Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

That’s a good one! I like that one.


I am so happy that you came here to post. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming to deal
With shit each day. Chosing to reach out is one of the best things to do. Im hear if you need to chat :wink:


Me too sauna sounds great and a walk ( for me) haha


I had to have learned it from someone. Your post and the responses helped. I appreciate it!


52 sober days under my belt.
School is almost out for my kids (summer break) and I’m looking forward to spending this summer sober. It’s been a few years… :sun_with_face:


It saved me yesterday! It truly did!! If i had chose to not post and gave in to the thought, id be in hell rn :neutral_face:


Checking in on day
385 no alcohol
316 no vapes or ciggs (25 with no nic)
48 no form of marijuanna

Just resting for the rest of the day after erends
Day off today from work


@Butterflymoonwoman thanks friend …I’m hopeful that I will get some rest soon. Your day sounds exciting…share pics please if your yummy creations…have fun in your happy place :heart:

@JonasE ugh the rage! Sometimes it can be overwhelming…let it out in a healthy way…I finding screaming out in the open or even into a pillow helps …also punching a bag, pillow or the air. Hope you are feeling better since you posted

@skan yuck…some people belong on the FRO thread …hope that typing it out helped. We can’t help feeling outraged at some situations but the key is to not let that rage consume us. Hopefully a better day awaits you. Glad to hear that you are practicing self care and sweating it out :blush:


Yes thank you I fortunately managed to calm down somewhat.

I wanted to visit some friends today but I canceled it because I didn’t want my rage targeted at them.

Kind of sucks but it’s better than the alternative.
I know most ot it is internalized.

A twisted combination of self pity and self hate.

I just didn’t trust myself going over there today.

Maybe tomorrow will be a bit better. Honestly the last 3 days where a rollercoaster when it comes to this.


Day 89

I feel good today. Everything is coming together, I can’t even explain it. Weather turned nicer and I enjoyed being out. My road trip this weekend is the beginning of my travels. Quick outing: The closest thing to my heart, and the most dangerous thing is travel.I’m going to be vigilant and take you guys with me.

I’m starting small, just an 8 hour trip over 2 days. Going to the rural heartland to see my friend. The point is to meander. No 15, 10 or 5 mph over the limit. No aggro driving! I have to stop and look at things and locate weird rural attractions. Pictures! I will talk to country people and listen to their stories. I need the quiet and slow pace. I have been a city girl and it has almost killed me. Because that’s not me. But you go where the jobs are. My father was a mid western US farmer. Joined the Navy then worked in larger cities. But we always planted crops in suburbia.

I am excited to drop out of the crush for a few days. I haven’t been out of the area for a few years now. Not good. One day last year, I drove to an extreme rural area to renew my driver license because there were no lines. When I pulled up to the office, I opened the door and was hit by the silence, wind in the trees and bird song. It had an emotional impact. I’ll be passing through that beautiful area and up into Oklahoma. Just quiet. :heart:

So ready for my 90 day trip. The next one will be to the mountains, then the ocean, then other countries. Don’t worry I’ll work odd jobs! :wink:


10 months… Wow I’m so happy with that number.
And I dedicate my success to this community here.
Thank you everyone.

Still struggling with lack of energy and mood swings.
Maybe it’s an episode of depression again but I’m not sure I want to have a talk with my GP about it. I’m just mad with myself for being lazy and not motivated to do anything at all. Grrrh…

Sorry for the rant. At least sobriety feels like the new normal… That’s great.

Have a good sober and clean night or day my friends.
One day at a time.


Hey everyone, checking in day 38.

Been a bit up and down but not too bad. I was meant to be off this week but I had to get a job so I’ve been working instead. I aint booking anymore installs until I’m ready, I’m just going to do we jobbing jobs until my shit is more in order. 38 days sober and worked through it all…I’m so exhausted.

Dragging myself off the sofa and heading for a sauna… hope you’re all well! :pray:


Congratulations on 10 months Happyfeet! Hope you’re feeling better soon!


@JonasE glad you were able to calm down. It does suck having to deal with the rage…it took me a good fee months into solid sobriety before I could get a handle on my anger. Still not :100: but much better. Smart move to change up your plans and focus on yourself. It does get easier friend…keep working on your rei.
@Lighter so excited for your road trip. Love the idea of taking it slow and soaking in all the beauty around you…do share pics on the travel thread.

Love these plans and yes to it all! I remember meeting an older woman when I was in Vancouver …think she was 80 or so and she was travelling through Canada staying in dorm room / hostels and working odd jobs to support her…so much life and energy in her …very inspiring.
@happyfeet way to go Anne. So great to see you posting and with an amazing milestone :muscle:t4:. 10 months and counting. Be gentle with yourself…
Sometimes it takes time for the body to fully heal and regain its energy. Maybe check in with your GP to see if your needing any vitamin boosts. Start with small things that interest you. I find my energy levels increase as I do things I enjoy. Sobriety feeling like the new normal is a beautiful thing :people_hugging:
giphy (2)

@Danwood85 glad you aren’t taking in any more jobs. Hope this one isn’t too exhausting and you have time to relax …I know how much you were looking forward to your time off. Try to squeeze in some r&r.


Hey Jazzy, yep… finished tomorrow and I should have a long weekend… hopefully a month :joy: Sorry to hear your going through stuff…I hope you get you’re sleep and energy levels back and today wasn’t to taxing. Take care!


Might be a good time to learn patience. Being used to instant “reward” kind of sucks now tbh. :sweat_smile:

The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math.


Day 8
My wife was supposed to be having immunotherapy today but her bloods have came back with infection markers in them .
They are keeping her in hospital tonight as she is on a drip with antibiotics in and has had a chest xray probably a scan in the morning to see if they can pinpoint where the infection is.
Shes not been her “normal” self for a few days. All the doctors nurses and sisters are brilliant and like they say they will find out what it is and put it right so she can continue with her treatment plan.
So its just me and the dog tonight.
Ill probably end up reading my book and having an early night.
Looking at the day as a whole its been another winner. My wife has had a full examination and work has begun to start making her feel better which is all that matters to me at the moment. (Everything else can just FRO) i know wrong thread.
8 days in and i do feel good. Im now 80.6kg (177lbs)
Ive managed to loose 2.5kg ( 5.5lbs) since May 13th. My resting heart rate is now 64 instaed of 75. Surely my cholestrol is decreasing it was 8.7 and my aim is to get it under 5.0 asap without using statins if possible.
I know ive talked too much tonight apologies for that and thankyou.


38 days my brother. Keep on keeping on. We got you!


Hey Col

If you want to reduce cholesterol naturally then the most effective supplement is high EPA & DHA fish oil. 2000mg per day+

If you look up the effectiveness of “vascepa” you can find the clinical data proving this out. It’s as effective as low dose statins. Vascepa was tested at 4000mg but half or more seems to be pretty effective. Vascepa os just concentrated DHA/EPA fish oil…


Brilliant @james83 . Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: