Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

@Jasty2 glad you’re okay :people_hugging:
@Tragicfarinelli congrats on 30 days :tada:
@SolarEclipse sorry you’re struggling :people_hugging: sending strength amd hoping to congratulate you on 30 days in a few days time 🩵
@Davina_Davis congrats on 30 days :tada:

1265 days no alcohol.
730 days no cocaine.
245 days no vape.
10 days no binge-eating.

I didn’t make it to the gym Friday, because a delivery that was supposed to all come together Saturday, got split and some came Friday. I also was light-headed and dizzy all day, and fading in and out of not quite sleep, this followed 9 nights of barely any sleep. Friday night I got a few good hours. :raised_hands:t2:

Yesterday, I went for a walk, in a different city, with Safe Soulmates, I got the train there and it only took 35mins. I was really looking forward to it, it had been months since I’ve seen that group, it was just me, and another Soulmate, then one facilitator, and we did a 5 mile walk along a river, it was such a nice bright day, and quiet too.

When I agreed to the walk I forgot about Saturday’s delivery, but I got home a few hours before it arrived in the end anyway, so it all worked out.

The Art course start date has been postponed to the 26th Feb-10th June, luckily I can still do all the sessions.

I have been successfully watching a mixture of my favourite TVs show, without bingeing crisps (chips), and I’m feeling really good/peaceful about this.

I ran out of likes 12 posts ago, sorry about that.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@steve92 How is your day going Steve? I am sorry that the depression is still kicking around. I know it takes some time for the new meds to kick in. Sending you strength to get through the limbo time as your body adjusts to the new meds. Here for you friend. :hugs:
@alejondra ooh YES!! Cookies are a great go to… mine was ice cream. Our bodies try to replace the sugar we used to get from the alcohol. A day without drinking is a day won! Be super proud of yourself.
@jimz sorry that you are being tested today friend. Talk to us if we can help you out in any way. Love the positive attitude – you will not let this bullshit addiction beat us :muscle:
@catmama23 fingers crossed Lauren — excited for your job interview request. I am so sorry to hear about the health issues. I totally get the frustration with having to deal with health concerns. I do hope that its nothing serious and that you are able to heal quickly. :pray:
@jules000 I’m sorry friend – It is difficult watching someone you love active in addiction. Unfortunately, we are not able to force our loved ones into sobriety. You can help them by being available to them – giving them options for support and recovery. Hopefully he has someone he can talk to (doctor / therapist) to help with the depression. Are you able to attend a Al Anon meeting for yourself?
@catmancam thanks Cam. Congrats on your double digits of no binge eating friend. So happy to hear that you did meet up with your Safe Soulmates group and had a wonderful time. :heart:

Checking in on Saturday night
402 days free of alcohol and weed
807 days free of cigarettes

didn’t get much done today. physically not good but mentally i’m awesome. hoping to get to bed soon and have a much better Sunday
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Ya you are!!



awe thanks friend - this made me laugh :rofl:


Day 27:

Staying sober and still keeping to myself. Life is pretty routine right now, but that’s exactly what I need. Throwing myself into working out, keeps my mind occupied and I’m determined to get into the best shape I’ve ever been in to hopefully prevent turning 50 this fall! Went to my boot camp this morning, good day with my kids, home for a 45 minute Peloton ride, that bike is my therapy. It’s crazy, but I work out a lot of emotions on those rides. It’s also addicting as hell or maybe that’s just my addictive personality. Saturday night, home alone and it’s exactly where I want to be.

Going to a new restaurant for brunch tomorrow with my kids, will hit the Peloton for another therapy session and then try to get some work done around the house while watching the football games. I sometimes miss socializing, but for now, getting ok with myself is top priority.

Stay sober, sweet dreams!


I’m watching my wife’s drinking progress more and more each day. It’s not as bad as it was.
I am taking care of myself. I’m going to Al-Anon meetings 4-6 times a week so I can learn to take care of me and not worry myself sick about my wife, of 40 years, drinking herself to death. It’s so hard. Going to Al-Anon has been saving my life.
And if you’re interested we got a thread here
Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?
Where others have shared there experiences strength and hope or just to vent and get it off their chest. There is also Al-Anon for children of alcoholics. You know it’s a family disease.
I’m sorry you are going through this with a loved one. It sucks!


Day 14
Woke up feeling sick today. Called off work and also called off work for tomorrow too.
There was a moment earlier i was throwing up and my vision was blacking out, face was tingling and i was getting severe hot/vold flashes, i thought i was going to pass out so that was super fun but luckily I was fine.
Ate a couple hours ago and theres been no issues there. Just physically feel terrible with body aches/weakness. But grateful to have the day off regardless lol. And gratful i dont have to work tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


381 days sober. I need to catch up on here. No desire or urges to drink. As I have read of others often - the decision to refrain from alcohol is easy. It’s just knowing that with the choice to have 1 drink, any chance of control is gone.

My mood has been pretty low, lately. Trying my best to do what I can to turn it around. Fresh air, trying to eat properly. Really stuck in a rut and it’s a lot to do with sitting with uncomfortable feelings and memories of while I was drinking. I try to tell myself that that’s the past and can’t be changed. There’s the present and future. Just so much regret, guilt and shame. Time lost. I have been making a point to practice gratitude daily. It does help.

Just throwing my thoughts and feelings here in case anyone can relate. Or suggestions accepted. Brighter days ahead.


I totally understand, its hard when we think about the past.
I think of things I am grateful for daily. And when I start thinking about things negative I tell myself to start thinking positive again…sobriety is a long journey and i think its important to condition our minds to find positive things in our lives. Sending you lots of love 🫶🏻


Late night day 26 check in. Wishing everyone a good rest of the weekend.


This inspires me - amazing work on the greenhouse model!


So today must be your day 200, congrats Patricia!! :tada::raised_hands:



Very glad I got out yesterday and did a good :bike: ride. Might repeat tomorrow. I’m planning on a more active year than last. Today not sure yet what I’ll do, nothing too intense though. Have some good food. Watch some (winter) sports on TV. Cuddle with Luna on the couch. Read a book. Maybe go downtown for a little bit. No drinking or drugging will be involved, that’s for sure. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from yesterday’s ride.


Day 496 AF

Oh man the height of summer and the cravings!!

In all 496 days id have to say summer has been tough but manageable i did partake in a NA beer at dinner the other night which help subside things alot

I was a really all or nothing drinker yet after that i felt no need to have a 2nd one. So that was nice.

Secondly this year has got me reconnecting mind and body! I recently hit 40 i work a labour job and decided if i dont start looking after myself ill crumble! Ive had the gym mindset for months on thursday arvo the switch flicked and saturday morning i went and worked out and signed up for a new gym!

Yeah to summer!


day 23! had a rough time with roaches today, but am glad i have a support network here who im staying with. otherwise, just kinda running over sobriety in my mind. i’m still getting a lot of mental cravings, like, right now id normally be drinking and smoking and not having that on the weekend feels abnormal. i built a lot of my life around both those things for years, so the change has been a bit jarring. i created a lot of systems around how to drink, how much i could smoke at any given point, etc, and just thinking about that knowledge and how useless and time consuming it really is. but that’s addiction, and i know that. it’s just an odd thing to think about.


@wahtisnormal I hope you’ll feel better soon! Sending you good vibes and hugs :hugs: :people_hugging:
@Mno Oh, that picture brings back nice memories of last years summer vacation. :sunny: :ocean: :bike:
@Hidden I get you on the Peloton. For me it’s functional strong Yoga, but after an hour of practice I’ve worked through so much inner shit. Keep going!
@Vikingsfan Regret, shame, and guilt can be very difficult, especially when the play in an endless loop :repeat:. I often find either physical activities or breathing exercises, sometimes meditation helpful to get out of the repeat loop. I hope you find peace soon.
@2JTravNZ Congrats on deciding to take care of your body and working out. Share your journey with us.
@tryingthisagain Leaving old patterns and systems behind, creating new ones, and getting used to them is a lot of work. Obviously the work of successful recovery. I wish you strength. Maybe you’d like to share ideas for Alternatives how you could spent your weekends otherwise.

67 no sugar, no binge
23 UPFs
23 dairy

It’s Sunday and it’s time for my weekly review. I like to look back at the last week, prepare for the new one, and consider what I’d like to focus on next week.
I found an interesting book about 12 steps and Yoga. Recovery and yoga as an integral practice could really be valuable to me.

Whatever the day brings, one breath at a time. Wishing you fine people a peaceful day :peace_symbol::dove:


*Day 1957 :walking_woman:
It was an easy day yesterday. Had the day off and did some groceries, went to the library and did some housechores. Still having a headache, I think this is the second week for it :face_with_peeking_eye:
Do not know the cause of it, maybe my emotion about my dads bithday and the 1 year date from the passing of my beloved cat. I also had a difficult confronting session with my coach, she made me think a lot about how hard I am for myself. So try to do this a little bit more in 2024:

Today my husband and sons arrive home from their holiday together. So I’m not alone anymore and I can ventilate again about what’s on my mind. I need that, I guess everyone needs that, some more then others :blush:
Have a good sunday all :raising_hand_woman:


@Vikingsfan - I definitely went thru that time of ruminating my past, over and over. I was at 60 days, and couldn’t take it anymore. I finally took the advice from so many here and went to my first AA meeting. First one, I asked how you can live with your regrets, and a whole room of people responded. Top answer was to learn acceptance, and they showed me the way. That was 4 years ago and I relapsed during covid for 3 of them. The difference when I quit this time was that I didn’t have those thoughts again. I’d already learned how to process them properly. Idk if you’ve ever been attended or not, but that’s my suggestion regardless. And maybe some vitamin D, since this week of the year is when SAD affects the most people. Take care :slightly_smiling_face:


Late again! I slept for 3 hours and couldn’t get back to sleep. I layed on the couch ALL day trying to nap, and couldn’t. I made plans to see my friend tonight but she woke up sick. I met up with the work crew instead. Good times, as usual. It is so refreshing to see the younger ones seriously looking out for who’s driving. Get this :astonished: they can actually stop drinking for a while before they leave! I never knew that was an option! I always thought it was stay til last call, get kicked out, or run out of money. Geez, guess I was doing it wrong :woman_facepalming: Anyway, I’d better get to sleep so I can be productive tomorrow :sleeping:


All good! A later than expected check in due to an early night :joy:
Up fresh as a daisy and happy to head out for my run them cook a big Sunday roast :wink:


Hi friends, so it’s been 20 days and counting, few relapses before and learned from them as well as from dear fellows of this community. It’s funny how we need to outgrow our brain at this early stage and tell it “hey brain, I’m smarter than you, listen to me! I’m your fellow, don’t worry you’ll get use to new normal reality”. :grin: Happy day to ay all :hugs: