Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

TragicF! You’re right- time to make the decision. Frees me up to enjoy myself without that stupid, stupid game of fighting the urge to drink. It’s not a debate anymore. I don’t drink. This is the realm I haven’t dared to enter, yet. I am looking forward to getting back out. It’s time. I can always run away screaming and make a big scene and Uber home if people won’t accept me sober :laughing: I mean, it’s going to be ok, and I’ll eat some tasty food with friends to celebrate my birthday that got rained out. I don’t drink.

Thank you friend



Thank you! I am experimenting with magnesium but haven’t gotten the right one yet, at the proper dosage. I soak in epsom salts for sore muscles, but need to pick up tablets for sleep. Thank you for the reminder. :heart:


Day 4 :white_check_mark:

Waiting for the gas engineer to come and do an air sweep and turn on the gas again if safe to do so!
My whole day has been turnt sideways :thinking: I can walk sideways.
So yep had to change it all up. Instead of screwing and fitting all the furniture I made into the catio… I cleaned the front garden and will go and get some screws I need once the gas safety is done and il do the catio tomorrow.
Kindly my dad is picking up some garden rubbish from the back gardening I did yesterday later this evening and dropping off some nice large logs for the catio.
So a bit of a change in the day. But I will be all prepared to wake up and get out there Tomo and push on.

Riding the waves of life, not letting it tip my boat over. I built a strong boat these past few years. Got a hole in it recently but it didn’t sink so il keep on sailing through the waves and enjoy the calm in-between.

Have a good day all


Glycinate! Thank you. There are so many types. I’ll pick some up while I’m out today. I’m getting stronger and moved up to the next level dumbbell yesterday . Just need more sleep!


I’m really enjoying this weeks holiday. Today I went on a hike (did 28 kilometers!) with a friend and moved some of the flocks into better pasture. I’m super tired out now and think I’ll sleep well tonight! I had a great conversation with my friend today about some things in my past that have been coming up and it was like a weight being lifted off me. We still have 20 kilometers to go tomorrow so am hoping to sleep good tonight and get an early start in the morning. Also I’m amazed I still have 3g so high up here!! Hope everyone else is having a good day!


Lots of different dosages out there, too. You might do a bit of research before buying.


Day 3. I think i finally figured out what I have been doing wrong - going back to the poison for a day or two after some 30-40 days AF. I am fighting old demons! They pop up now and then and I eventually cave. Instead I need to start building my new self! The old self will always be with demons. Let her go…Be a phoenix.


Nice! I’ve just started the twelve steps Buddhism book. I first read Pema Chödrön’s The Wisdom of No Escape. It’s freeing really. I’ll dip in more toes slowly. Thank you. :pray:


Morning friends!!! Its a bright and early morning for me and my son. He has a field trip today and i get to volunteer with the class!!! We are sooo excited! Just packing up everything we need and will be on our way shortly. Hope everyone enjoys their day! :sunny:


The higher the hair the closer to heaven :smiling_face:
Love those 80’s hairstyles or the Fran Fine 90’s curls.
Ironically enough I’m not a fan of my own curls. Mainly because they never co-operate with me.

Hope you’ll get a nice and relaxing time at the salon.


Truly tho! Where does it go? :slight_smile: being clean and sober created a busy life. I feel like the time just flies. Its always good to see u posting. I remember the help u gave me in early recovery and i always appreciated it. Glad to see u doing so well also!!


It’s the art of getting the movement right and completing the sets rather than the weight. I still use the smallest weights, but ensure I follow the body placement and form correctly. Engaging abs and glutes during deadlifts for example…form perfection, not the weight size :facepunch:t2::100:🫶🏼


Great attitude for when things go awry. Good luck getting things sorted and congrats on 4 days :heart:


Thank you :blush::pray: nice watching you stack up those days too!! :sparkles:


Checking in on day 302.
Holy Shit! Folks are hitting them milestones left and right, it’s so great to see!
Have a lovely Thursday, everyone.:heart::heart::pray::pray:


Thanks Billy, I will bookmark. :raised_hands:t2:


Day two is a wonderful accomplishment. Stay strong. I am rooting for you.:heart_eyes::hugs::eagle::honeybee:


Congratulations on 2 years. :boom::star:


Checking in 72 days. Moving really slow today. Not quite 3 weeks after hip surgery. Muscles are saying WTF HAPPENED!


Some big ass numbers! And a bigger ass spider… :face_with_hand_over_mouth::spider:

Huge congrats to you! :boom::birthday::tada: