Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Day 519. TGIF! Been a long week and thankful to be able to sleep in. Probably won’t happen it seems I wake up earlier when I don’t have to work :smile: Either way I will enjoy the morning. Hoping everyone’s day is going or went well!


Mischa, very impressive stats!! Good for you!!



Yeah, my cat just got too close to the candle. I didn’t see it happen, but I smell it :scream_cat: Ugh, I was exhausted this morning and napped on the couch after my daughter left. Idk what it is about this couch, but I always have the same type of vivid dreams and end up with sleep paralysis. Never happens in bed or on the old couch. It’s always a dream where I think I wake up and get off the couch and do normal, everyday things, like it’s real life. Then when I actually try to wake up my body won’t move and my eyes are so heavy they won’t open and I can’t get out of the dream. It’s really bizarre. Like I’m in another dimension or something. The couch is 60 years old. Might be haunted :ghost:

Once I did get moving, it was a great day. I got to work and was told I was bartending, which I had no idea. Bartending on Fridays is the absolute worst. Three hours of pure chaos, two steady hours, and then 3 hours of cleanup. I did make it through, and the money was worth it, but man do I feel it. My feet ache and my hands feel so stiff and sore from polishing hundreds of glasses. I’m also super wired. It’s nonstop and I don’t have the option to eat even a bite, which gives me too much energy. And now I don’t want to stuff my face this late at night just to make myself tired. Ah well, I don’t have to wake up for anything. Guess I’ll start a movie. Hope everyone’s weekend is amazing :heart::heart::heart:


Yeah, in some situations it really sucks. You’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t. I hope you feel better friend… And HI!!! I’ve been MIA lol :hugs:


Day 39 AF

Mornings… :roll_eyes:
I will mediate now.
Kind of stressed.
Happy to be sober.
Will restart recovery work of rr (inventory).



98 days
Got some boxing rounds in with the wife. The kids also were able to train this morning, so good day down the gym for all of us.
Got some errands done as a famiky then went for lunch.
Just finished up some games with the kids before they go to bed and I’ll settle in with a camomile and that’ll be that for the day.
Oh and my team lost last night @acromouse :sob:


@Just_Laura Couch sounds definitely haunted :ghost: I hope you get to sleep in your bed some time again.
@Steve14 Enjoy your free day. I think it’s a rule of the universe that you wake up way to early on the days you could sleep in. Like I did today😉
@JazzyS Meaningful work is soooo important for our mental health. Good thing you have things you are able to do and feel like you’re taking care of. Speedy recovery to your mum and yourself :mending_heart:
@Yelena How are you doing today friend?
@CATMANCAM I have been around here only for about two months. But what I have read from what you’ve shared I see a person with soooo much determination. Everyday you tackle really difficult things and you just don’t give up no matter how hard they are. You will get out. It might take more time then you’d like. But you will. You are an inspiration to me.
@Juli1 I find mornings really difficult too. Wishing you a good start.

108 sugar
1 overeating/binge

Goals for today: keeping food journal, mindfulness practice while eating, practicing HALT through the day so I don’t get to a place where I neglect my needs so long I’ll binge out of despair.

Yesterday was an overall better day already and I slept better this night. I would still wake up for short moments several times but then fall back asleep. That is definitely much better than tossing and turning for hours with a raving heart. I’ll up the dosage on my meds and see if that helps even more.
I woke up quite depressed but reading here always picks me up and I have good thing planned.
I want to take care of my plants and IT systems today. Yoga, a bike ride in the nice weather, sunshine. And maybe I’ll finally get to watch my anime series in the evening. I’m ready for life and whatever the day may bring: ODAAT

Have a day of peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:



Finishing my coffee and breakfast. It’s that time of day I’m struggling in my mind to go and put my bike gear on and get ready to go outside on a chilly morning. I’m going to do it. And have a nice ride. Had a nice easy day yesterday. Got some good stuff at my favourite organic growers/grocers, enough to last me a couple of days. Love that place. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

Isn’t it the other way round friend? With ‘checking in’ in my mind having a broader meaning than just posting here. It’s working our Recoveries. Making our lives worth living. Not relying on obsolete coping mechanisms like indulging in substance abuse, but instead finding better and healthier ways. It’s good to see you. One day at a time for all of us.

@Binx Always good to see you friend. Here’s hoping you’ve learned the lesson that drinking doesn’t help with anything. Hope I never forget it too. :two_hearts: :people_hugging: :two_hearts:


Oh I will be shortly. I do every night. I only nap on the couch bc my bed is too comfy for naps. I’d sleep too long :smirk:


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 10.

Read in Vouge yesterday that the 80’s big hair and curls are back big time. (thanks Miley Cyrus and Blake Lively)
I’m not old enough to actually have experienced the real deal but I’ve seen enough 80’s movies and tv shows to know that I totally love that style.

“The higher the hair, the closer to God” as they say :blush:

Wishing y’all a great day :heart:


The start of another day!:grin: It just started to early, 4:00 am. Yesterday was a meh kinda day. Pretty sure the heavy rain didn’t help. Hoping today is better. For what ever reason my sleep was plagued with really bizarre dreams. :woozy_face: On a positive note the rain is supposed to stop this morning, and my husband and I go out for breakfast every Saturday. Wishing everyone a great weekend!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Hey all, checking in on day 1364. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hi Jazzy
Glad your pain is more tolerable. I feel you with needing to be active in some way. Helps with our mental health tremendously. Grateful your Mom is doing better as well. As always sending love and blessings :heart:


Good morning everyone! Checking in on day 99. Have a busy today in front of me which is good, I have the type of mind that needs busy. I hope everyone has the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Day 61 AF
Day 179 cocaine free

It’s going a rainy Saturday. The start of the March break for my children. Looking for to spending some quality time with each of them. Although right now we don’t have a lot financially to be out and about I’m grateful to be clean and sober and present for them and myself. Taking it ODAAT.

Received an email from my family lawyer yesterday. She is almost finished with the filing to submit the documents to my ex for child support and custody. I haven’t received real consistent support in years. It’s frustrating and makes me angry. I get mad at myself sometimes for waiting so long. Believing he would change. At the same time I feel.afarid. When he recieves the court documents i am afraid of his reaction and him just taking off completely. Awww leaving it in God’s hands for he is able. Thankful I have the support from my family and friends and my recovery community.

Hope everyone has a good sober day! Happy 24 all. :pray:t5::yellow_heart:


day 537 af

Well that was definitely a day,

It started with a local gang member chasing me to a gas station cause he wanted a word about looking at him funny while i drove past. Thankfully i am well versed in de escalating situations while taking control should an issue arise hence the choice of going to a gas station with cameras. Id say he hadnt slept in a few days.

Today i am grateful for not choosing violence
Today i am grateful for making the right decision and not picking up
Today i am grateful to be able to afford the luxury of a good gym and good friends

Then witnessed a cop vs bike situation thankfully the rider was unscathed.

What was a chaotic day turned into a lovely evening with a great dinner and bowling with some friends

May what ever you do today bring you peace and happiness.

Take a minute to reflect on where youve been to how far you have come and also for those who still havent found thier way.


Day 8 check-in. With proper coffee :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Things are settling down. A week ago yesterday, i ended a ‘normal’ 8 hour drinking spree. But my body rejected it completely. Like it was poison, and it is. I’ve never had it happen that I was knocked down for a week. But I am really glad. Now I know where I’m at with it, and more than ever, it’s not worth it.

I’m excited about my new life. Seems that even drinking sometimes cast a big shadow over my life. Like there was something always running in the background draining the battery, you know? Like subliminal music at the grocery store and all the sudden I bought all these weird pies. Every day, or binge takes up space and time in my life that I don’t want to give it. Adds absolutely nothing. Just a dark force. I’m glad it’s gone.

I feel good and woke up too early. It’s chilly today and I’m going to have to bring some plants indoors. It’s okay, I’d like to be cold a little longer.

Breakfast. See y’all at second check in.


Checking in on day
304 no alcohol
235 no vapes or ciggs
106 no thc

Ive been taking multi vitamins. Today is my 3rd day. I actually feel better waking up in the morning. I woke up at 7am. Not even that early… but im actually out of bed before 8. Thats been a goal for me for weeks or months even. I didnt want to rush getting ready for work, i wanted to be able to.check in here… i just didnt want to feel rushed

Anyway… now im starting to ramble.

Have a good day everyone


Good morning sober fam. Got called around 120 yesterday and was told negative for covid. So i called work and went back in until 330. Im up and at work today, still feeling really shitty but pushing some sudafed. Every morning ive been so grateful and just having fun even being sick. Ive been honking my horn at everyone and it always makes me smile and die laughing. Sometimes i get dirty looks and sometimes smiles as well. But yeah much love everyone


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