Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 55 sober & smoke free

As normal all good :+1: 3 days off work long wk end , Bank holiday Monday :sunglasses:


Day 170, wow i cant believe it, they finally found the matta babi here where i live, its about time.


Hey friends!!! Today has been another good day so far! Got my workout in. Ate a healthy lunch. Now just going to tidy up and do some prep for supper. I have to do an overnight shift tonight and so im preparing for that aswell. Thankfully its just 1 night and then the next night i have to do isnt until late next week. I can handle 1 night lol Im feeling super refreshed and strong and healthy today. Just feeling so grateful for the gym and for my recovery overall. Hope you all are having a FANTASTIC friday! :heart:


ā€¦2232 alcohol, 451 tobacco, 3 months caffeine. Need a push to get active again. No worry about relapse, just life is so full right nowā€¦I need to be intentional in my sobriety path. I found myself struggling to connect here and another forum I belong too. Easy to be tooooooooo busy.


This place can do with some Thirdmonkey energy, compassion and wisdom! Great to see you Scott! :people_hugging:


Thatā€™s pretty close. Everyone else left him to his own as heā€™s in many ways useless and wonā€™t do to save himself. I took up the fight because I couldnā€™t stand to see him struggle and suffer.
Tried to teach him how to cook, he wouldnā€™t even boil water, and got him finally just able to use oven to cook pizza instead of ordering in.

But he didnā€™t want nor try to change, just stay with where he isā€¦

So be it, my idiot compassion days are doneā€¦ I have enough on my own plate to not worry.

Appreciate the clip of the Buddhist insights and thoughtā€™s. May be something to look further into for myselfā€¦

Take care Bill!


@mno wishing you luck with your writing. Many emotions can become unleashed as you dive into the past (even with happy memories). Remember that we are here for you :people_hugging: hope you have a wonderful Friday

So very true. A great way to look at it. Hopefully you had a great hockey session. Have yourself a fabulous Friday.
@Just_Laura hope your neck improves. That pain can be so ugh to deal with. I know how insane your mind feels seeing work(the clutter) to be done all around you but remember to relax - it will all get done.
@wahtisnormal way to go Zoe with beating your record! I know it took months for my body to finally feel rested after sleeping. I think this is cause our bodies are detoxing and repairing themselves from all the damage we had caused. Keep stacking up the days- hopefully you will feel energized soon.
@MrFantastik wowā€¦5 months is amazing work Marty. You are crushing it :muscle:t4:
@leroy congratulations on your 40 days! Hope all went well with your aftercare program. Keep on stacking up the days :muscle:t4:
@CATMANCAM Wow friend. A lot going on for you. Grateful you were able to sit with your feelings and just ā€œbeā€ in that space. I know you might see it as a burden but it really isnā€™t if that person is reaching out and offering help. Grateful you did zoom with her and did end up joining the group. Sending hugs and loveā€¦you are loved Cam :heart: :people_hugging:

Yes to this! So sorry to hear about your breakup. Grateful to see that drinking isnā€™t a solution and you are days away from 1 year! Freedom from our addictions is a lovely feeling. Looking forward to celebrating your milestone with you :tada:
@Laner oh wowā€¦ so beautiful. Iā€™m sorry you have lost sheep. Grateful that you were able to help this snow leopard out. Incredible wildlife in your neck of the woods. Glad you will have a friend around as you celebrate your 1 month milestone :muscle:t4:
@Chevy55 I know that itā€™s not easy to make the decision to block someone you care about from your life. I know Iā€™ve come to the point with a few where it was all hove and no take and my well was dry. I had to be selfish and look out for me. You have been there for this friend and hopefully now he will get the push to do more for himself. Love that quoteā€¦very apt for this moment. Grateful to see you pushing forward in your sobriety journey and all your healthy routines.
@Wakikki omg girlā€¦Iā€™m so sorry to hear this. Are you able to have your husband monitor your dosage so that you only take as prescribed. I know that pneumonia isnā€™t anything to mess with and it can be seriously dangerous. Please do take care of yourself and hoping you and feeling better soon. Many healing vibes your way :pray:t4::pray:t4::people_hugging:


Grateful for Dharmaā€¦ grateful you are working to come out of that discomfort :people_hugging:
@Danwood85 12daysā€¦ yippeeā€¦so close to your 2 week milestone :muscle:t4:ā€¦I do hope you get a break and are able to enjoy a nice sober weekend.
@Pattycake check you outā€¦ creeping up to 300! Keep going my friend :people_hugging:
@Thirdmonkey great to see you checking in Scott. Your timers are very impressive. Totally get how easy it is to loose connections when life gets busyā€¦ hopefully checking in will help you and will for sure help us :people_hugging:

Checking in on Friday afternoon
Wow the day turned. Woke up with not wanting to do anything and slowly ended up running a few errands, doing a 2 mile walk and a 25 min exercise routine with Mom. Feeling good and tired lol. Had started to check in this morning and then got side tracked in a good way. Thumb and arm still throbbing and swollen but better than last night so going in the right direction.
Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Im not sure I want to take it. I trust myself not taking to much, but still- when she said it can be addictiv I dont like.

I hope it not to seriouse, at least the doctor told me not to worry :see_no_evil: But with my healthanxiety, I think of every reason I have it or if it is something else: like something that got in my lung that does not supouse to go ther, like food :see_no_evil:


Check in 2. Tried to be super productive today and it backfired! Started getting impatient, thinking all the time I spend on recovery is wasted time, and the projects would have been done already, I would be happily working in a new job and all manner of other nonsenseā€¦

I had to close up shop for the day! Eww. The thoughts. I forget what I went through once I feel better. I forget that I feel better because of recovery, not just randomly. Then I wonder since I feel good, why should I waste precious feel good time on recovery? Itā€™s quite a mental twist and I hate it! So Iā€™m here telling on myself. I forgot and I am going to remember so I donā€™t start thinking a drink is no problem for me.


You got this Marie.
Play the tape forward to early tomorrow morning, after a decent restful sleep, and not feeling ill.
The clear headedness is a result of all your hard work. There are going to be ups and downs, but hopefully the ups are more oftenā€¦

Stay around, post, chat, stay focused on why you came to be sober in the first place.

I believe you have thisā€¦


Lmao gosh darnit. Not everyone jump at once and ask me what a matta babi is :sweat_smile:


Yes, I need to double down. When that kind of thinking starts up, I need to be here. Everything else can wait.

Thanks Nick


Checking in day 123 AF :blush:


A good book, bath, movie, make some
Popcornā€¦ stay in the gameā€¦ you are stronger than these thoughts.

Glad you came here first :heart:


Great post my friend. This is a wonderful safe space :metal:


Hahaa, I just thought it was something to do with a previous conversation I missed and left at thatā€¦
Iā€™m trying to be less inquisitive and noseyā€¦ lol.


Iā€™m glad your doctor said itā€™s nothing to worry about. Please do rest I hope you are feeling better soon :pray:t4: the anxiety can be so overwhelming. Iā€™m sorry love.


Lolā€¦what is matta babi? I was trying to Google but couldnā€™t get a good answer.

So tell us Mike :smiling_face:


Checking in Day12. Thankful for another day sober. No matter what happens today, I will not drink. Today has been good so far, and the rest of the day will be even better, Iā€™m claiming! :muscle:t4:
#ODAAT :heart:

Have a fantastic day everyone.
Happy 24

I repent and release the dependency by which Iā€™ve lived until now. Whatever the rootsā€”self-doubt, self-hatred, self-loathing, etc.ā€”I release the sense that I need anything or anyone but You and Your truth to get me through the day and through this life.