Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Hey there. What happened?

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Hey! Felt hopless, sad, old (as do men say) lonly and loveless… I am laying in my bad drinking wine… I feel nothing much… I know i will stop tomorrow, cuz i have been in so many life threatening situations because if the boos, but there i am…

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@IamThechange thank you :blush: 🩵
@Mindofsobermike feel better soon 🩵
@Ofmiceandroach congrats on your month :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli congrats on 70 days :tada:
@NewBeginning1 welcome :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@TrustyBird thank you :blush: I hope you enjoyed it, 20K steps is no small feat! Congrats on 750 days :tada:
@Deelzebub that’s a cool photo :camera_flash: :star_struck: congrats on 9+ months :tada:
@Yelena sorry about the break-up :people_hugging: but drinking alcohol would only make it hurt more. Sending strength 🩵
@Jimz I’m so glad you now have some sober friends too :grinning:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 well done for solving the accounting issue :clap:t2:


@Scorpn this is amazing to read :books: :raised_hands:t2:🩵
@Davina_Davis congrats on 70 days :tada:
@K_S happy anniversary :confetti_ball::revolving_hearts:
@acromouse thank you :blush:🩵 I have to keep believing that I will get back out there!
@Lighter congrats on your week :tada: so glad the storm passed quickly and that you’ve got some energy back :raised_hands:t2::grinning:
@Binx welcome back :people_hugging::blush: congrats in day 1 and your honesty :tada::clap:t2:
@Lotusflower congrats on 60 days AF :tada:
@tailee17 congrats on double digits of sober healthy happy days :grinning: :tada:
@Mira_D good luck with the home exchange :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover::grinning:

1306 days no alcohol.
771 days no cocaine.
286 days no vape.
31 days no binge-eating.

Caught up here yesterday morning, then did my morning routine.

Read some of my book in the afternoon.

Did some meditations.

Attended the LGBTQ+ Zoom group, it was fun :grinning: we carried on past the end time, and they carried on another 30mins after I left, due to my vision going blurry and struggling to stay awake. Going forwards, I will take my evening meds after the Zoom, not before.

Then I slept quite a lot overall, but all in bursts, and with awful dreams. Was relieved to be awake.

I have spent most of the day catching up here, and meditating. Did my morning routine too.

I am going to try to sleep soon. Tomorrow morning I have the trans, nb, gq Survivors support group, which I usually find quite wholesome.

Happy International Women’s Day!


Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Thank you! I know! But the positive thing is that i dont want more! ) Thank you! I hope you keep your strength! :pray::muscle: For ever and always


@davina_davis YEAH day 70! Glad you had such a lovely time with your great niece :hugs:
@k_s a week of celebrations in your household – Happy Anniversary Kenny :tada: Beautiful day spent :heart:
@mischa84 thanks friend. Love ya :heart: Sitting on a speed horse today :laughing: sorry – I had to laugh at this. Boys will be boys my friend – go ahead and brag!
@mindofsobermike I’m sorry you are still feeling sick and having to go into work. Hope you are home now and getting some rest. Feel better soon :pray: Just saw your update – glad you are home resting. I know it sucks but you are no good sick – they know this is not something you would rather be dealing with.
@forrestkump man I hear you on getting worked up over little things. I am still working on my patience with others and not getting myself get twisted over things. I find knowing that I need to work on this and keeping it in the forefront helps me deal with it better these days when it arises. Hopefully one day I’ll not have to think about it all and things won’t get to me. Hoping for the same for you.
@binx I’m sorry that the anxiety is still so strong love – hoping that you find some peace and comfort soon. Great work on your day 1 :muscle: we got your back my friend.
@lotusflower Well done on your 2 month milestone :muscle: Love that line – “walking forward into greatness” Yeah you are :heart: :hugs:
@tailee17 Double digits is wonderful friend – way to go! I love your attitude and keep the more sober healthy days piling up :muscle:
@wakikki hours away from 800 days friend – you are doing great work in protecting your sobriety through the tough times. I am sorry that you are experiencing such hurdles. I do hope that the next two weeks go smoothly for you. We are here for you love – lean on us if you need some support :hugs:
@yelena You are not alone my friend – here for your journey friend. Keep pushing forward Sending you strength and love :hugs:


Day 67
After being here for almost 2 years, this is amazing for me.
I mentioned to Buddy yesterday :dog2: I’m glad I don’t drink anymore. :pray:

:hugs: :purple_heart:


Yes, it really is amazing! Congratulations on 2 months and a week :partying_face:


Thank you my dear! I always read you and your positiveness and strength have always inspired me to be better and move forward!! I am really grateful for you being here to support us (and yourself!). Thank you for being here for us!


@Shel75 that is an impressive counter! Enjoy your time off – Happy Friday
@pinkeuphoria so sorry for the rough day today – glad that you took time out to take that shower and remember that lovely message. Way to go on protecting your sobriety friend. Keep that momentum going :muscle:
@mira_d so grateful for you love – glad you were able to be there for your friend and show her support and comfort today :people_hugging:
@catmancam way to go with your 1 month plus of no binge-eating. Sorry about your crappy sleep – hope that you are able to get that sorted and get some peaceful rest soon.
@maxwell Oh love this and am happy for your achievement! Keep that proud attitude my friend and keep stacking up the days
@yelena Oh you are sweet friend – we do really help each other stay stronger … thank you for your kind words. Much love – looking forward to celebrating milestones in your journey.

Checking in on Friday late afternoon
443 days free of alcohol and weed
858 days free of cigarettes
Been a decent day. Hanging with mom who is doing much better. My pain is a lot more tolerable than yesterday but still intense. The nurse advised that i get back on pain killers but i will continue without them for now. Was able to do some light cleaning and cooking today so that was great for me (mainly mentally). I hate sitting around.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in. Today’s therapy session was about quitting smoking, it was great to talk it through. I have a few days left and then I’ll start. I’m looking forward to actively doing something so good and important for my health and for my future recovery from the surgery, but I’m also pretty anxious about that. Otherwise not much to report.


46 days weed free. 2040 days alcohol free


I love seeing this! You’re doing so great :+1:t3:


Congrats on surviving hell week!! @Lighter keep with it


Checking in on day 346 clean and sober!!!

Staying hopeful, happy, and healthy!!! :blush::raised_hands:




I think you should add this tracker lol


Thats amazing news @maxwell


Day 519. TGIF! Been a long week and thankful to be able to sleep in. Probably won’t happen it seems I wake up earlier when I don’t have to work :smile: Either way I will enjoy the morning. Hoping everyone’s day is going or went well!


Mischa, very impressive stats!! Good for you!!



Yeah, my cat just got too close to the candle. I didn’t see it happen, but I smell it :scream_cat: Ugh, I was exhausted this morning and napped on the couch after my daughter left. Idk what it is about this couch, but I always have the same type of vivid dreams and end up with sleep paralysis. Never happens in bed or on the old couch. It’s always a dream where I think I wake up and get off the couch and do normal, everyday things, like it’s real life. Then when I actually try to wake up my body won’t move and my eyes are so heavy they won’t open and I can’t get out of the dream. It’s really bizarre. Like I’m in another dimension or something. The couch is 60 years old. Might be haunted :ghost:

Once I did get moving, it was a great day. I got to work and was told I was bartending, which I had no idea. Bartending on Fridays is the absolute worst. Three hours of pure chaos, two steady hours, and then 3 hours of cleanup. I did make it through, and the money was worth it, but man do I feel it. My feet ache and my hands feel so stiff and sore from polishing hundreds of glasses. I’m also super wired. It’s nonstop and I don’t have the option to eat even a bite, which gives me too much energy. And now I don’t want to stuff my face this late at night just to make myself tired. Ah well, I don’t have to wake up for anything. Guess I’ll start a movie. Hope everyone’s weekend is amazing :heart::heart::heart: