Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Nuttin sugga whats the matta with you :rofl:


Oy :roll_eyes::grimacing:

Thatā€™s a bit terrible. Lol


Lmao well its funnier in person. Idk my bad :laughing:


so bad yet iā€™m bent over laughing ā€“ that was worth the build up! Thanks Mike for my Friday laugh :joy:


No it was fineā€¦ haha, dry, but fineā€¦ always love folks sharing a laughā€¦ well done sir


@TheWolf sorry about your marriage :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@Laner sorry about the bad dreams, your sleep, and your sheep :people_hugging::mending_heart: what a wonderful experience to share though, the wildlife refuge sounds like the perfect place for the poor guy, like Mno, it has made me feel emotional. Sending sleepy vibes for tonight :sleeping: :sparkles:
@Wakikki feel better soon šŸ©µ
@Thirdmonkey good to read from you :blush: congrats on all your timers :tada:
@zzz welcome back :people_hugging:
@JazzyS thank you :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Mindofsobermike I did wonder :sweat_smile:

1362 days no alcohol.
827 days no cocaine.
342 days no vape.
3 days no binge-eating.

I caught-up here first thing, then finished the book I was reading.

Today has been much like yesterday, lots of emotion swirling around inside of me with no release. I meditated a lot. Allowed the feelings. There was also a few brief moments of calm and peace, there wasnā€™t yesterday, so that was helpful.

It is only day 3, and I am already having cravings for crisps and TV. Itā€™s because I found new episodes of a show I love, when I was engaging in bingeing earlier this week and started watching it, and I hate leaving things unfinished, but I donā€™t feel able to watch without crisps. I managed to nap for almost 2hrs, so that passed some time, and catching-up here has taken me til itā€™s too late to get to the shops before they close, so Iā€™m safe for tonight. Part of me feels like I should just focus on not having takeaways or eating/drinking anything sugary for a while, rather than crisps and binge-eating too, but thatā€™s just my addict trying to get what it wants.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Those thoughts are lies! I can relate and I believed those lies too many times went back to the life of chaos. Youā€™ve gotten through 62 days which were the toughest for me. Iā€™m almost at 19 months and still struggle hard at times but I always keep those first few months fresh in my mind because I donā€™t think I have another do over in me. We can handle the struggles with a clear head and think it through. I definitely donā€™t load myself down with tasks now I have my list and work one task at a time. Sometimes I get it all done and sometimes shit waits till tomorrow. Iā€™m proud of you Marie keep pushing forward and it slowly gets easier :yellow_heart:


Thanks @JazzyS ā€¦glad you had a good day! Hope youā€™re arm and thumb is better soon!

Survived a Friday night birthday meal for my brother. Drinks were flowing but I wasnā€™t even slightly tempted. Alcohol has been a big part of my life and addictive personality for years but for some reason I donā€™t crave it. Zero impulse control would lead me to have beer which would then escalate. Not tonight though which was nice.

Iā€™ve been feeling marginally better the last few days. Iā€™m enjoying music again, having good conversations with friends and family and laughing more. Feeling a little stronger every day. Iā€™m grateful for this and my friends, family and you guys. Youā€™ve given me a lot a strength and helpful advice over the last couple of weeks. I canā€™t thank you enoughā€‹:pray::heart:


94 days AfmfA

Had a craving tonight.
Wonā€™t describe it in detail, as it might trigger.
Or maybe it was just a thought.
Not sure.
Its never ā€œjustā€.
I will stay @zzz with you too. Anyway!

Thanks @CATMANCAM for understanding the special noise and sharing your experience of it as intolerable. Thanks for letting us be part of your sensitive world. We realy need to ask ourself which stimuli we choose. If we have a choice.

For using we have.
And breathe.

Love you guys :kissing_heart:


Thanks my friend. Iā€™m just starting to feel much better, so yeah, do a bit and let the rest go if Iā€™m feeling weird about it. It can wait. Itā€™s Friday evening, nearly, time for a crime show! That always cheers me up :laughing:


I thought i was outta touch and the only one who didnt know what a matta babi is


Waaah wahhh wahhhhhhhh thumb :-1:




Oh you know youā€™re so proud of that corny joke lol @Mindofsobermike


:laughing::expressionless::laughing::expressionless:ā€¦I laughed :joy:

1 Like

I am one year sober from everything but nicotine (I am cigarette free since september 11 2023) and honestly you guysā€¦I have a hard time believing it.
I lost my ex mother in law and my step sister in the last two years, and the both had addiction problems.
I feel like I am doing this for me, but I cant help but feel them with me and I feel like I am helping them heal as wellā€¦I like to think of it that way.
They are always with me and I love them so much.
My boyfriend is 8 years sober, I am so lucky to have found him and I am so proud to share my life with him.
I am 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant todayā€¦I am forever grateful.
Life is soooo good to me.
Thanks to all of you
Grateful for this community :heart:


Good to see you checking in @Sara.eve happy, healthy, and loved


Day 192.
Made it through a tough week.
Hope everyone has a good weekend :v:


Checking in on day 127. Just becoming evening here in California, Friday night used to be such a big trigger, but Iā€™m feeling strong. Thanks for sharing your stories, everyone. So good to know weā€™re not alone.

@Laner what a stunning animal!! Thanks for sharing

@Steve14 Happy Friday!!!

@Chevy55 so sorry about your friend, I empathize as Iā€™ve had to go no contact with people and itā€™s tough. :people_hugging:

@TheWolf the end of a marriage can be traumatic. Much strength being sent your way :purple_heart::purple_heart:šŸ«¶šŸ»

@JazzyS I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! :pray:


Grateful for this friend. Glad you are here with us working on your journey. :pray:

@seizetheday Check out the number sequence ā€“ 123 days is amazing Hannah!

@danwood85 Way to go friend ā€“ glad you were able to enjoy a sober birthday dinner celebration. Happy to see you finding joys in life again ā€“ grateful to have you here with us sharing your journey :hugs:

@juli1 94 days my friend ā€“ you are a **boomchakalaka fucking rockstar. I am sorry to hear about your cravings tonight ā€“ remember your mind can and does play games -especially when a big milestone is approaching. So close to your triple digits Jules ā€“ keep rocking it my friend :hugs:

I love this Sara! You are impressive with all your timers. So grateful that you are healthy and well as you nurture a new life :heart:

@davina_davis Thanks friend. wishing you a wonderful weekend as well :hugs:

Checking in on Friday night
499 days free of alcohol and weed
914 days free of cigarettes
had a great Friday :blush: Got to enjoy some self care and enjoyed cooking a lovely meal for my brother and myself. All in all it was a great day and i am now ready for bed. Sweet dreams!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: