Checking in daily to maintain focus #72


Busy day ahead. A double job interview later, an intake for therapy first. A rather old fashioned holistic type of physical therapy called mensendieck. My body’s been taught like a string forever. Who knows. I slept OK. Less coffee seems to be helping a bit.

Let’s all make today as good a day as we possibly can friends. Sober and clean or nothing would come of it. I will. Love from my hood, where yesterday I was happy to see something of a sunset. First ray of sunshine in 9 days.

@Rob11 Four years! Gefeliciteerd! Glad to be walking this road together with you my friend.


Hope both the interviews and intake go well :+1:


Considering her other grades are so high I would be questioning whether the issue actually lies with the teacher :thinking:


Congratulations on 4 years!!! :clap::tada::cupcake:


Congratulations Robwith your 4 years milestone! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
The cupcakes looked good! A girlfriend who can bake stuff like that is one to cherish :wink::yum::yum::yum:
200w (3)


@Mno good luck at the job interviews! And beautiful photo! You saw the sun, wow! No sun here still :pensive: Depressing weather that’s for sure.

☆ Day 2283 :walking_woman:
Not much to tell, work was fine. Today I’m off and going to wrap my Christmas presents.
Maybe finish of my Lego project: Statue of liberty. Just a nice and calm day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Sending you all a little :heavy_heart_exclamation: today.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Is this the checking in place forum?
( Lost Steeve )


Yes it is. Welcome :hugs:


You found it Steeve! Happy you’re here.


There you are! Welcome! :raising_hand_woman::confetti_ball:


Another failed job application. I scored well on this one, but someone is better, inevitably. We go again. It’s tough out there. I really wanted this one. :smirk:


Sorry friend. Job hunting is a tough business. It will work out at some point :people_hugging: :two_hearts: :people_hugging:


I gotta say, that lately this is the only thing on my mind… I don’t wanna let myself down, I don’t wanna let this group down. …but this little bit of support, still helps me to stay strong…


Sorry to hear that, job searching isnt easy. You’ll get there though. Just a matter of persisting with it.


Day 725

First day of my time off work for the holidays. Got up early and went for my usual run with the moon.

Watching Lethal Weapon now with my cats. Must have watched it a hundred times but it’s always good :blush:


Day 293

Good morning. Feeling steady and off to shop soon. Alcohol doesn’t sound good at all. It doesn’t fit anymore.

Here’s what I think: If I want to relocate, move, buy a new house, and list/sell my current home in 2 years I need to stay sober! I had a brief, 15 month stay in Oklahoma when I started my last career in the aughts. It was dusty, lonely and backwards. But I was there for a reason, and sober for years. I knew that if I ever wanted to get out of that miserable place I needed to stay sober!

Drinking keeps you stuck. Today, I will remember that as I go down the dozens of aisles, many of them headed by wine and champagne displays, and later there will be this sweet elderly woman handing out wine…but I’m going early! It will be dead and very festive at once. I can malinger and look at all the stufff I don’t need. And if, suddenly, I see the bottles and get an urge….it’s too early to purchase alcohol in my state! :grinning:. I will get lots of good things and head home before 7 :white_check_mark:

So grateful for the peace and hope I’m feeling this morning. Thank you for being here. :heart:. Have good days :star:


Day 544. All ok.bit tired… long weekend to look forward to. Working over thr holidays but all ok


393 sugar
257 UPF
131 gluten/dairy

Every day a bit better. The worst symptoms are gone. I am still useless and exhausted by the most simple things like brushing my teeth, but I can sleep, I can rest, and I can recover. I am very grateful for that. Brings a lot of things into perspective :wink:
Today is going to be my last full day at the hospital. I should be discharged tomorrow after my last round of treatment.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Well hey all it is getting closer to x max and it hasnt been easy im not going to lie. Tonight i got to see my big girl who is al grown up. O my she is so amazing. Wow it was so great to see here but between us i seen a look in her eyes of so much hurt. I can only imagine . Part of it was me not being there the way i should have.the other part was the way she looked at my dad and to see the hurt she has for him too. Im not going into how my parents treat or talk to my sisters kids but i know that my kids felt not that great growing up. Seeing and feeling the love they gave them. It breaks my heart. And all i can do is blame myself. As i have found out from my young choices. I ask to mom and dad and grandparents kids just want your love :heart: and time so with the things i will try to do so i dont make anymore bad choices. Never give up hope and always try to reach out show your love no matter what i you love them .idk times are so hard but they need you as much as you need them. I dont know what the future hold but i wish you all the best . Happy holiday


That sounds like a solid plan indeed! I completely identify with what you say about alcohol keeping you stuck. It robs us of the energy and drive to do anything else.

I would LOVE there to be a time limit on alcohol in the UK, but alas there is not. Alcohol is ubiquitous, everywhere, any time, all the time. Now my eyes are open to how fucked up that is, it makes me angry. I grew up in a dead end town with nothing to do but drink and take drugs. But that’s not my story now, now my choices are my own and today I choose sobriety.