Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Keep it up!!! I’m struggling doin the same but once my son in bed it’s harder… I try to rest myself but it’s hard.
We got this :muscle:t2: let’s goooooo!!


@leveller Sending healing vibes to your wife – hope that they are able to clear up the infection and get her back on the immunotherapy soon. Great work on day 8 and all the amazing sober benefits that come with that!
@juli1 Congrats on your 4 months love! That is flipping amazing you rockstar! :muscle: I do love reading that you are a romantic with life – what a way with words Jules “what a soft unviolent feeling” I love it! Keep up the amazing work friend… much love to you :heart:
@happyfeet you are so sweet friend – grateful to be here with you and appreciate your virtual hugs :hugs:
@englishd Great work on your 2400 days Derrik – that is an impressive number. Great to see you maintaining your sobriety with all that you have going on. I know life is dishing it out heavy at the moment and want you to know it’s impressive seeing you dealing with it in a healthy manner – utilizing your tools and taking it ODAAT. Thank you for leading the way and a huge congrats to your accomplishments.

Checking in on Wednesday night
525 days free of alcohol and weed
940 days free of cigarettes
Been a full packed day - very productive and so exhausting. Grateful that i was able to push through and get so much done. Was really hoping that this exhaustion would help me sleep but my mind is still racing and my eyes are so wide awake :laughing: – gonna try some meditation and hopefully get some zzz’s soon.
wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


You are in debt to no one my friend, we’re all here for the same reasons in one way or another. And most of us helps ourselves by being here and share our thoughts, experiences and tips.
If it helps anyone else in any way that’s just a bonus.
I’m glad that you eventually talked to you manager. God job, I’m sure it took a lot of courage to do so.

Wishing you a wonderful day my friend.


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.

Day 92

Nothing to report.

That’s all Folks wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I do feel we are in debt to each other, and pay each other back in like kind. It’s a positive notion for me. I’m glad to be in debt to you friend :people_hugging:


Thankyou @JazzyS :slightly_smiling_face:


Glad you’ve had that conversation @Mno
You deffinitely stepped out of your comfortzone!

*Day 2080 :walking_woman:
I’ve worked yesterday, but was limited in my normal movements because of the sore muscles.
I already felt old because of the temporary loss of my hearing, but now I felt like 100 :smiling_face:
But ok, I’m off today so I hope a day of rest will help me. Worried about a friend of mine. Her husband is mentally very sick and has to be hospitalized today. I try to be there for her but there isn’t much I can do. It’s sad.

So today I share this picture of a little Maria memorial place I walked a week ago. It’s on the beach and people put personal stuff there for Maria. It was a special place :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Today I light a candle for my friend and her husband, hope Maria ore God will listen to it.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Thanks Dana :pray: glad you had a good day. I hope to see a pic of the birthday cake. Already sounds stunning :hugs:



Another blah day. Not really happy, but not unhappy. Just somewhere in between. Probably pms :woman_shrugging: Makes the most sense. My whole body’s been tense too, especially my shoulders, which is unusual, and annoying.

My ex is still in jail after going to court yesterday. I called the jail today and they said he has another court date this Friday, but I’m still clueless about what’s going on. It’s too bad he’ll miss our daughter’s chorus concert tomorrow night. I hope I know something soon bc if he’s in there any longer, I’ll have to go to his house and get my daughter’s things, and possibly their cat. Idk if his roommate can support that place by himself, as he was only supposed to live there until he got back on his feet. I hope he doesn’t lose another apartment going thru all this. I really thought he was finally getting his life together :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Today would have been a recipe for disaster if I was drinking. I’m so grateful the thought of picking up never once crossed my mind :pray: Knowing that it will never make any situation better has been so deeply ingrained in my mind, those thoughts don’t even try to make an appearance anymore. It’s miraculous :sparkles: Stay strong everyone :muscle: :heart:


@SoberWalker The memorial is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. Prayers for your friend and her husband :pray:
@JazzyS Hope you’re getting some sleep right now. Sorry to hear meds are not helping with your allergies. I hope you find relief soon.
@Mno Good job on talking to your manager :muscle: Talk to more people about your job dissatisfaction and different opportunities will keep showing up. It‘s not about finding a clear solution right now, but about setting up a stage for one to show up, about sending signals into the world about your needs. Look at it that way: All our brains work mostly under our level of consciousness. If you talk to people about your job dissatisfaction their brains will store that information somewhere and this message that you are in need of a different situation will get out into the world. How else are people supposed to find out what your needs are? Communicating your needs is your job. I totally get your anxiety. I‘m not a big sharer myself and totally relate to the anxious little kid inside. But you know what they say about nothing changing :wink: Have a good work day today friend :hugs:
@Englishd It is a nice round number, with a lot of digits and two zeros. Can‘t complain about that :wink: I totally get the isolation thing. We all need time and space to recharge and when stress is high and mood is low we need even more of this. I hope you can find a good and nice way to care for yourself in your difficult situation.
@Butterflymoonwoman Regarding your energy intake: Are you hungry? This is usually a good sign if you need more food. If you have ramped up your exercises it might just be that your body does not have enough time to recover properly in between your exercise sessions?
@Juli1 Congrats on four months!!! :clap::partying_face::sunglasses: Glad to hear the pool and life are doing their magic.
@Leveller Congrats on a week. That is a great accomplishment :muscle::partying_face: And please do come here and talk as much as you feel good about. You never know who might benefit from your share.
@Danwood85 I hope you got to enjoy the sauna and I‘m hoping you get your days off soon. Take really good care of yourself friend.
@happyfeet Congrats on 10 months :man_dancing:t2::sunglasses::partying_face: That is fantastic! Hope your energy levels and mood stabilise soon.
@Lighter Your trip sounds very promising! I love to cruise through places and discover all their strangeness. And I‘d soooo love to see some pictures from your trip and your side of the world. I hope you can share some of your travels with us.

190 sugar
54 UPF
61 gluten
40 dairy
2 overeating

Hormones mess with my hunger and satiety signalling. I‘m doing my best.
It‘s a public holiday around here and my daughter will be off to a birthday party at a public indoor pool with her school friends.
I‘ll do my best to battle the hormonal rages. I want to get into the next round of prototyping, read up a bit more on the process. I might be able to get into some yoga today, maybe.
Honestly I‘m so down, no energy, can‘t concentrate and absolutely no motivation to do anything. At the same time irritated. It’s like PMS on steroids. I hate this hormonal stuff.
I‘ll probably spend most of my day doing mindless chores or watching the telly.

Let‘s do our best to keep some peace today, stay kind to ourselves and find freedom where we are :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 62.

Here is to hoping this day isn’t nearly as draining as yesterday.

Going to visit my mom in the hospital today.
Thankful that there is finally progress. :slight_smile:

Was kinda thinking about becoming more active on this app, mainly because a lot of the time I use this place as a diary when instead there could be real possibilities of connecting with people here.

I’ll just have to come out of my shell I suppose.

I hope everyone has a good day and if not, I hope you have the strengh to keep going. :slight_smile:

Take care everyone^^


Day 9
No Alcohol & Tobacco.

I’m living today and i’m grateful for being sober. Now at office having morning Green Tea. Day is good without hangover, and planning to start Gym from 1st June, I want to go for vacation after 3 months to my home country so my plan is to get fit during these gaps.
I know everything will happen if i stay sober because if i drunk my all plan not works, only drinking is works.
One day at time staying sober.

Thanks all :slight_smile:


11 months

Woke up without a headache, which is great cause yesterday was hell of a day. My head was exploding and I don’t even know why. Too much sugar lately maybe? Morning run in a drizzle and wind? No matter now, grateful it’s gone.
Kitties learned how to go up and down the stairs so now all house is a playground and man, those tiny little creatures are making a noise! I love them.
Plans for today? Dutch chat club (lessons) at library soon, then shall see.
Since @Amy30 posted about her awesome workout in the nature, it inspired me to make some yoga in the park behind my house. And ofcourse since then weather is not letting me do this :slight_smile: Also, I feel bit awkward doing this, hope nobody gonna see me. Luckily its usually totally empty when kids are at school. My husband said I am weird cause I should feel good that I am doing this and even proud, that nobody gonna think I’m crazy. Last time when I was running at 5am I met my neighbour going to work and I felt so ashamed… And actually why? Seriously some shitty thinking in my head is going on.
But from the other hand, I never understand how ppl have to make excuses about the fact they are not drinking on some social events. Im always proud to say I’m not drinking and I never ever received some weird look or comment about it.
We are all weird people, one way or another :slight_smile:
Have a good day everybody :heart:


I’m the same.,…always thinking about what other people might think of me. It helps me a bit to remind me to NIVEA:
Niet Invullen Voor Een Ander (do not fill in for someone else).
Ore to mirror the situatation. What would I think when I see someone running outside at 5 in the morning? Probably you think: wow! I would like to be so energetic and sportive myself in the morning!
We have dry spots in the weather today so maybe you still can do a yoga session in nature! :wink: Have fun!
And congratulations for the 11 months milestone!! :muscle:

  1. Back up to over five months sober. Want that year again… Want forever :infinity::heart: I’m too sore today for yoga, my glutes feel like someone took them for a spin on a bucking bronco all night :rofl: I love to feel a little sore from working out, but today is a bad one. Nothing much else to report, feeling pretty peaceful.

Working out/exercising out is soooo much nicer than doing it indoor. I get the feeling weird about people seeing you. Sometimes, I get really self conscious and feel like people judge me for being fat and exercising. Some probably are, but fuck it! I just think about all the horrible embarrassing things I used to do while drunk or high. If I wasnt ashamed of THAT then working out in the great outdoors should be easy. :joy_cat: Plus, most people don’t bat an eyelid. Some will just walk past me and give me like a little acknowledgement nod. One old guy has been stalking me and keeps trying to give me ‘advice,’ but I solved it by finding a different workout spot.

Either way… once you get into what you’re doing, you start blocking out everyone else. It’s easier said than done, but hopefully you’ll start enjoying outdoor yoga soon.

Edit to add! Holy duck… I’m like 502 days sober. I missed my own milestone :joy_cat:


One day at a time. It’s interesting how much I learned about my mindset, thought process, brain and lessons I’m here in this world to learn from. I’m grateful for stepping away from alcohol, have started to enjoy my life and whatever it brings to its very core. My new life is based on a plan, applying courage against fear, training growth mindset and accept all the good things in my life as I deserve it. So yeah, checking in here to maintain focus on all these aspects and greeting you my fellows, wish you a good day :heart:


There it is! :muscle:t2::sunglasses:


180 days
Late check-in. Busy day, but a great day. Today would have been a drag had i been drinking.
Thankful to be going to sleep tonight sober and content


Hey all, checking in on day 1446. I hope everybody has a good one!