Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

@JonasE congrats on 40+ days :tada:
@Twizzlers I hope everything goes better today :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope you and your son had the best time on the school trip :smiley:
@SadMemeQueen good to read from you :blush: stay connected 🩵
@diamonster I’d love a punching bag, that would work wonders for me mentally and physically! I used to train at a boxing gym in my late teen years, nothing felt better than walking out of there after a training session :hot_face::muscle:t2::boxing_glove:
@Juli1 congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Aine welcome :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli enjoy your break :blush:
@zzz congrats on your week+ :tada:
@FalloutSign congrats on your week :tada:


@JazzyS it was brutal, and I felt very unwell afterwards, feeling so much better today aside from the worst back & hip pain I’ve been in for some time, but grateful to have a peaceful mind today and the time to rest. Thank you :blush:🩵 and I hope your allergy symptoms settle down :people_hugging:
@Timetochange I hope it goes well today :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Dustysprungfield welcome back :people_hugging:
@Lighter congrats on 70 days :tada: enjoy your meal tonight :plate_with_cutlery: :blush:

1368 days no alcohol.
833 days no cocaine.
348 days no vape.
9 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Ahead of my appointment yesterday afternoon, I had the urge to binge all day, it was so strong, I had butterflies in my chest, stomach, and bladder, and I wanted to escape myself. I distracted myself with the fitness thread on here (trying to motivate myself to start again in the gym & swimming), and it helped to pass the time. My appointment was a phone call, and I don’t have regular phone signal where I live, and the only place where my phone connects quite reliably to WiFi calling, is the bathroom. The letter said to be available between 1 and 4pm, I went into the bathroom at 1pm, the phonecall came at 15:20, and the call lasted 1.5hrs. I was in so much pain from sitting upright for so long, and then that made me want to binge too.

Then, shortly afterwards, I attended the Safe Soulmates LGBT+ group on Zoom. I didn’t speak much, but it’s good to connect, even if I did join from my bed with my camera off.

I felt like I was suffocating all evening, I didn’t feel well at all, but I did some meditations, and thankfully fell asleep.



Day 20

Just checking in.


That’s my opinion too.
My uncle has his own theory as well. He says that the souls linked to each other are linked through eternity. Some show up when you need them and others follow along all the time because you need them.

You might not know who or why or even when or in what shape (It can be human, a tree, an animal or even a spirit of some kind) , but you’ll feel the connection.


I hope u have a good day?well done on the not bingeing.


36 days sober :blush: I finished taking the animals to pasture and will start the return trip tomorrow. I’m hoping to do it all in 1 day but I’ll see. We’ll be able to ride the horses back so it’ll be a quicker trip. I feel a bit emotionally exhausted after having a pretty intense conversation with my friend yesterday. It’s brought up some feelings I tend to shove down and ignore. I don’t like talking about the past and when I do it all gets dragged up again which makes me want to drink. I can’t buy anything where I’m at but if I was home I know it’d be tempting.


28 days and 16 hours no form of marijuanna
9months 22 days no ciggs or vapes
5 days 20 hours no nicotine including loszengest

1 year no alcohol today!!!


Day 327. Hope everyone has a great day.


Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. I think about this often but have so much work to do.


Check in 2 Day 70

Thinking of this day as a positive. Not deprivation, freedom. Got groceries for delivery to take any possible ‘get ready for company’ temptation off the table. Regular food, snacks, Peroni 0.0 beer. Food. I won’t buy alcohol for guests at this point, but I decided to have a little NA beer and lots of sparkling water on hand. Perfect. I’m going to be grazing from the time the groceries arrive at noon until guests arrive. Just in case. I have some healthy snacks too. And I need a good workout. I feel happy. Free. A little uncomfortable but not bad. I’ll embrace the discomfort. It’s a new me. Yeah, people will notice. More that I look better. My eyes are white and skin is so clear.

Guests asking for alcohol? There’s a Shell station a mile away. I’m going to try to avoid extended porch sitting as my back porch is a little too pretty. People want to sit for hours. No. We’re going to exercise now!! :laughing::laughing:. I’ll make it a fun time, no sitting. Sitting turns into guzzling guests, and an uncomfortable me! Who likes badminton :badminton: :grinning:. Haha, everything will be ok. I’m just high strung.

Back to cleaning, I’m going to check in again.


@CATMANCAM sorry about your back/ hip pain. Sounds awful to be stuck in the bathroom waiting for that phone call. I’m sure that and the 1.5 hour chat would contribute to you not feeling well. Hope you can be gentle with yourself and rest today. Sending you loads of love my friend. :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:

@Noshame woohoo 1 year of no alcohol. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball: Way to go with all your timers. Flex those sobriety muscles!

@Lighter you’ve got a solid plan in place. Remember your amazing 70 days and your support system here. Hope you have a wonderful sober time with your guests.


33 days sober for me.
Enjoying my evenings, my mornings and the in-betweens. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all sunshine and roses, some hours and days really suck. But it’s better than the shame, regret and dread I would feel after a night of blackout drinking.


Thank you Jasmine! I’m a little nervous but your support sure helps! All these ‘firsts’ will be weird. But I can shift my attitude and think beforehand.


WOW friend!!! Look at those numbers!!! Especially on ur 1 year sober :smiley: Huge congratulations. Uv been so determined and persistant in becoming a healthier version of u for urself and ur family. Proud of u!


Give this man a medal!

Congrats on your year, such an achievement.


Yesterdays field trip was SUPER fun!!! Im so glad i went. I initally felt out of place with the other moms there (or maybe it was just in my head) but then began talking to one mom who asked about doing a playdate for our kids. So we exchanged numbers. Very cool! My sons fav part was the virtual reality game. Initally they werent going to allow him in bcuz he was in a wheelchair, but once I spoke up about it, they let him in. I could understand if there was a safety issue involved but there absolutely wasnt and so im grateful they let him in to try it out.

Today is another beautiful day!! Lots of sun and a warm breeze. I have 1 appt to do and then hopefully i can catch the gym before my son comes home at 1pm. I have 2 overnights to do (tonight and tmrw night) and so i have to prepare for that, as well as for work this weekend. Its payday for me and my husband so bills are now paid. I always feel good about that! Ordered a few things off amazon. And ya… life is good today!

Hope everyone has a fantastic addiction free Friday! :sunny:


Day 2239…nothing good, nothing bad…just a day. I once chased “good days”. If nothing great was going on, then something was wrong. Just one of the many excuses I used to drink. Recovery Dharma taught me to sit where I am, soon enough life will change. This brings me peace.


Day 177. All is going pretty well, heading to my moms this weekend to be with my girls. Got them a fun little prank cant wait to get them. Mentally im doing well, no complaints much love


Checking in on day 134. Just got kicked in the gut with the consequences of past actions. I have a lot to go through in the next several months. In the past I would have drank to kill the feelings. I’m proud that I just laid in bed and hid for a few hours, and did meditation instead. I’m glad this community is here for succor. But I’m still AF 134 days and counting. :v:🫶🏻 ODAAT in a big way


Congratulations on one fine year :bouquet::clap:t2: