Checking in daily to maintain focus #59


Tired…yay! Decent day at work. Got sushi and had cake with my mom for her birthday. Played a game with the fam. Ready to go to sleep early. I’m psyched. Goodnight :blue_heart:


Day 24:

Following @Just_Laura and trying to get to bed earlier than usual tonight! Need that sleep!

Another good day where I’m just grateful to be sober. Work didn’t start very well. I had to let a guy go that we’ve been doing everything we can to help out. He’s been going through a lot, mostly self inflicted, but he’s not been showing up, disappearing in the middle of the day, not getting work done and the last straw was he’s been using the company credit card for personal expenses. Let’s just say it didn’t go well. Sad.

But after that the day went pretty smooth. Off early enough to get in one of my favorite hikes in the mountains by my house up to this suspension bridge. A storm was rolling in, crisp fall air, the smell of rain and beautiful fall colors was the perfect setting.

Night at home by myself. Made some mashed cauliflower and grilled up a nice rib eye. Delicious dinner while watching the football game. Just got everything cleaned up and headed to bed.

Sweet dreams sober friends!



I’m awake hours before I have to. Hm. Individual therapy coming up later this morning. For now let’s try and do something useful with my time. Like drink coffee. Play some music. And hang around here for a bit, read and write and interact some. My online home. I’d never had made it this far without this place and all you here. My gratitude is greater than I ever can express in words. This place, you all, saved my life. Forever in my :heart:.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam in autumn.

@amy You need you to stay sober. Good days and (very) bad ones. And you are. Big hugs friend. Sorry for your loss.


Amy I am very sorry for your loss!
You are wonderful and you are needed!
Sending love. :heart:



Checking in.


Checking in on day 348.

Just need to get today out of the way and I can enjoy the weekend having completed week 01 in my new job

Have a great Friday everyone.


Im new and so far getting there. Im on Day 3 the hardest yet I feel but keeping really busy. So just checking in. Well done everyone :clap:


Morning all, checking in Day 29.

Slept well but was quite shocked it was morning. Think without the wine I am naturally staying up later, but then the sleep is so much more restful. I really need this coffee though.

Still excited for my half day that I had forgotten about :grin: This time last week the weekend and cravings hit hard so I am on my guard, but so far so good.

Have a great day everyone


Hi Cindy, congratulations on Day 3 and welcome. Day 3 was hard for me too but if you persevere through that then it was the turning point for me. You only have to do this Day 3 once and then you are onto Day 4 :blush: Stick around here and talk, that really helped me.


I’m so sorry for you and your family Amy, my condoleances. We are here for you :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 1850 :walking_woman:
Did something BIG yesterday. I hope I won’t regret it but I shut down my Facebook and Instagram account.
I lost to many houres there in fear of missing out I guess. And also for need of being seen?
Who am I without social media? We’ll see.
But I think I do not need hundreds of vague acuiantances. And my real friends can find me anyway. I feel relieved! I hope that feeling stays with me. My family is making bets how long this will last. My youngest son gives me 2 weeks, but I think it’s forever. Better said: I hope it’s forever.

My red monster says hi :orange_heart::purple_heart: and brings some colour to brighten our day.
Have a good one! :facepunch:


Congratulations on your day three! You seem determined and focused and that’s what it takes.


Wise decision friend. I do expect to see you a lot more here! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:t3::cat2:


Day 111. Strange dreams last night. I’m pleased to wake up !

Weather is a bit poor. Quiet day planned. Waiting in for an ikea delivery and some new posh sandals for next summer (yep, bit tragic i guess) . And booking a meal for 15 of my family when we go up end of November
Hopefully staying near where i grew up in Liverpool for a few days


Parts of the area still look like its suffering from bomb damage but it isnt, it’s just neglect


My dad worked on the docks there when i was a kid, i can remember the dock strikes, the impact of the riots in the early 80’s and how the city has so positively changed


Oh that is such a shame, I should imagine that was a bustling high street at one point.

Not quite the same, but I commented recently to my daughter that going into our town centre used to be such a treat for teenagers, so many shops and you could go through the shopping centre and spend hours and £s! Now, there just isn’t much left. The odd shop they would be interested in, but so many of the big ones either folded (Philip Green’s empire) or left for the retail parks :cry:


The city centre is fabulous now, it feels safe, the outlying areas still need investment. It will be good to go back for a few days.


Great news about the city. I really must go!


Beautiful numbers! And I am completely unsurprised by your emoji choice. Those two will pick you up if you are down in the dumps. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::speak_no_evil: