working, still a bit weak. Need to go on resting and eating healthy food, drinking a lot to realy recover from all this. (it needs 3 months after covid she said…) It’s hard to accept I am not this strong superwoman. I try.

Counting days to get back to the pool! :swimming_woman:t2::blue_heart::sweat_smile:

Fine with not drinking today.


Morning ts fam, Checking in, gonna be beautiful weather here in the NE part of the states so will be outside enjoying the sun today. Have a great day guys. :v::green_heart:


Not all heroes where capes Julia. :stuck_out_tongue:. You’re doing great. Feel better soon. :+1:


Day 215

Walked into town and back to get a ‘paper. Stopped for coffee and a brownie. Just smelling the roses and staying happy. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thx. There were several others…Owen Nolan, Jeremy Roenick, Jari Kurri, etc. 80s/90s NHL.

I left a box or two of things in my Dad’s basement, I have some hope they are in there but I’m 99% sure they were shipped with the rest of my things but didn’t make it.

I have thousamds of sports cards, mostly 90s basketball, stashed away somewhere too.


But you are girl :wink:
Proud of you for 9, almost 10 days of sobriety.