Checking in daily to maintain focus #72

Leap Year makes it 366 . The same will be for me. 365 is still a whole year…


lol, I’m waiting for the app to release my 1 year coin, then I celebrate. Haha


Checking in with 312 days… I am thrilled with where I am with my sobriety. Confidence in remaining sober is a bit high and should grovel with humility. God brought me here and I am working diligently to remain here. I like the feeling of achievement. Eating well and becoming healthy has been a rewarding goal. Relationship, well that is a work in progress, hopefully progressing for a happier future. I find as I am participating in some heated discussions I yell I have progressed greatly since being drunk everyday BUT I AM NOT PERFECT! Guess what I have to remember and wish other party would realize how far I have come from 10 1/2 months ago. I am a few months from turning 62 years old. The new me is not even 1 year yet…


Your doing amazing, hopefully hubby realizes that sooner as opposed to too later…


Day 81 in the books alcohol free!
Feeling changes. Liking most of them. Could slow down with the mouth and instant attitude. But thats why im here! Hope all had/have a great day!


Anyone having same issue that each time I click on a post it takes me to a defunct YouTube page?? Like every single time


Day 560. Watching the detectorists again :slight_smile: just makes me feel like its summer and all is well with the world :slight_smile:


Nah fuck that he’s not right. This time can be different. Don’t drink today and you’ll be at 10days, what an achievement. Then just keep stacking the days one at time just like everyone else.
Stay being the positive light. You’ve got this


@JazzyS yea I’ve been doing the works… stretching, foam roller, massage gun, rolling on a baseball :tired_face: (that ones the worst), its slowly getting better but at the same time its going agonizingly slow.

@acromouse thanks for your kind thoughts as always. Glad you’re feeling better. Sorry I was awol when you were detailing your health issues so wasn’t aware you were struggling so much. Seems like lots are going through hard times at the moment.


That’s shit CG. That is a first class arse. Why would someone be so mean.

I’m sorry you have to deal with that, but do not let that sort of attitude beat you. That’s all on him and his self conscious knowledge that he’s just trying to pull you down to his level. Please don’t let him win this or you’ll never be able to bear down.

I’m always disgusted when people wish to beat others down as opposed to lift them up.

Wishing you the best and know you absolutely can beat this thing. You absolutely can!!


Day 309

Hey there :wave: It really may snow next week. I would love it!! . Things are overly brownish. And it’s pretty rare.

I’m a little winter gloom moody. Dark enough for interior lighting all day. I have a therapy light that may or may not be a scam. Haha, placebo or not it is comforting.

I think I’m a little very tiny bit better each day. Imperceptible to me. But things are slowly getting done :white_check_mark: :turtle: Like all that crap you put off? I felt like I was forever buried when I first got sober. I’m starting my life completely over and it’s this cool, better thing. I wish I could stop feeling inadequate and enjoy it! There’s so much freedom in a sober life. I don’t have to wait until everything is sorted. It’s sorted enough to love as it is. Misfit toy :teddy_bear: :heart:

Enjoy your weekend doing all the sober things.


That would be so bizarre if there was actually a YouTube video for my post. What would be playing? Emo Goth? :laughing:


It was so yummy :yum:
My younger daughter wanted to watch Wicked after dinner, but I fell asleep as usual so Ive missed it :sweat_smile:

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Please don’t let someone else rob you of your confidence which is building more and more each day of sobriety. I have first hand knowledge of this behavior from my husband. When he gets mad he tells me that I think I know everything and feel I am superior to others just because I’m sober. Where he is wrong is though I do not know everything I do feel superior over me. I fought with myself for my triumph over alcoholism. Sorry you have to go through it while it occurs. Personally I keep praying with time I will get some respect for my achievement from him but I accept if he never gets it. Life for me is amazing sober. Stay strong and keep coming here for support.


Im so sorry he behaved like this. It sounds like hes projecting his insecurities onto you.
Your not drinking has probably triggered his own private thoughts about his own usage and its threatened him.

My ex H would tell me Im a drunk get sober, then I’d be sober a week and he’d buy wine and tell me to drink it as Im boring now. It was very confusing…

Please know you are not alone, life is not better when we drink, and we can and will be successful at not drinking

You are surrounded by people here that can and will support you, we’re just in your pocket.

Sending :hugs:


Checking in another day sober! Good day - fun with the family, gym, got some DIY done. Played computer games online with RL friends tonight. Well, keeps us out of the pub!

Light dusting of snow here in london - hope it stays as snow is so rare here it’s always fun for a day or two


Thanks again to everyone for all the support today. I really appreciate it and it definitely helped me make it through another day. I’ve ordered a guided sobriety journal, fitness tracker watch with a gift card off Amazon today to help me with some of my goals. I’ve also decided it’s in my best interest for my sobriety to forgive my husband for his jackassery because I deserve to have a mind free of the burden of the anger and hurt it brought me. Going to do some colouring in an adult colouring book I found in my closet today until it’s time to go to bed sober to get some rest for my big day of double digits tomorrow.



Great attitude Tisha.
Here’s to double digits :sparkles::confetti_ball:

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What a great catch @AyBee :saluting_face: