Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Just ditch it. That’s what I do when there are sweets left like that. Make it simple.


Morning friends :slight_smile: Hope you all have a great day addiction free!

Today i dont have a whole lot to do. Just the gym and then have to make some marshmallow fondant for my cupcake toppers. Im doing a Hotwheels theme for my sons school cupcakes and birthday cake. So should be fun! Ive never done this theme before. And then of course do my daily cleaning. Thats really about it. My body is still feeling tired so may not go crazy at the gym today. We will see how i feel when i get there :butterfly:


Congratulations on your 2 weeks of sobriety. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4: Being so early on and knowing that you are still seeking the same release from af beers then I would be concerned. Only you know your mind the best. Are you able to find a sparkling water or make a juice cocktail that would hit the spot? It’s not cheating as long as it’s 0% but it is a slippery slope especially when you are vulnerable. I do enjoy a AF drink from time to time so it is all about your mindset. My first task was re routing my brain to unlink my alcoholic behavior as this was what always got me in trouble.
@acromouse thanks friend… unfortunately the meds no longer work on me (a long story). Luckily the attacks are not as bad as they have been in the past but all the same I will be very happy when they stop. Amazing timers Aga…love to read your updates and how you are mentally processing your daily battles :people_hugging:. Very inspirational
@Greg27 welcome to the check in thread Greg. Great work on your 3+ weeks of sobriety. You are doing it right…just come in this thread as often as you like to post your check ins as well as read from others…hope to see you around. Thusbis a wonderful community to be a part of and ODAAT and support we can beat out addictions
@Thumper1213 big hugs Billy… great to see you back and succeeding with day 4. Shame has no place in recovery. Hopefully you will be able to see what brought on the relapse and be better prepared for it. You are here now and should be proud of yourself :muscle:t4:
@Lile01 I agree with Aga and just ditch the beer. Want you to have a relaxing vacation without any triggers…hope you get some rest and enjoy your day

Checking in on Wednesday morning
Not well rested but did manage a few hours of sleep this morning…gonna get that coffee in me and get on with my walk. Got a busy day ahead and hopefully my body will be able to keep up :rofl:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@Greg27 welcome to the forum and way to go on ur sobriety time! Glad to hear that ur seeing the benefits already :slight_smile: it only gets better!
@SussexGuy congratulations on 2 weeks!!! I dont think habing AF beer is cheating but i would be concerned over ur reasons for drinking them. The need to escape work/life stress with AF beer could potentially cause the urge to reach for something more down the line. Id just be careful :slight_smile:
@Hollieberry way to go on ur win! I think thats huge!!!
@DogtoothCowboy proud of u and ir 11 days!!! Keep up the great work!
@JazzyS really hoping u get some good rest soon :people_hugging:


Day 61.

The rage is all consuming rn.
Holy shit does this suck. Concentration is basically gone.

Update: okay so that was something. Rage is gone. Immediatly afterwards I started crying.
At least I felt like it and then back to anger.

Rinse and repeat.

I think bedtime seems like an option. :face_holding_back_tears:

See ya. :sweat_smile:


Thank you Lord for this time of Grace


Alcohol is ubiquitous, which is so annoying!

Take the beer outta the fridge and hide it away. Out of sight, out of mind!


Checking in Day 92. Driving another 2 hours to get cat scan for hip. Two days of long trips are exhausting. At this time I can say not one thought I should have a drink. I really do love living sober. Have a great day and stay sober my friends.


55 days :smiling_face:
I’ve felt weird today. Not in a bad mood or good mood just off. The hike home was good just quiet. I rode most of the time and enjoyed that but was a bit stuck in my head? Best part of the day was Mops enthusiastic greeting after not seeing me for a day. That always makes me smile.
I managed to get some translation work done but now I’m at a point where i can’t do any more work on it until I travel so I have that on my mind. I’m still thinking if I feel ready for that yet. I don’t want to go just because I need the money and push myself before I’m ready. And I can maybe split the travel up a bit more than originally planned. I’m not afraid of drinking on the trip but mostly that I will have to be in some places that could be triggering for me right now.


Another sober day at the lake. With how quiet it is, I can hear the following words so clearly. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. #ODAAT #Serenity check-in sober Life in Recovery


Holy crap! How do y’all keep up with this thread! Lol…i have missed the check-in thread!


Beautiful. I wouldn’t change a thing😍


Day 16

I was minding my own business and of course an argument has to start over nonsense. I don’t understand how watching and destroying someone else’s peace is a fucking sport for some people.

I could fight back with my extreme pettiness. I could demolish this person morale and make them miserable. I’ve decided to retreat. All my anger bottled up, killing my brain right now to resist the urge.

I read @Button83 post and all the responses. I’m going to go with “it’s okay” not every day is roses. But seriously FML.

I hope everyone is having a better day than me and may you all not feel this type of rage.


Before smart phones, I always had magazines with me. Whenever was waiting or had a few minutes I would read an article. During the day it is amazing. There are times where you have a few minutes. Now during the day when I have a few minutes, I come on here and get caught up Post are rewarding and reinforce my choice to remain sober.


I used to read my phone on the toilet. For some reason I actually got subscriptions to 2 different mags. Lol


Thanks for sharing. :hugs:


Thanks all for the comments re: having a few AF beers recently. I think it’s the carbonation without tasting too sweet that I like (e.g I don’t want coke, sprite, etc). So perhaps I will try some sparkling waters next time I fancy something!


Previous day posts someone said “All because the morning was shitty the rest of the day does not have to be. “I have been thinking about that every day. Also I practiced HALT first time yesterday. Before I blew my stack I though am I

I found lonely and tired were present. This helped me calm down.


@tailee17 thanks! That same thought just came to me before I read your response. I won’t let this ruin my day, I just need to figure out what will bring some joy to this day.

I’m the sauna now sweating it out. I’ll shower, pray and hopefully they will reset me.


Good for you. My sponsor told me life will be erratic if you are erratic. Life will be calm if you are calm. I am in training.

Have a great day!