Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Thanks :+1: how do i tell the shite who’s rewiring my brain to hurry up and stop giving me headaches :weary: :rofl::rofl::rofl:


LOL— Ah man i wish i had an answer for that one… just gotta keep up with our diligence and recovery work – i do know that it does happen and you will be grateful for sticking with the recovery.


Jasmine, when will my insomnia get better? :kissing:


it did take me a few months to finally start getting better sleep. for me i had to use melatonin, magnesium, some lavender infuser as well as lavender oils on my pillow to help.

i know there was a great thread on insomnia here with great tips on how to help you get your sleep back — will see if i can find it for you.

sorry you are dealing with insomnia. i do know how hard it is to heal when you are not well rested. sending you sleepy vibes Marie – hope that you are able to regulate your sleep quickly soon.


Thank you, I really appreciate the reassurance. Just knowing that it’s normal at six weeks sober helps. And I will see about melatonin. I have some lavender and magnesium. I’m hopeful that it will begin to ease up soon. Thank you!


yes - it is totally normal. you may also want to check out the Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!) thread for some night time meditations. Sometimes i have had to go through many different tricks as one night i need more assistance.

a few more ideas that came to mind…
a warm shower / bath before bed
a nice foot massage (the body’s nerve endings are here and it helps calm your body down)
a mindful scan from head to toe while in bed – you start with the toes and squeeze really hard and lightly release with your breath and continue to move up the body till you get to your head.


This is so beautiful.
I have an autistic daughter (was born son), and at 4 years was totally obsessed with the solar system so I totally get how excited you are. Dylan knew all the moons and details of every planet.
Lots of love to you and your sweet blue moustached angel :heart:


There are different strategies in place, but when I’m in that intense fight or flight mode, and the pain is piercing, I just run for the bottle shop. Ofcouse, the acute event that happens that day is not always there, but even so, I do need to do some more classes in DBT and CBT to strengthen my strategies not to run when things get painful.
Thank you for replying :heart:


Just checking in, day two.
It’s early here, but I had a good sleep.
Still feeling remorseful for breaking my sobriety the other day but trying to look forwards.
I put a job application in for a different job yesterday. If I get it it would change my life! No more night shifts, yay!!
Have a great weekend everyone :heart::bubble_tea:


Thank you my friend.,A calmer mind is a very worthy goal. I will try this meditation for sure. May we all rest well this weekend!



I have an autistic 14 y/o.
He was obsessed with tractors and farm Machines when he was a toddler.

Later he moved on to history especially war/ military history (And a little old western/Cowboy/native American history) which is where we are at the moment.
I’m sure he even knows the shoe size of Davy Crockett and what kind of pattern he had on his socks on Tuesdays :smiling_face:

It’s really cool. A bit sad that the school usually don’t care or use those special interests and talent because they want to make everyone in the same mold.


Checking in day 45 alcohol free. Hip surgery coming up fast April 22nd. Fighting anxiety and winning as I want surgery and to be able to start recovery.


Thanks very much Patricia and congrats on 9 months


Checking in day 26.
So close to a month! I had 5 hours sleep last night thanks to deciding to redesign our house plans for our build. Went to bed at 1 and up at 6. It is absolutely amazing how I still feel OK compared to if I had been drinking.

Guys, I’m so stoked with 26 days. I’ve told my doctor and my pysch I’ve stopped drinking. I’m going to tell some friends and family at the one month mark. I need stay accountable and I think letting people know gives me a sense of pride but also a fear of not doing something I started. I’ll be careful who I tell first so I don’t cop criticism especially from my brother’s.

I am also refocussing my attention on this app to continue my journey and not let a measly 4 weeks of sobriety pretend I can do this for the rest of my life unaided.

Have a great weekend sober family!


I’ll just second Jasmine’s assurance that yes it is totally normal. I have posts on here from 60, 75, even 90 days. Where I was in the basement exercising or even cooking some nights at 2-3 in the morning. The insomnia was bad for a while, but taking something away that’s it’s used to having to cope and knock you out takes the body a while to get used to. Everyone kept saying," don’t worry it does get easier"., and I wanted to tell them all to go to hell, because I was exhausted and miserable :rofl:.
But it does get easier. Hang in there you’re doing great. :muscle:


Thank you Joe! Exactly right. I want reassurance but I hate hearing it too :laughing:. But I do appreciate it, just knowing I’m not losing my mind. I may start the 2 am cooking- thanks! Worst is to do nothing but be mad about it. I’ll have a list ready.


glad you are getting good sleep. Yeah to day 2! I know it is hard to not be remorseful over a relapse but I do know that the remorse only creates more of a hold for our addict mind to sneak back in. Be proud of yourself. Proud that you got back on the sobriety track. Proud that you are working your recovery and have gained 2 days. Keep up the amazing work :muscle:


@Tragicfarinelli that did humour me, a similar thing happened in one of my sessions. I’m having the therapy with a charity that specialises in childhood sexual abuse, so I’m hoping it will help me to process that part of my history and thus help some of my c-PTSD symptoms, but I’m allowed to talk about other traumatic stuff too, like my mum passing away when I was 8, abusive relationships, and other sexual violence I’ve experienced, but I can’t think of any SMART goals. It’s long-term therapy for 2 years, but I know that can go very quick so I am trying to go all in with it, the sessions go so quick!
@Laner I’m so glad your friends were supportive 🩵
@Lotusflower thank you :blush: and you can beat the cigarettes too, a sore throat and fatigue are common withdrawal symptoms I believe. I’m getting there with my nicotine quit but still using a small amount of prescribed NRT so doing it the looong way. It’s been 496 days since my last cigarillo though :raised_hands:t2: 🩵
@Noshame congrats on 11+ months AF :tada:
@JonasE congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Konrad55 congrats on double digits :tada:
@Pattycake congrats on 9 months :tada:
@Mindofsobermike wow, congrats again! :star2: :tada:
@Davina_Davis feel better soon 🩵
@GazIrish congrats on your week :tada:

1341 days no alcohol.
806 days no cocaine.
321 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

Woke up at 2am. Caught-up here. Finished Atomic Habits. Did some meditations. Did my “morning” routine. Had a bad migraine all day. I’ve just had about 3 hours of sleep, hoping for some more now. :sleeping:

(I had no :yellow_heart:s left after my marathon catch-up this morning, so sorry about that).



@Mali good luck with your application :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:


Just checking in on a friday evening. Enjoyed my day for the most part. Feeling super positive about where my health journey is taking me. Feeling pretty positive about recovery as well even tho i was experiencing some sneaky cravings for my DOC tonight. I apologize if this is going to be a ramble. I just really wish the thoughts would stop. Sometimes i wonder what im not doing for them to still be present at over 2 years clean. Sometimes my addict brain tells me I miss it or that Im missing out on a chance to “escape” from life for a bit. But then I remind myself of what Im really missing out on: emotional and mental turmoil, physical issues, financial debt, damage to relationships, having to go back to surviving again as opposed to thriving in life, and then of course risking my life… for what? A temporary high that in reality does nothing for me. Any thought in my mind that says that using drugs does something for me, is a lie! I know that today but yet it continues to tell me that.

Im grateful that i can now distinguish what is my addict voice and what isnt. I used to believe every thought and react on every feeling. Now i know that i dont have to react! Thoughts are just that… thoughts. I have a choice today. Whereas for many years, i didnt think i had that choice. Every thought resulted in using drugs. No matter how i felt, i was always using to adjust or manipulate my reality. Thats what my life revolved around. Finding ways and means to get more.

I guess i just needed to get my thoughts out right now. Im grateful for recovery and all of you absolutely amazing individuals that have supported me to get to where i am. Im grateful that i have a HP in my life to guide my thoughts and actions. And that any damage caused due to using drugs, has slowly begun to repair itself. Im grateful that its not all about me. And im grateful that i have other interests to enhance my life whereas for years n years all i thought about was drugs. I think i just needed to reassure myself tonight. That im on the right path and that theres sooo many benefits to being clean and sober. Thanks