Thank for asking, my friend! A book and coffee lifted my mood and I’m feeling better now. Just called to my oldest son and we had a lovely chat. Now I’m making another cup of coffee, haha! And like you, I don’t like of black coffee, I need my oat milk in it. I’m feeling atm really grateful to be alive and healthy and sober. That’s more than I can ask. Thanks for reaching out! Have a wonderful day!
What an AWFUL thing to say to u!! Prove him wrong my friend. Show him that this isnt a phase and that this is for the longrun.
Dont let him have that kind of power over ur emotions. I know its hard. My husband can be very negative also (while im the positive one). And it can be hard to not let their emotions effect us. But stay on course and stay true to urself and ur recovery. This too shall pass
I know that feeling all to well. Hopefully it passes soon, maybe go for another walk? Or some motivational podcast? Congratulations on your days of sobriety!
Hope everyone is doing well. This time of year is not easy. I made it through New Year’s Eve but then stumbled on Jan 2 still trying to figure out how to stay strong and stay away. Happy 2025 all.
Thank you! I’m feeling better now, a book, coffee and a call to my oldest son helped, it was so lovely to chat with him. Now I’m drinking another cup of coffee and just chilling. I’m grateful to be sober and alive!
Day 2
Relapsed after a year AF. I gave up and was ready to go on a weekend binge to drink myself into oblivion, if it wasn’t for this community. Dusting myself off and getting back on the horse. It sucks hard and it’s painful.
Now making a plan how to avoid another faceplant, I have work to do.
Isn’t today your 1 year? I may have miscalculated and I’m sorry if I did…
Wanted to wish you a happy soberversary
lol, well my counter says tomorrow but today is 365, but I think I need to survive the challenges of today first my friend.
Sorry to hear about your relapse, but huge congrats for two days, that’s awesome! And your long time being sober ain’t lost, you got tools to get back on the saddle. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you got this! Just stick to the plan, hang around in here and in no time you feel like a winner again.
Aah I see… tomorrow it is! You keep fighting the good fight my friend . We will celebrate properly tomorrow
Yeah we will!!
I’m sorry friend. He is being a A**hole. Don’t let his words trigger you or make you falter (I know that’s easier said than done)… You got us here rooting for you and giving you support. You have a good streak started…keep up with that momentum and yes- it does get easier
@StacyAnn flex them sober muscles . Do glad you didn’t cave. Grumpy is ok…it doesn’t last. You are 5 days strong
… keep pushing forward. Hope you do find time to rest and relax.
@Ccn31 thanks friend. Doing ok. Glad you are choosing to rest… everything else can wait. Recharge your batteries
@MrMoustache sorry the day turned on you. Hopefully it will just as quickly turn back. You are so her and that’s amazing. Grateful for your attitude. Reach out for support if it gets too hard. I am sorry that you are dealing with the mental rollercoaster glad to read that you are doing better
@Kareness oooh enjoy the walking pad…I just gifted myself with one last month and am loving it.
@JMS19 sorry to hear about your relapse. Don’t let it defeat you… starting over and stacking up the days is the best thing to do. Keep pushing forward
@naomi so good to see you friend. I’m so sorry to hear about your relapse. Day 2 and going strong…this is no small feat. You had 1 year and will get that again. We got your back . ODAAT
Checking in Saturday afternoon
Man oh man… feeling so tired but plugging away. Managed to bake muffins and cookies and clean the kitchen. I dyed my hair and got a 30 min walk in while the dye was setting. I wanna crawl into bed but waiting for our guests. They said they would come after 1 and before dark . Seriously…I can’t push it so just going with the flow. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love
Day 11
So what is Team Bring It?
#TeamBringIt ‘‘There’s more - Much more!’’ You can actually press on that #Hashtag
How cool is that? I know right
Champ always posting in Class
Checking in on day 31.
Eek, that sounds horrible, hope it gets better soon.
@CanadianGirl I often drank AT people too. It is cutting your nose off to spite your face. I like this
@StacyAnn Those ‘dodged bullets’ times always made me appreciate my sobriety more. Well done!
@MrMoustache Friendships in adulthood are tough. We are busy, also we assume things, etc. Glad you could talk with your son. I also hate black coffee.
@JMS19 It is weird, people often relapse after getting through a big event sober. I don’t know if it is (unconsciously) feeling cavelier because you stayed sober, or you feel you have used up your willpower, or what, but it for sure happened to me, and you see it on here too. That’s why ‘one day at a time’ and the most important day to stay sober is the one you are living right now.
@Naomi Absolutely. When you are in a hole, stop digging.
Feels good to know I am not the only one, definitely feel a lot of guilt right now. All the pressure of the whole new year new me concept that we all feed into also. Kind of feels like even more of a failure.
Checking in 1,929 days sober.
Been a nice day, stayed warm and cosy despite the cold temp.
Made a Roast dinner, slow cooked (overnight) lamb and roast chicken.
Watched the latest TraitorsUK with my daughters, now its time to relax.
Stay safe and sober peeps
Weve been watching the Traitors also! Its been good so far! Your dinner sounds amazing!
Checking in day 5. Went to a meeting, did some shopping & chores, took my dog for a walk, cooked myself my favourite meal, and listened to an audiobook whilst doing some colouring in this adult colouring book I just bought. Good wholesome day!
Checking in day 369 AF I’m also 6 days vape free
my intention was to only vape for a short time, that was 6 years ago! So I’m quitting that too. Xxx