Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Interesting concept @HoofHearted


Check in day 7. Dangerously close to double digits. Iā€™ll just count hrs and start again after 24. Donā€™t care what # the day isā€¦ :v:peace


So sorry Dan - i do hope it gets better for you and the dreadful feelings wilt away! :people_hugging:

I do think you are right that we can feel shitty and miserable and in turn manifest situations / events around us that feed our state. Itā€™s like the energy we put out is the energy we will get back so to speak.

When we realize this, its not so easy to just snap out of the funk and start manifesting good energy but it is possible imo. A few way to manifest positive energy - besides surrounding yourself with laughter and happy images / thoughts

  • Embrace kindness
  • Practice gratitude
  • Love yourself
  • Develop your inner strength
  • Include desirable habits in your daily routine
  • Consciously subscribe to positive content
  • Visualize the life you want to have
  • Search for silver linings in the darkest of clouds

Lol i know i love this community too, i figured either saying keyboard or putting my profile picture with my two girls would help people know its me.


@amy30 oh man that totally blows. I do hope that you feel like better very soon. Glad that you were able to check out the medieval festival.
@wakikki LOL ā€“ yup, I definitely get that. My mind is usually racing a 100 miles per min. I have found the more time I dedicate to peaceful meditation the more quiet my mind gets for longer periods of time. It has not gotten to the point of pure silent bliss yet but every day I make progress. Wishing you luck with your relaxation
@sabrina80 oh wow love that is amazing ā€“ love that you are feeling so good with only just having taken Ā½ the supplement. So happy that you are starting to feel like you again.
@binx missed your check in today love ā€“ hope you and fam are well.
@catmancam my goodness it sucks that your leg is still in such pain (to be even worse today really bites) ā€“ you have been dealing with this for almost a week now. Are you sure its just a pull / sprain from your yoga last week? If the hot water bottle and ice block donā€™t help maybe you need to have it looked at? I do hope it heals so that you can get back to your walks.
@englishd ooh ā€“ they are adorable. How much fun!
@sadmemequeen So thrilled to hear that you canā€™t imagine self harm ā€“ this is huge and I love it! I love the tattoos ā€“ hope that they heal quickly so that you can start feeling better. So happy to see you being hopeful. :heart:
@BT824 bt824 Well done with your 1 week of sobriety my friend. Yes ā€“ double digits is the next milestone ā€“ so very close! Loving the attitude ā€“ keep up the hard work.

Checking in on Monday night
229 free of alcohol and weed
644 free of cigarettes
It was a very productive Monday. I am impressed that i did i was too antsy to do meditation or stretching but was well enough to walk around the neighborhood (very slowly but i got it done). The fresh air did help my headache. It keeps coming and going all day - started when my renter accidentally blew smoke in my face when i went to pick up rent check ā€“ was standing too close and the wind shifted just right). I did manage to do some computer work as well and am so close to catching up - hopefully all complete by tomorrow morning and then i have to set a schedule to not allow myself to get so far behind. All these numbers are not making my headache any easier to manage (LOL). I am hopefully going to get to sleep at a decent hour tonight (iā€™m impressed that with 3 hours sleep last night i did not need a nap today).


Day 37

Mood kinda all over the place today. Iā€™m definitely feeling a bit overly sensitive. Itā€™s day 3 of my new meds. Itā€™s probably a combination of early sobriety, meds, hormones, lifeā€¦

My boyfriend is being kinda irritating. I made us chili for dinners the next couple nights, and he just gave a bunch to his friend without asking. Argh! Now Iā€™m kinda pissed at him. Oh well. I canā€™t be in a great mood all the time.

Iā€™m going to bed early and starting fresh tomorrow.



Day 0

:roll_eyes:ā€¦ I was weak and drank yesterday.
I donā€™t even know why.
Just thought it would be funny and did it.
How many rounds does it take???

Maybe I realy canā€™t do it aloneā€¦
But I was so triggered to drink in my individual group. So I am afraid of groups and donā€™t want to joyn.


Yay me too, it was a glimpse of normality yesterday. Took the rest before bed and didnā€™t wake up at night as I use to.
The next days will show how I respond to this.
I didnā€™t sleep enough tho last night :smiling_face_with_tear: Time will tell.
But Iā€™m not that tired and achy this morning as usual.


Yes, maybe.
How many different options did you already try? Did you talk with a Dr. about how hard it is for you to stop?


A week sober! Hurray.

Have a thumping headache this morning though, so bad that when i woke up there was a split second where i assumed i drank last night


Some online meetingsā€¦
I wasnā€™t able to speak at all. Anxious. Blockade.
And the individual group therapy.

ANY doctor I told about it, didnā€™t take it serious at all :roll_eyes:

Of cause, I could try some more ways. Right now, all topics of my life seam difficult, I am absolutly downā€¦ Itā€™s the drinking yesterday, that changes my thinking, pms kicking in additionaly.


I get so anxious speaking at meetings too, even online ones. Its something im working on as i find i engage.more if i speak at some point


Day 13. I had a good weekend but woke this morning feeling unsettled. Strange dreams last night. Not scary or relapse dreams just a bit odd. Likely chemical balancing going on up there or something. Need to maintain focus on keeping the anxiety at bay or to a minimum. That will destroy me if it takes hold again.
I trained over the weekend, just a little bit itā€™s reforming the habit. Iā€™ll continue this week.
Need a little something today and not sure what it isā€¦ Exercise, more sleep, clean foodā€¦ Should get all 3 really. Iā€™ll try.
Hereā€™s to another 24 :pray:


I understand this. I have a hard time trusting and putting myself out there for friendships too. Is there a way you can add tools into your sober toolkit without crossing too far out of your comfort zone. Maybe virtual meetings? Keep trying. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Sorry to hear youā€™ve been feeling unwell Jaz X Donā€™t forget to keep hydrated. The smoke thing is real, I get bad headaches from cigar smoke in particular. I hope you feel better soon my lovely x

All okay with family, except my eldest as you know. I donā€™t know when we will see results of the biopsies. The weekend was a bank holiday weekend here, and I had my brother staying over for it. Heā€™s kept me really busy, heā€™s one of these people that canā€™t keep still and always wants to be doing something (or you feel guilty for boring your guest). He lives in Dublin and thereā€™s tonnes of stuff for him to do there, whereas I live in the countryside. Life is a lot slower here, which is just how I like it! :national_park::tractor::woman_farmer::pig::cow::goat::rooster:

My brother thinks because I donā€™t drink that I have turned into a nun. I told him he could have a glass of wine if he wanted to, but I was happy with my tea. Itā€™s weird how people feel so uncomfortable around you if you donā€™t drink. Heā€™s normally a good guy, I just felt he was being a little petulant about me not drinking, it didnā€™t make me feel great to be honest. I love my brother, but Iā€™m glad to have my safe space back to myself again :grimacing:

Anyway, better late than never! :seedling::deciduous_tree:


Day 45!
Lots of rain here in Cornwall.

Working from home, aiming to work 8-3 today and get to rhe gym, which feels ridiculously difficult even tho its just opposite where i live

All on a bit of a go slow this morning (7
25am) busy time of year (tourist season)

Planning a trip north for October and then February next yearā€¦

Have a good day folks.


Iā€™m here Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 27.

Itā€™s raining. Like everyday this summer.

Except for that, nothing to report.


Day :two::five: :seedling::seedling::sunny::seedling:

Inspector Sobriety :expressionless:


:cupcake: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :no_entry_sign: Day 4
:no_smoking: :zero: :zero: :nine:


Day 120 checking in sober


@RosaCanDo thank you for your answer. Iā€™m sorry you are suffering from migraine as well. Itā€™s so much worse then a ā€œnormalā€ headache.
I was in calm waters for a long time so I thought I grew over it :face_with_peeking_eye: Thought my menopauze helped me over it.
Still not feeling well.
Hope your doctor has something for you that helps :pray: