Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Hugs for your hurts… your growth … and the boxes that are getting :white_check_mark: ‘ed.





Day 12

Finally feeling back into sobriety now. Motivation for a better life is starting to come back. I did a ton stretching yesterday and organization of my life.

Keeping the momentum going with my morning coffee. I’ve got to hit the picket lines today (which I hate), but only get paid if I go. Taking in life on life’s terms is the current challenge that I must succeed at. I’m taking it as a personal challenge to overcome.

Enjoy the day everyone!


Checking out of day 112 AF.

Ended up heading to the gym and running 5k’s on the treadmill and then doing some weights. Really proud of myself as I was looking for excuses not to go.
Avoided takeaway food for lunch but still ended up eating cake at lunch and in the evening.

Our little man (2.5yr old) has REFUSED hair cuts and had hair growing down to his nose. As he’s been to a few birthdays parties lately and really enjoyed them, we decided we’d try doing a hair cut party (music, promise of cake and candles). He was excited for the party but absolutely screamed as we tried to cut his hair. I ended up giving him a bear hug while mum went round with the clippers. After the hair cut, the tears and the screams, we all had cake. He ended up not napping and was a riot for the rest of the day. Really proud of my little man for getting through it all.

One question… did anyone else find that they take so many less painkillers once they stopped drinking? I reckon I was taking 2 or 4 panadol or ibuprofen tablets (Tylenol/Advil) every day or at least 4 times a week. Now its rare for me to have some in any given fortnight.

Have a great week everyone!


Hey all, checking in on day 1485. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 16 - Feeling pretty awesome this morning, but lots on the go again today. Getting reassessed by my doctor and having a follow up call with my boss re: returning to work, so some stress there, but if I can do this, I can do anything!

Wish me luck and I also just want to say how grateful and inspired I am by everyone here. If you are having a hard day, know that it will get better and you are loved!


Love this for you! Baby steps friend. :pray:t4::hugs:
@mno thank Mno. Hope all went well at the vet. Give Luna a big hug!
@wahtisnormal I get myself so worked up over conversations I want to have and most of the times it isn’t as bad as I had imagined. Even if it is bad…I work through it and am better for having discussed what was bothering me. It may be easier to write it all out so that you can calmly discuss with him and not forget something or a main point in the midst of the conversation. Have you practiced deep breathing techniques or breathwork meditation? These could help with the adrenaline surges. :people_hugging:
@acromouse hope you are able to get out on the water soon. It is my happy place and so relaxing. Congratulations on triple digits no gluten :tada::confetti_ball:
@2JTravNZ you were missed Travis. The forum does get super busy at times and then life happens but we do notice the rhythm being off when a member is not around. You are a part of this community and I hope to send you strength to keep beating those urges. Have an amazing time in Bali! Keep connected :hugs:
@SoberWalker big hugs love. Glad you are finding better coping mechanisms and were able to have a good cry. Ooh a tat to finish off the arm. I love this …have a fabulous day (share the pic when it’s complete)
@Mbwoman happy anniversary to you and your hubby
@Nowenbrace happy anniversary to you and your wife

Checking in Monday morning
Skipped my morning routine today. I am feeling the effects of yesterday. Not complaining as it was a wonderful experience…just need to take it easy and be gentle with my body today.
Have a headache which I will tend to now. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 236. Hey sober fam, yesterday was good. Got back to pburgh and got a work out in, put a different derailleur on my bike and cleaned it up. Talked to my buddy who relapsed again and apparently he got fired from his job. Just shows us how fast we can lose shit, i mean this stuff can obviously happen sober as well. But still it wakes you up, and im still beating myself up about calling in thursday, friday myself…yes i had pto time, but i still dont like it. When i got to work this morning, some of the workers asked if i was ok which yes i am, i didnt get into details, and some were complaining bc just today we had three calls out as well. So i mean im not the only one, but i dont want to be in that circle. I am going to ask my therapist about possibly doing a fmla form to help provide me with more support on days where i really struggle to get going, my depression is so much better, but some days its still really bad as well. Im putting in work the best i can, i also may see if there is a medication that can possibly help stable me on those couple days that i have every once in a while. But yeah im here today and having a good day, much love sober fam. Have a good day


OMG, @JazzyS, how kind of you to remember! I don’t think our adult kids even will. But that’s OK! We know and are celebrating with a meal at a wonderful local restaurant. I’ve already been online looking at the menu.


160 days AF
Hellyes :muscle:t2:


You are most welcome. My sister’s anniversary today too. Lots of love on this day :heart_eyes:

Hope you have a wonderful anniversary dinner :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Good morning. 2 days done, working on day 3 today. I’m worried because corporate will be at work today. Them being there a month ago was a piece of the puzzle that triggered everything a month ago. But so much else was was going on too, so it wasnt the only part that sent me. So many passed away in 2 weeks, 4 who i was close too, my managers neighbor committed suicide, and a coworkers daughter died in an atv accident. I was being used by my adult kids as doggy daycare and no one was helping me clean up. So it was a build up with no one thing being the breaking point. I learned a lot the last month though. Drinking over the problems doesnt help. I did talk with my kids about boundaries at my home. Me and both of them made up. I’m rambling, but wanted to check in before work. I feel amazing this morning!! I have my first meeting in years tomorrow im actually excited about. Ill check in this evening. :heart:


Have been awake since 5am and already managed to get a workout in, fold the laundry, and clean the kitchen. Just drinking my protein coffee now and then wait for someone to arrive to fix a hole in the wall under the sink. It was supposed to be fixed when they made the hole awhile back. They opened it up to see where a leak from the pipe was coming from. And it wasnt even from our unit. Anyway, thats getting fixed today. Then i have some phone calls to make regarding when my sons mri appt is going to be since they had to reschedule. Ya, thats about it! The Calgary Stampede is on right now so there are thousands and thousands of people here right now attending it. The trains n buses are always packed and music is always going on near us (I can here it right now out my window), so I dont know if we will go anywhere today. I usually try to avoid the crowds on the street at all costs lol Anyway, have a great Mondat everyone! :butterfly:


That sounds incredibly exhausting. I remember being on edge like that years ago bcuz of my ex. Always on high alert. Always hypervigilant. Do u know what is causing this feeling for u? I pray that u find some sense of inner peace and calmness… sooner than later. Its hard to live life that way.


:four: days away…. Checking in on day 361​:peace_symbol::heart::pray:


Mid-day office check in.

Day 4 in a row my wife working overnights.

I fell asleep on my daughter’s floor after putting her to bed and talking her to sleep last night. Ha. :rofl:
I got up early and cleaned the disastrously messy kitchen before driving my daughter to daycare this morning and starting my workday.:muscle:t2:
This would not have been possible if I went to bed with a ton of alcohol in my bloodstream. Gotta savour these small wins.


Checking in on day 400 AFAF. :star_struck:


Checking in, 92 days sober.
Woke up to to a bat in my A-frame cabin. Yikes! Wish me luck getting it out. Otherwise I’ve got yardwork and am taking the the kids to the lake again.
Have a good day everyone.


Nicely done friend…400 days is a huge deal! Great to see you doing so well in your journey. :tada::confetti_ball::pray:t4::muscle:t4::tada:
200w (1)


I’m struggling today, I feel weak. My mum died suddenly ten years ago today, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over the shock of it. I’m on a waiting list for grief counselling, but I don’t think it would help anyway. I think I’ve PTSD from what I saw that that day. My heart is racing and I feel anxious. I’m out of Xanax. I used to swallow the anxiety and sadness down with vodka. I’m not feeling very much like a walk this evening, feeling too low and erratic.

Sorry for the depressing post, I’m just being open and honest with where my head is at. I pray I’ll make it to tomorrow morning sober.

I’m late today, but checking in 9 days :heavy_check_mark: