Checking in daily to maintain focus #66


I can run outside (even that can get a bit awkward sometimes but I manage) but I could never exercise in a park or public place. I can barely exercise at the gym! lol

When I do see someone outside exercising I think to myself I wish I had the fortitude to do that! I bet that’s what most people think.

It sounds awesone, I’m envious!


Checking in on Day 5.The mental struggle is tough but feeling better physically :pray:


@Amy30 I am going to try, definitely :slight_smile: I don’t care so much about people in general, it’s more about my neighbours specifically. I feel like ppl gonna think why is she not working out in her own garden, why she have to show off in the park… I am working out in my mini backyard sometimes but it’s not green enough (see pic). It’s alright for kettlebells, but i would love to practice yoga somewhere closer to nature :sweat_smile:
About being judged by people - it’s all in my head, I know.
Congrats on 502! :fist:t3:


Day 36.

Tipped out all the alcohol last night as soon as I found it. Then went to the beach and had a swim.

Going to the Acropolis later, and seeing Rammstein live tonight!
Sorry I haven’t responded to everyone, I’ve been very busy!

Have a good day all :blush:


Day 197, so close to that 200 mark again. Not sure what to say, had a good one on one with both my mental and addiction counselor. Really thinking its time to get on a healthy track, more water, maybe a little tread mill action. Something, i dont feel necessarily unhealthy but there is always room for improvement. Love my bike rides into work, saying my gratitudes, listening to nature, grateful my girls are safe. Seeing the squirrels doing there thing and saying hi to them as i ride by. Idk, i remember a couple times through getting sober like wondering who i am or what am i going to do without booz or drugs in my life, feeling angry that i couldn’t drink or use like normal people. But idk i dont think like that right now, today i dont drink or do drugs bc i cant, but more just because i dont want to. I like being sober and getting through things without the extra pain of what alcohol and drugs bring. Much love everyone


In the spirit of positivity, whenever I see a fat person working out I think “hell yeah”. This includes me in the mirror :blush:. Anyone doing activity to make their life better is cool but what’s more inspiring to someone ordinary? Watching someone doing something which might be harder for them or watching an elite athlete do something I’m never gonna come close to?

I say work out and be proud whatever we look like doing it.


Congrats on 500 days!! That’s massive!


@SoberWalker what a beautiful memorials :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Hope your body and muscles are feeling better today.
@Just_Laura sorry that your ex is still in jail. Hopefully he will be able to get released soon and not loose his living situation. Love that sobriety is ingrained in your mind…keep up with the great work
@JonasE this is a wonderful community to engage with and get to know some amazing friends. A lot of threads to read and and some just for fun ones to help stay distracted. Great plan to get involved more. Grateful that there is progress with your mom. :pray:t4:
@sarath_unrelax 9 days is fantastic… absolutely right that things are easier to deal with and enjoy in sobriety. Plans never pan out when we are intoxicated. Keep up the great work and I hope you will be able to visit your home country soon.
@Mischa84 wow…11 months girl! Fantastic work :muscle:t4: :muscle:t4: :tada: love that you are thinking of working out in nature. I love seeing people do that and I wish I was that courageous. Hope you are able to get out of your mindset and enjoy the experience.
@Tragicfarinelli 154 days is amazing girl and you are in a better headspace now and more in time with your sobriety. That year and forever will come… This is your life now… enjoy the moments and be proud of how far you’ve come. The sober number is just a number…it’s the day to day efforts that add up.
@bunto 24 hrs :muscle:t4::muscle:t4: great work friend…ODAAT love the plan and the take action mindset…keep it going!
@Juli1 there it is…4 months my badass friend :muscle:t4:. Amazing work…hope you can celebrate with a nice swim today
@Thumper1213 here if you need to talk it through…it does get easier friend… great work on day 5
@Lile01 love that you threw it out and that swim sounds heavenly. Enjoy your vacation love…you dear to relax and have a good time

Congratulations on your milestones…so much to celebrate


Checking in on Thursday morning
Did get a few hours of sleep… feeling sluggish and in pain but got the coffee brewing and gonna get my walk on. Another busy day that I hope to manage today… wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Congrats on 24 hours! These first few days can be so tough so every hour you do is incredible!


Awesome work! I can’t wait to hit 4 months :star_struck:


Nice work on 5 days! I found the first week the hardest. Great work!


Day 17


Enjoy everyone!


Oh man the Acropolis and Rammstein sounds like the greatest day ever :raised_hands:


Day 90

So glad it’s here! It takes forever to feel better, alcohol is that trash of a drug. Things just started opening up this week, like things seem possible again.

I had to force everything before now, there was no flow. Wait it out here, reading, posting. Just don’t drink. Sober head on pillow is the only goal.

Was afraid I was stuck with all that weird dysfunction and fear. Insomnia like I’ve never had before. I know it cleared last time but I thought I had broken. No, it got better. Took forever but it did. I don’t have to cry that I’m the first person not to get better. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: My suffering is not greater than anyone else’s. I’m not special. But damn it is hard for the first several weeks! I could not sleep, had no energy and couldn’t see ahead. There didn’t seem to be a future. You just hold on to everyone here tightly because you have no idea what’s coming. If I didn’t believe you guys that it would get better, where would I be? It really was the only option left.

I am chuffed. (I said chuffed :laughing:). Love you guys and thank you :heart::heart::heart:


Checking in day 73.

So much is going on but overall it’s positive.

Have a great day everyone!


200w (2)


56 days sober
I decided that I need to go on this work trip but that I’ll break it up so I’m not doing it all in one go. I wish I could wait a bit longer but I can’t put it off much longer with money being so tight.

I’m not so much worried about drinking but about my anxiety and the flashbacks that have started back up since working on my traumas. I’ve still felt like not going into town much or to the bazaar. It’s all frustrating.

What would you do in this situation? Cut the loss and try to figure something else out or push yourself to go on a work trip you maybe don’t feel ready to go on yet? I feel a bit stuck on it…I freaking love traveling for my job and this is the first time I’ve not wanted to do the trips. And I really need the money…I’ve been selling horse milk to try to supplement some of the lack of income from me avoiding the travel for this job but it’s not cutting it. But I don’t want to panic or go into flashbacks while trying to do my job during traveling. So just feeling a bit stuck in it.


Checking in on day 323.


I’m having a whirlwind week, just trying to remember to water my new plants every day. Tomorrow I have a work deadline, so its been focus, focus, focus at work and don’t look up. The twins will have their last school day for the year next Thursday. I can’t believe that soon it will be summer! Life will get a tad easier with not having to do school drop-off and pickup, but I will have to keep the refrigerator well stocked since they’ll be eating all their meals at home. Have a good day, friends!


@Mischa84 My building doesn’t have a yard either and I need my favorite color in my life(green :green_heart:). I remember coming in after a run and my neighbor lady goes “why are you running? you don’t need to, you’re already skinny” and I just said “how do you think I stay this way?!”

One of the best things recovery has taught me is not to live in other’s heads(or let them live in yours). There’s absolutely no way to know what someone’s thinking, so it shouldn’t matter to you. A simple concept that, with practice, brings such a freedom to your life.

Congrats on 11 months :clap:

@Soberbilly Thanks for that :blush: Last night I had to consciously relax my muscles while I was lying down. I definitely can tell when my mind causes my body tension. Harnessing the mind/body connection can do wonders. Believing something’s possible can make it a reality. I just forget sometimes :upside_down_face: