Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Way to go Mike on all the progress your making! Proud of u :slight_smile: sounds like things are really coming together for u. Love ur new bike also!


Great Job Davina! I have a 5 year old niece named Davina. Her favorite animal is salamanders and goes out regularly to play with them in her back yard. I doubt the salamanders enjoy the play time as much as she does, but anyway, that is one month under your belt, and sounds like you are resisting the temptation of the little devil who is going to be more than likely whispering tempting little suggestions into your ear regarding 30 days as a conclusion to your test, when it is actually not the conclusion, but just another beginning. You have many good angel voices now, to counter the little devil voice! 'Love the nature profile picture. Again, great job!


Yikes. Wow. Great write up. It puts things in perspectiveā€¦One little tiny, itty bitty sip of alcohol can make the house of cards collapse. And then three years later, if you are very lucky,ā€¦you try again; you are shakily holding and staring at one card, then two, then three, and what seems like infinity to get a house of cards to look at again. Hope I donā€™t go there, and with such great stories I shant. Great story. And it moved me. Thanks again.


Congrats on 30 daus!!! @Davina_Davis


Shout out to Jimz. I was sorely tested yesterday and I made it through day 16. I like your expression ā€œweā€™ve got this!ā€. So back at ya Jim, weā€™ve got this! Keep checking in when you feel tested and we will keep putting a gold star at the top of your test sheet. Speaking of gold stars, does anybody with children know if kids still get gold stars at the tops of their papers? Just something I thought about last week. Mixed feelings about it because the kids that donā€™t get gold stars are probably from less fortunate home situations, so it is probably not really that great of an idea. It promotes excellence, but also gives a little shot of shame-pain to the nonrecipients. Iā€™m sure one of you-all have kids in grammar school. Do they even use paper anymore? Or is it all computers? Anyway, stay strong Jim!


Hello all from the big city :slight_smile:

Feeling pretty beat, did some running around this morning & it was lots of fun but a bit tired now :slight_smile: Watching Leo with the kids. Pretty cute. And happy to have a lottle down time.

Happy to be sober today. Need to cut back on the coffee xo.


Sending you an extra portion of strength for today.
Take a deep breath, and let the possibility of an alcohol free life wash over you, let it liberate you.
Iā€™ll see you for your check in 28 tomorrow :blush:


31 days free of alcohol
25 days free of THC

Health issues flaring up again when I thought they were behind me. I will not lie, it is really distressing and disappointing. But Friday end of day I got a job interview request (!!!) so that is really exciting. Just riding the waves of life. Itā€™s actually nice not knowing what will come next, life would be so boring if it was 100% predictable and 100% what I think I want/need (spoiler alertā€¦ Iā€™m often wrong! :sob:)

Sobriety is my superpower! Getting stronger and healthier every single day, every single hour. Keep going folks!


Thank you @Cjp @Butterflymoonwoman @JazzyS !! The support means so much!

@Pavlovs_Dog I love to hear of another Davina! Salamanders are cool.


Itā€™s exactly what happened to me (Except I didnā€™t have 20 years). Just one drink one day woke the beast from itā€™s slumber and it took 3 years for it to go back to sleep. Iā€™m lucky I even made it back honestly. Believe me, never take that first drink. Itā€™s not worth it.


Thank you for sharing your experience @SoberWalker. It sounds very similar to mine. Yes, over time I need to learn to let go.

That is the outcome any mom would want! So glad your son found it.





So do I, when I come around my parents itā€™s difficult to handle this emotions


Love the line ā€œsobriety is my super powerā€ and congrats on the job interview request!! Super exciting news keep us posted on how it goes!! Sending goodluck your way :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:t3::stars::two_hearts:


Checking in Day 18 alcohol & drug free

On some mood stabilizing medication which seems to be helping level out emotions. Had a nice visit with my sister and am trying to keep busy and be productive. Doing a free course through McGill to help learn about budgeting and saving which is definitely a goal for this year and sobriety will most certainly help with that. May have to look for a new place in the next 6 months to a year which is a bit daunting but no desire to use thankfully. Just gonna keep striving for sobriety.


57 days in the bank

Checking in early today, still a 6hrs or so till my counter ticks over, but Iā€™m on nightshift tonight so will be sober.

Last night was a busy one, got home and after saying good morning to the kids went straight to sleep for a few more hours.

Tomorrowā€™s a public holiday here so will be a good family day before the kids start back at school next week


Thanks James, Pavolov and Squid. Feeling better. I did some yoga and then set up my weight room. Turned the negative energy into something positive.


day 696 of no self harm.

family being shitty as usual.

when told to help with the dishes ā€œall you bitch ass kids come helpā€ and then an uncle goes ā€œlittle bastardsā€. i just want to be referred to with respect . then Iā€™m shaking because im near a panic attack in a crowded kitchen but also have to stand for about 30 minutes and I can only stand 5 without my legs going totally numb and my heart rate is like 120 and Iā€™m dizzy and I had to ask permission to sit down. maybe itā€™s my fault for not being open about my health but I donā€™t think theyā€™d accommodate for me anyway

earlier I tried to talk not even to this uncle and this uncle goes ā€œtrying to watch the game here keep the talking to a minimumā€.

there were many other instances of being treated like Iā€™m less. Iā€™m so tired.


Hi everyoneā€¦

Iā€™m on here less and less now but I came on because Iā€™m really scared. Im scared for my dad. Heā€™s really stressed. Heā€™s using again and Ik this sounds like a good thing but for some reason it scares me smā€¦he admitted that heā€™s ā€œstuckā€ and canā€™t get out. Idk if thatā€™s progress bc he like never opens up and although this was minimal, or seems like if heā€™s that bad that heā€™s finally breaking down and telling us whatā€™s in his head he must really be hurting. in a way Iā€™m proud of him in another Iā€™m scared, really really scared. He is using just to get through the day and it hurts me and the rest of us am to see him struggling. He was really depressed today. A lot happened lately and I think heā€™s having trouble coping. He hasnā€™t laughed or made a joke. Iā€™m afraid but with my mental health being so much better I donā€™t know whether to put all my focus on this or on me. I want to balance the two but idk how. I have no control over my dadā€™s sobrietyā€¦ Tips???


Day 475

Have an early morning, so Iā€™m heading to bed. I hope I can get sleep.
:heart::people_hugging: Love yā€™all.

@Jules000 only advice I can give is to tell him you are there if he wants help, but also if he isnā€™t ready, that you canā€™t and wonā€™t try to make him. When he is ready, maybe you can take him to a meeting or if necessary to a rehab.
Sending lots of love your way.