Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Big congrats on 100 days sober! :100:



One weekend of work left before my holidays. Have to deal with some bs there but I’ll handle it. I’m sober and clean. 1757 Days of Re/Discovery has learned me a thing or two about life and how to handle it. One day at a time.

Glad I took my bike and rode to the growers/grocers on the other side of town yesterday, got my self a sh*tload of healthy things and made myself a big pan of soup afterwards. My cold hasn’t disappeared but I do feel a bit better this morning.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean as for us that’s where it all starts. I will. Pic is cherry blossom. Love.

@JazzyS Sorry for your loss Jasmine.
@K_S Congrats on reaching triple digits Kenny!


Thank you. Congrats on your 100 days :clap::clap::clap:


Day 47 AF
Felt great last night driving through a booze bus. When the police officer asked me if I’d had anything to drink, I happily replied ‘not for the last 46 days buddy’. He congratulated me and sent me on my way.
Peace and strength to you all


Such a great feeling, keep it up! :hugs:


@Seb Isn’t that a great feeling?! I drove thru a DWI checkpoint on the 4th of July and my previous DWIs must’ve popped up when they scanned my plate bc they made me pull over. So happy I had nothing to hide! If it happened the year before, I would’ve gotten my 3rd one. Grateful that’s not my life anymore :pray:


As suspected, I was pretty tired and sore today after yesterday. No school for my daughter, so she left early with her dad. Let me sneak in a nap before work. Work was fine. Got out early enough to make it to Walmart to buy Easter basket stuff. I should set everything up tomorrow afternoon bc I work 4-11 and then 9:30am-5 on Easter and have to pick up my daughter right after. Busy busy busy :honeybee: Like I said, just gotta make it thru one more week and my daughter’s party and it’s smooth sailing for a while after that. Looking forward to it :grinning:


Day 1197,

Focusing on balance between recovery and living. Or just realizing that these are not two separate things and putting myself more and more into real life. So just let call it life in recovery. Empathy and compassion are some key words in living my life. Empathy to those who are “worthy” of my empathy and compassion for the others (someone who doesn’t do anything with given empathy will suck you dry). Might be put down a bit short, but this is how it works for me at the moment. Meet also quit some people outside of meetings and do less meetings last two weeks due to meeting people outside of AA/NA. But recovery is still my first priority with working the steps and a minimum one meeting a week plus meeting my sponsor (someone looking for validation here? :man_shrugging:).

Sometimes find it striking to notice how many people are passive aggressive and make remarks to make them feel better at the expense of others. Maybe that’s why empathy and compassion are maybe so important at the moment. But let’s stop the analyzing there. Chatting with a woman online at the moment, which feels good. More connection with my intuition lately and trying to listen to it. A red flag is a red flag now and not “hey that’s interesting” let alone how interesting and appealing it was when someone showed me a whole parade of red flags. Of course me waving with all of my own red flags from the other side.

Just a little vent after a while of relatively silence and just peeking on here.

Have a blessed day :pray::heart::pray:


Sorry for the loss of your friend Jasmine, grateful you let it out in that way. :candle::heart::pray:


119 days
Nice day, out for a walk with the family. Nap on the couch this afternoon.
Enjoying watching the kids play with their cousins this weekend. Happy to be having another sober evening hanging out with family.
As a plus I’ll be hangover free and able to make it to sparring tomorrow morning.

@K_S congrats on 100
@JazzyS sorry about your friend


60 days AF yeaj

It’s getting easier.
But I know taking it too easy can make me relaps.

Also had hunting thoughts about restrictive dieting or fasting. And that, made me relaps last time in december on 77 days. So, I know, no.

Hugs :hugs:


Awesome work on getting back to 60 days.


16 days. Woke up before my alarm and am headed to the gym for an early spin class. Amount of times I’ve done that in my life after a bank holiday? Probably never… would always have been hungover. Hope you all have a great Saturday!


67 days weed free. 2061 days alcohol free.


@Tragicfarinelli @Butterflymoonwoman @tifflynn07 @Just_Laura thank you so very much :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::heart::heart::heart::heart: appreciate your condolences
@K_S thank you Kenny. Congratulations on your triple digits :muscle:t4::tada:. I can understand the frustration with trial and error with meds. I do hope this mood stabilizer helps and works as you want it to. :pray:t4:
@mno thank you Mno. What a beautiful picture. Love cherry blossoms … lovely sight to see when I opened up the thread today. Glad you are feeling better
@seb wow …how awesome is that. Great feeling and great work :muscle:t4:
@Rob11 thank you Rob. Grateful to see you posting. We do need empathy and compassion in life and definitely in recovery. Glad to see you working on your recovery and keeping it a priority. Do what you feel is the best course…you have plenty of tools with your impressive 1197 days. Remember to stay connected :people_hugging:
@MrFantastik thank you Marty.
@Juli1 60 days. You rockstar :muscle:t4::tada: way to go your sobriety and hell yeah on recognizing the mentality that caused you issues in the past. Big hugs Jules …you are making amazing progress.


It’s 2:46am local, so it’s now day 63 (alcohol free). At work, just sitting here making sure the place doesn’t burn down. No tasks until 4am. Frustrated with the things I cannot change and those things that will take time. Working on the peace. It don’t come easy.


Congratulations on the 100 :partying_face:


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Happy Easter.

The boys had their egg hunt this morning.
Of course there was Easter eggs for the parents to,but a bit smaller.

The boys got pretty big Easter eggs so they’ll probably have candy until midsummer now :smiling_face:

Going to make our traditional Easter Pancakes for Brunch right after I’m done writing here.

And tomorrow we’re going to the lake I was talking about to see the Cranes.

Today is a nice and calm Easter eve. Some egg painting, a little bbq and no drunk relatives to handle.

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter weekend.


@FoxMcCloud Sending you hope, strength and patience friend :people_hugging:
@james83 Enjoy your spin class.
@Juli1 Congrats on your 60 days :clap:t2::partying_face::sunglasses: Good job being clear on your last trigger!
@Rob11 Thanks for sharing. Your thought process written out like that will definitely help someone else here. That’s at least how it works for me: Seeing myself in the mirror of other’s experiences.
@Just_Laura I admire your power :honeybee:
@Mno Get well soon :sneezing_face:
@K_S Congrats on 100!!! days :partying_face::tada::sunglasses: I hope you find the right meds for you soon :mending_heart:
@Whereswaldo Your yard sure looks like a nice comfortable and relaxing place to be :lotus::sunglasses:. Wishing you a peaceful and sober family gathering.
@BJonns Guilt is a very difficult feeling to deal with. We want so badly to get rid of it. I know this sounds very counter intuitive, but you might try compassion for yourself. Compassion for your illness of addiction, compassion for all you’re going through right now, compassion for being human and doing stupid things. Hugs friend :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@Lighter Very glad to read you’re finding a home here with us :people_hugging::pray:t2:

129 sugar
27 UPF
0 gluten
0 dairy
0 overeating/binge

After yesterday’s very enlightening but somewhat atrocious experiment with wheat I need to give my poor body a rest. Goals for today: relax and be very nice to myself.

I really am glad I made this provocation experiment yesterday with wheat flour. The symptoms are crystal clear but today I have to suffer through the consequences. The night was exhausting, I woke up with a massive headache, abdominal and joint pain, very bad mood, anxious, tired, and just feeling like a wreck. But: I don’t feel bad about it.
The psyche is a fascinating thing. If all these symptoms were the consequence of me giving in to urges and bingeing, I would on top of all of it descend into guilt and self pity. Now I just feel like crap, know this will change, and am moving on. This life is so much better :sunglasses:

Today I’m going to take all the time in the world to heal. Whatever is going on for you today: Take your time friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


I love they way you think. Definitely going to take that on board and try and do the same. I hope you start to feel better soon :hugs:


Thank you so much, and huge congratulations on the 100 days :clap: So inspiring!