Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Outstanding job!




Feel really miserable right now… The engineer came and said we need an air sweep I was like :frowning_with_open_mouth: I know that’s what your supposed to be here doing!
Have to wait until Tomo. Spent a whole day wasted waiting each hour as they said early he will be here within the hour. Took all day to come.
All for nothing. And tomorrow will be all day as well checking it all etc… just feel like my life is just a big joke how can I take it seriously :flushed:


Day 2238. Working instead of babysitting today. I miss babysitting. I miss my buddy. As a drunk I would work to hide from life. Now, It bothers me when work takes away from life.

Greatful of my job…glad I was able to help out. Just missing my buddy


Can’t even have a bath to relax and calm myself because there’s no hot water :sweat_drops:


I feel your frustration. Hang in there. Good thing you are still getting it checked out.

Humor . Nice to know there is a job for someone who can confirm original diagnosis.


I had to read that twice to get it :joy: it did make me laugh. I think it’s because the air sweep takes 1-2 hours. And it’s the end of the day here.


Twizzlers this is called an ‘Excuse’ don’t listen to it!


I’d hazard a guess he misses you too… :wink: :people_hugging: :orange_heart:


Go to a meeting. It’ll take take your mind off it.


@JonasE congrats on day 40. You have an amazing day as well. Keep on keepin on!

@Chevy55 congrats on 125 days! Keep on knocking down the days…How have you been man?

@Thumper1213 congrats on 197 days! Hope all is well with you.

@Charlie_C whats up friend? Congrats on Day59! Keep on keepin on.

@wahtisnormal congrats on day 25! Sorry to hear you’re feeling down. This too shall pass, better days are ahead. Sooo glad that you’re still grateful for things. :people_hugging:

@acromouse congrats on all of your sobriety achievements. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling the best today. Get well soon :people_hugging:

@Juli1 congrats on 4 months!! Keep on keepin on! ODAAT

@CHASE.E.U congrats on Day 46!!

@Lotusflower congrats on 122 days AFand 220 Drug free.

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: so so thankful for the small things that we sometimes take for granted.

@Lighter congrats on day 69

You can do this. Call your sponsor before you go, you can have their voice playing in your mind, and you’ll have more confidence. You got this! :muscle:t4:


@Tragicfarinelli congrats on 133 days.

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: sounds amazing! Enjoy! No Drinking!

@Twizzlers congrats on making to day4.

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: I love this! :muscle:t4::heart:

@dakini congrats on making it to Day3.


@Pattycake congrats on 302 days!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: feels good to see everyone on track, meeting milestones and sharing positive!

@tailee17 congrats on 72 days!

Checking in Day18. Not the best day but not the worst day either. Mother in law is in the hospital, don’t know if I did update yesterday. This morning she was moved to ICU. Prayers are needed. Just glad I be there along the way for support, some people don’t have anyone else. I’m physically and mentally drain, not much more going on. #ODAAT :heart:
Have a fantastic day everyone.
Happy 24!


I read this article last night and it made me think of you. The more I read up on it, the more I believe Buddhists have the right idea :wink:

Congrats on your 2 years :clap:


Checking in day 129 AF :blush:


Day 61 sober & smoke free

All ok :+1:


Day 320.second check in. I had an urge for a bottle of beer this evening. About ten minutes ago. So I think I need another check in.

Not a great urge or a bad day, just a quiet ‘have a nice beer, it’s sunny out.’
Bit rubbish. I will stay vigilant but a bit fed pleased I didn’t have a drink tho.


Great thoughts and an excellent read. Thank you.

Learning to accept and even love change is personal growth at its finest, I think. I remember my low spirits before I quit my last job. That sense of stagnancy, futility and later the knowledge that, while drinking, things would likely remain stagnant. The best I could hope for then was treading water. I remember that yearning for change, massive change.

As much as I feared it, and I wanted it, I just went on…until one day the balance shifted and I found that the need outweighed the fear and I quit. I didn’t know then at a conscious level that another attempt at sobriety would follow. The job was keeping me down, and alcohol was keeping me down. They were a pair and getting rid of both was the change I truly wanted. My life is very uncertain now but in that uncertainty is freedom.



Good for you. Dot take that 1 beer it just might lead to others. Stay strong. Breathe!


Hi folks, checking in Day 18. Feeling a bit tense and overworked today. Getting pissed off with suppliers promising materials and not delivering. I was on the verge of an argument this morning but managed to hold back and get my point across politely :slightly_smiling_face:

Listened to a good podcast on addictions with Anna Lembke and Rich Roll. Loads of good insights. I like them both and it was an easy listen. I bought Anna’s book Dopamine Nation a couple of months ago, read 3 chapters and stopped even though I was enjoying it. I’ll pick it up again soon.

Thanks for listening, peace and love to all :pray::heart:


Thanks for the shout out. And congrats on 18 days ! Sorry about your mom in law. She’s lucky to have your support, though it’s hard on you. Sending prayers your way, friend.:pray::pray::pray::two_hearts: