Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

That’s good news despite all, I hope they can offer your wife something to help here with the pain! :pray:


Absolutely, thats a great way of looking at it :blush: i am super excited for the fridge. Today was much better, thank you :pray:t2: hope youre doing well!



Busy workweek ahead, starting tomorrow. I’ll make the best of today, want to enjoy the weather, do some writing -1000 word story due next week for creative writing class, no time for that after tomorrow- and cook myself some good food.

Writing this down I notice all these are solo activities. I want to do something social too. But what? Go to the bar or join a dating app, is that all I can come up with? Sh*t. I made some great friendships online over the last years. I need some in person contacts too. Still a huge mountain to climb in my mind.

I’ll find a way. One day at a time. Have as good a time as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Pic is my verbena, I love its resilience, love its fragrance, love it all around. I love how I had no idea what kind of plant I got when I bought it three or four years ago. Like when I started this sober journey. Like I love this place and all of you.


1 week is amazing!! Cheering you on from afar :partying_face::raised_hands:t2::blush:


Day 26

3rd day in a row off work. Took me 3 days of not working to finally reach a more peaceful and happier state of mind, and feel fully rested. Now i go back to work tomorrow :melting_face:
Got lots of good stuff done these 3 days though. Including rest and spending time to myself and getting to do some hobbies. Its nice to get a reset every now and then.


Day 1. I’m not ready to share much this morning. I’m committing to checking in here for the next 30 days & I will contribute.


@Mno I totally get how getting to know new people in real life is very difficult. I‘m struggling with this too. Most of my interests are solitary and I don‘t really want to do them with others. On the other hand I lack social contacts in my life… I realised I like playing board and fantasy games. So that‘s where I will start finding a group for as soon I‘m healthy again. Good luck in your endeavours.
@Timetochange I hope your wife is going to find relief from her pain soon. This is such a stressful situation for the both of you. Don‘t forget to take care of yourself too. Especially if drinking is crossing your mind.
@SoberWalker Thank‘s for that picture. I really love it when you post these treasures from your walks. Hope your anxiety lifts soon.
@Just_Laura I can see how allergies will make you very tired. All this inflammation is taxing on your whole immune system. After all your body thinks it is fighting a really infection. I hope you get some relief soon.
@FalloutSign Congrats on your week sober :clap:
@Chevy55 Wow to all that energy :raised_hands: Keep it going and don‘t forget to get some down time :wink:
@K_S Thanks for your well wishes. I‘m very sorry your mother in law is ill. I will keep her and your family in my prayers. I hope you get to relax a bit and take care of yourself today.
@Thirdmonkey I hope you get to see your little buddy soon. It‘s really great so hear how now life and your loved ones are more important to you then work. :slightly_smiling_face:
@Twizzlers I know everybody has been on it, but an online meeting could really get your mind off things. And you can just listen in. You don‘t even have to share or have the camera on. That‘s how I did my first meeting. Just listening helped.
@Butterflymoonwoman Nice to see you so excited for your trip. Have fun, enjoy the day!

170 sugar
34 UPF
41 gluten
20 dairy
7 overeating/binge

I‘m having a hard time anxiety wise right now. This tummy bug - or whatever that is - is still going on. The pain or digestive issues are not really that bad. I am just extremely fatigued and have spent yesterday mostly in bed watching tv and reading.
But my mind is on high alert all the time. I‘m not at home. The appartement I‘m renting is booked til Sunday and I have a train ticket for Sunday as well. My mind keeps running in circles catastrophizing how I won‘t be able to get to the train station, or get on the train, or make the trip… Alternatively it keeps spinning out of control about how this is not just a tummy bug but some kind of serious health issue.
I know if I was at home in my own flat I‘d just let things go their way. But being here alone in this mini flat gives my mind plenty of material to go nuts. I‘m using my anti-anxiety tools: breathing, grounding, mindfulness, meditation. In the worst case situations like last night I‘m using the insight timer‘s talks for acute anxiety.

Today I want to get to the grocery store around the corner. I‘m running out of food. I want to make a small kind of plan for the day so I have some structure and my mind will be occupied. I want to at least watch the talks on the festival live stream. And I want to work on the game that has been most on my mind lately. If I have the strength to do so I’ll do some more of my game design studies. Maybe I‘ll try to get to the festival grounds in the afternoon.
One thing is for sure. With this tummy stuff going on, chances for overeating are slim :wink:

I can use a day of peace, kindness, and freedom today and that is what I wish you all :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


@happyfeet Anne my moka percolator is back in use but I’m still with you brewing coffee this oldschool style :slight_smile: Now coffee from moka tastes a bit metalic for me (maybe time to buy a new Moka) and I like muddy one better. Coffee with muddy ground drinkers unite! :fist:t3::grin:


I have a Kitty. Biagaletti so joining you.


Day 53.
Been a busy week, glad it’s over and I get to spend time with my son. He’s keen on crocodiles at the moment so while mums at work over the weekend, we’re going for a drive to an animal sanctuary where they have crocodiles and a heap of other native animals.


Day 70

I like the sound of 70 days. It sounds significant.

Storms with tornadoes and hail decided to come to my area last night. Ugh! I had just replaced my roof late last year. I think it made it ok; storms got weaker as they moved in but I still heard that awful sound of ice bombs hitting the roof and windows. Just a couple more weeks. Summer is nearly here and all of that will stop.

It’s 3 am. Couldn’t sleep, was getting upset about it so coffee time! I think the magnesium will help. Need to take more than one I think. It did make me very sleepy for a while. And felt like it was a missing nutrient! Ya

I’m going to use my weird awake time well. Read around here. I think I’m ready for going out later, but it would be good to keep filling my head with recovery just to be sure.


I think your doing a great job
My mom kicked us out for real. For two days just for asking to watch different TV than soap opera
As a parent, you do what you have to do

The only wrong is mistreating them to abuse
Then if that’s the case, go get checked out.
Be super Mom
super mom


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 72

We’re all having the day off.
Weather is supposed to clear up, but we’ll see about that.

Still looks good for next weekend and that’s all I want for now so I’m good with it.

Pa would’ve turned 70 today if he’d been still alive. My brother reminded me. He wanted to make a fb post about it and wanted my approval.
I approved, and lit a digital candle on the memorial page.

Felt a bit bad that I don’t really care about all those things. I mean I did send a happy birthday to the other side ofc.

But I don’t care about sad fb posts, digital memorial page candles, or visiting the grave other than when Ma wants to drag me there for her own reasons.

I don’t really have the need for it. In my opinion all that is for the still living so they’ll have a way to handle and deal with their grief.
In my opinion he’s still here, we talk pretty often even if he’s not here as a full living person.

The only one who actually do understand that seems to be my uncle.

At least that’s someone so it’s all good I guess.

Didn’t mean to make it a sad post, because It’s not. It’s just some thoughts.

Wishing y’all a wonderful Friday.


That sounds lovley.
My brother (who is 7 years younger than me)
Used to love crocodiles when he was a kid.

One warm summer day when he was about 4 we had a small lizard coming in to our kitchen, my brother just stopped on his tracks and shouted for all he was worth. A Baby crocodile, it’s a baby crocodile in MY kitchen, and has come to visit ME. This is the best day of my life.

And then we helped him help it out.
For years after that he checked in our river if the crocodile had grew up yet.

We didn’t have the heart to tell him that we don’t have wild crocodiles in Sweden. :smiling_face:

He is in his 30’s now but still checking even if he knows it won’t be a crocodile in the river.


God that’s cute. I love the mindfulness that comes with looking at nature and trying to find a crocodile!


Day 126 AF

Off for another day of city type work… son is coming tonight for early Mother’s Day sleepover as he works Sunday and he and I will work in another gym system for muscle targeted training to move away from supersets.

Have an enjoyable Sober Friyay peeps :hatched_chick:


160 days
Back at work for a nightshift. Managed to get a nap in today despite the neighbors having workers in making noise.
Was going to do an extra shift tomorrow day but the kids want a family day tomorrow. Might pick up an extra shift tomorrow night instead.


@Just_Laura ooh those allergies are no joke and they do really take it out of ya. Hope you were able to get some rest and have something that cools your eyes. I just got these eye patches with built in pockets for ice packs and they really help. That is one awesome looking feeder…I’m sure your mom will love it.
@Timetochange so grateful that you were able to get in today. Hope they are able to help your wife. Fingers crossed that something opens up sooner for the GP too. :pray:t4:
@mno hopefully you will be able to get out and connect irl with someone. All (or most) of our solo activities can be shared with a friend…a bike ride, a day at the museum, coffee or lunch, a picnic. Happy Friday dear friend.
@Dustysprungfield so good to see you Dave. Day 1 is awesome work friend. Here rooting for you… looking forward to seeing your daily check ins :muscle:t4:
@Whereswaldo oh how cool…have a blast seeing the crocodiles with your son today. Share pics if you can
@Lighter congratulations on 70 days! This is impressive work. Hail storms are no joke…just replaced my roof a few years ago due to hail damage. Hope all is ok. Do talk to your GP about supplements and dosages. You can do more harm by over doing it as well. Maybe ask for an updated blood panel to see what your levels are currently so you can have a better idea of how much your body needs. Hope you are able to get in a nap today.

Loved reading this. Enjoy your family time Marty. The kids grow up too quickly and you’ll have these memories to cherish :people_hugging:

Checking in Friday morning
I feel groggy and off kilter. Think I slept well but I don’t feel rested. My eyes are itchy and burning. Really hate the damn allergies. Haven’t had for a few years and not digging them now :rofl:
I have a relatively relaxing day ahead…will go with the flow and see how it unfolds. The weather is amazing today so I want to take advantage of that.
Hope you are all having a wonderful addiction free day
… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1426. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy Friday, all! Checking in on day 303. We are all stacking up those days of freedom, one day at a time.:peace_symbol::pray::heart: