Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking in on Day 10 - I like seeing rounded numbers!

Have a horrid day today with various work meetings I really am not looking forward to. Focusing on getting through today only as come tomorrow it will be the bank holiday weekend

Hope everyone has a Good Friday :+1:


Happy Birthday!!! :partying_face:


Congratulations on 40 days :raised_hands: Great work.


Thank you :pray:t2:


Checking in, hope you all have a great day! :grin::grin:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 86

My brother called and started to talk about holiday plans. Now it seems like he want us all my family, his family and Ma to go to the Pirate themed park we visit every year.

We’re supposed to maybe book our stay this weekend to assure that we’re going at the same time.

He has wanted to go for a vacation like that for years. Me, not so much. I have enough trying to balance taking Ma out on a few trips every year.

Yesterday when we talked on the phone she wanted to do something for Halloween if we’re not going to the Pirate themed park this summer.
So now I need to talk to her about my brothers idea tonight.

It gives me a bit of anxiety. Just the thought of planning and orchestring a trip like that. With my family, kids, special need kids, a husband who can barley walk, Ma who’s always drunk and angry, my brother who’s like Gordon Ramsay and his two small kids that most of the time behaves like Taz from loony toons, feels like a bit to much.

I’d love to go to the Pirate themed park though so we’ll see. Maybe it’ll turn out fun.

That’s all Folks.

Wishing y’all a wonderful Friday :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Stay strong @Noshame the intense cravings dont last forever. Address H.A.L.T. (hungry, angry, lonely, tired).

Look at this rather than avoid with drug use. What can you do to get some relief? A nap? Meditation? A breathing exercise? Talk it out?

Id hate to see you lose your footing again. Lean on your supports my friend


Congrats on 60 days!!! @leroy


174 days
Nothing to report really. Had a couple of fleeting thoughts of drinking but not serious. Had a bit of a quick read on here in the morning to solidify my resolve


Im sorry youre struggling @Chosen2001

Life is rough and it doesnt get easier bc we get clean. My dude you are so close to a year, dont throw away your progress. What helps me when i have a lot of negativity and depression in my life is to highlight the positive, practice gratitude, even if i have to force it.

Be sober for you.


Happy birth day @Chevy55 boy you sure are stacking them days. I hope you have found some balance between work responsibilities and rest


631 AF
33 Nic Free


I dont even know where to begin and end i guess all i can say is absolutely well and truly F**K this week!

Last week a friend took his life i was unable to make his funeral, im waiting on his family to get home to go see him. I havent let myself mourn his death im scared to feel those feelings it always brings me close to wanting to pick up a drink. I know i wont but ill feel that too.

Then a friend in a far away country decided to post up his journey in ovr dsing that triggered me and sent me side ways in the head. I have to manage my bipolar daily on top of not boozing.

In the end we managed to get someone to him he survived. Thankfully.

I habe had to take time away from social media after this just to chill myself out.

Much love guys, if you are struggling in anyway shape or form please reach out to someone.


Ahhh thats alot to deal with @2JTravNZ

I sympathize with you as another bipolar addict. Im proud of you for being aware of your triggers. Lean on us and your other supports but absolutely dont pickup. That road is a knarly painful one


Thank you @Cjp ill be ok just trying to maximize gym time and hibernate a bit, keep myself safe and sane


Good plan brother


Wide awake 2y23d sober. Boscoes scaredy butt awoke due to a thunderstorm so that means i woke up at 245am with his paw on my throat. Made coffee and here we are. How much is too much coffee? Hmm well atleast ill get my workout in this morning

Im loving my friday, caffinated positive attitude. HP willing i can carry this thru the day


@BJonns welcome back :people_hugging: I hope you can access support soon :crossed_fingers:t2:glad you got something from the meeting :blush: congrats on 1 day :tada:
@K_S sending you strength and calming vibes for how things are going down with your son 🩵 :sparkles: but congrats on 30 days :tada:
@sarath_unrelax welcome back :people_hugging:
@JazzyS thank you :people_hugging:🩵 congrats on 17 months :tada:
@acromouse it really is :blush: huge congrats on 6 months no sugar :tada: 3 weeks no overeating/binge :tada: enjoy clubbing :blush:
@Timetochange congrats on all the 3s :tada:
@Judport3 congrats on 4 months :tada:
@Doreen1 enjoy your vacation :beach_umbrella: :sun_with_face:
@Leveller welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Danwood85 thank you :blush: 🩵


@Will3 congrats on 4 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@Bomdhil congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Jeanine congrats on double digits :tada:
@Just_Laura congrats on 15+ months :tada: but omg I’d be terrified too! I hope you’re okay :people_hugging:
@nastya_is_fighting welcome back :people_hugging: I hope your partner will access some support. If you do attend the event, I hope you have a good time :blush:
@SKhan congrats on double digits :tada:
@Merryshoes good to read from you :blush: congrats on 650 days :tada: good luck with minimising distractions :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Sabrina80 congrats on 600 days :tada:
@CHASE.E.U congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Noshame sending strength 🩵 you’re doing really well :people_hugging:


@leroy congrats on 60 days :tada:
@james83 congrats on 70 days :tada: feel better soon 🩵
@Juli1 good luck for your test :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: if it was me, I’d be too anxious about seeing him to go to the pool there, but trust your instincts 🩵
@Danny100 welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 16 days :tada:
@Chosen2001 sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope your son feels better soon :people_hugging: sending well wishes 🩵 :sparkles:
@Timetochange congrats on 11 months :tada: enjoy your time off :blush:
@Mno ahhh rejection sucks, I’m sorry :people_hugging: I hope the physio is helpful 🩵
@Chevy55 happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:
@wahtisnormal congrats on 40 days :tada:


Day 2253. Counted the number of pinecones on a tree last night. I much needed break from the hustle of life. Grand baby making a visit to the camp site today. Sober life = a good life.