I’m sorry friend. He is being a A**hole. Don’t let his words trigger you or make you falter (I know that’s easier said than done)… You got us here rooting for you and giving you support. You have a good streak started…keep up with that momentum and yes- it does get easier
@StacyAnn flex them sober muscles . Do glad you didn’t cave. Grumpy is ok…it doesn’t last. You are 5 days strong
… keep pushing forward. Hope you do find time to rest and relax.
@Ccn31 thanks friend. Doing ok. Glad you are choosing to rest… everything else can wait. Recharge your batteries
@MrMoustache sorry the day turned on you. Hopefully it will just as quickly turn back. You are so her and that’s amazing. Grateful for your attitude. Reach out for support if it gets too hard. I am sorry that you are dealing with the mental rollercoaster glad to read that you are doing better
@Kareness oooh enjoy the walking pad…I just gifted myself with one last month and am loving it.
@JMS19 sorry to hear about your relapse. Don’t let it defeat you… starting over and stacking up the days is the best thing to do. Keep pushing forward
@naomi so good to see you friend. I’m so sorry to hear about your relapse. Day 2 and going strong…this is no small feat. You had 1 year and will get that again. We got your back . ODAAT
Checking in Saturday afternoon
Man oh man… feeling so tired but plugging away. Managed to bake muffins and cookies and clean the kitchen. I dyed my hair and got a 30 min walk in while the dye was setting. I wanna crawl into bed but waiting for our guests. They said they would come after 1 and before dark . Seriously…I can’t push it so just going with the flow. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love