Checking in daily to maintain focus #72

Day 5
Had a couple of rough days, my hubby wasn’t at home so the temptation was big. But I resisted the urge and went to bed early. Feeling proud of myself :slight_smile:


Hope you were able to work through this. Is today better for you :pray:

@MrMoustache HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!!! :birthday: :partying_face: You are doing amazingly well my friend! Great that you did not let your addiction mind lead you astray! Never too old to celebrate your birthday. Even when I am unable to do so I still try to make it special as it is my day :wink: Hope you enjoyed your special day!
@tragicfarinelli That is a lovely looking number TF! 343 DAYS AF AND 61 DAYS NO THC! Love this for you and glad you are enjoying your nature therapy!
@climbin You are doing great in sobriety. Many changes happening and now another move possibly? Don’t have many suggestions except make sure you are taking care of your mental health during all of this. The sober journey in itself is a LOT to handle with emotions running wild and dealing with the NEW version of ourselves. Learning to live with life on its terms and most of the time having to distance ourselves from many people in our lives. Just make sure you have time to address all of the sober journey hurdles and not just get caught up on moving and adjusting to new environments. :hugs:
@soberwalker :people_hugging: :heart: Sorry love – I can’t imagine losing my mom and seems you lost yours very young. Grateful that at least you get to visit the beautiful are in which you spread her ashes :hugs: :pray:

I’m sorry friend. Sending hugs your way. Don’t have any advise but sening you loads of comforting hugs. Hope your pain is relieved soon :people_hugging:
@jesile Great news on getting test results so quickly and not needing a MRI for now. Hope the PT does help. Also so amazing to hear that you are feeling so optimistic :hugs:
@SadMemeQueen how are you doing Megan?

This is all part of the journey my friend. Seeing ourselves clearly for the first time in sobriety can be scary. I didn’t realize all the areas that I needed to work on with myself and it has been an eye opener for sure. I am no where close to being done and that is actually exciting to know that I can still work on myself and improve. Your 16 + days is remarkable and I see you putting in the daily efforts! Keep pushing forward – it does ALL get easier
@chevy55 Way to go Nick! 11 months is mighty impressive work. Great to see this milestone today… keep stacking up the days :muscle: :tada:

MAN I love all this for you and its been great seeing you put your life together and gain such amazing momentum!
@butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry Dana – hope all goes well today and you are able to get the sample in so they can figure out what is going on. Healing vibes to your little guy :pray:
@tailee17 Man an earthquake or the aftershocks are so scary. Grateful that you are ok and nice of your hubby to call and check in on you. Have yourself a wonderful day :hugs:
@Millie_1987 Way to resist the urges and stack on another 24 hours – 5 days is great work! Keep it going strong :muscle:

Checking in on Thursday afternoon
Did finally get up and move about. Had to force myself and not the best feeling but glad i did something today LOL. Back in bed now and ready for a nap. A friend just mentioned oatmeal and I’m starting to feel hungry so maybe eat first.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in day 339 AF :blush:


I have not followed the threads well enough to know where you live but I am going to say it is absolutely stunning. I was a Nordic ski racer and can handle the cold and can still run. Please keep us updated because I love your posts! :kissing_heart:


:snowman: -18



25 days sober


Day 1026
Overall the day wasnt too, too bad. We are managing my sons illness well at home. We took the sample in this morning and im really hoping for results tomorrow, altho it usually takes 24-48 hours for the full results to come in. Id love for him to get on medication as soon as possible if he needs some.

We basically relaxed at home the rest of the day. I did some cleaning as well. Started a roast about 30 min ago so im looking forward to supper.

One thing i would like to get back on track with is my morning recvoery routine. I seem to have gotten complacent on that and i do feel the difference when i dont do it. So tmrw i will get back to that.
Have a good night everyone


today was rough but still clean


Hang tough my friend…I do hope you are reaching out to the support at the facility. Take it ODAAT my friend. Sending you love and hugs. Glad to hear that you are still clean :pray:t4:




Checking in day 823, :two::seven: months sober! I still feel proud every month milestone. Been feeling a little up and down mood wise recently but otherwise I’ve been good. Passed a professional exam so now hold the highest license possible in my field- been years of work so I feel good about it. Started to have meetings with people about opening my own business in the new year, so exciting things happening. The last couple days I’ve felt like myself again- exercising some, wanting to engage with people, and just feeling better.

Wishing everyone a terrific sober Thursday evening :sparkles:


Heck yeah :+1:t4:. Each month sober should be celebrated and heck of a job with 27 months :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:.
Congratulations on your professional exam and hope you can get that business opened in the new year :crossed_fingers:t4:.

Grateful to see you getting through the ups and downs in a positive manner… keep leading the way!!


Wow wow congratulations on your sober months and great achievement with your work!


Checking in the night of
575 no alcohol
84 no form of marijuana
215 nic free

Can’t sleep
I had a good day. 0 cravings
Felt some pain emotionally while reading some topics
Addiction will take control of we let our guard down.

I stay sober for myself
And to take care of myself with everything that comes with it.

I have a fear of life collapsing on me though. I could have 1000 good days and lose control of everything on one bad day. I just really wish I had my own place with my family

Christmas destroyed my savings but it wasn’t only Christmas. I bought a 288$ phone by accident because I was quick talked into thinking I didn’t need to pay it and guess what happened… I dropped it and broke it in like 3 days. I paid 325$ to fix it and was prob quick talked again because it ended up not being fixable. So knowing I was scammed but still in shock of everything I bought and paid off my new phone for 300$. My wife wouldn’t let me leave without getting a good phone and I’m happy with this phone but damn I fked up so that and my wife not holding this situation against me was my Christmas present. I hate admitting all of this but this is my fk up. Ive been working overtime a little bit to catch back up and also going cheap on everything for myself.

So if you think about it

My addiction to having my cell phone broke through but if I don’t stop and regroup myself it will get worse

I’m going to talk to my wife tomorrow about getting as much overtime work as I can while balancing family life

Someone said they made a check list. I started making that checklist starting with my work days getting up at 5am. Right now I gave 5am meds and coffee, 5:15 brush teeth, 5:30 baby bottles 5:50 trash 7am work 4pm to 5pm clean myself up after work, 5pm to 8pm family time.

My list is good
It’s a good start
This is my workday checklist
If anyone thinks I should add anything let me know. I have a lot of room to shift things around

Anywho I feel good
I made this checklist to balance myself and my day to gain my energy, to progress and more family time

I’m staying up late
Work tomorrow at 7am
Home by 4:15pm

Just got to keep moving 1 step at a time


Day 9 :medal_sports:

Let’s bring some more smiles over here :blush: :crazy_face: :smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grin:

Champ does not like negative people :medal_sports:


@Noshame Eh, don’t feel bad about the phone situation. I wouldn’t call it an addiction when it’s something you need nowadays. I used to buy $100 phones that only lasted a year until I spent $500 on one that lasted 6 years. It’s worth the investment (just be sure to buy a good case/screen protector the same day :wink:) However, I would be questioning them charging you for not fixing it. Seems scammy :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’d BBB their ass! When it comes to lists, keep it simple(yours looks good). Only add what’s realistic or you’ll end up letting yourself down when you don’t complete it (speaking from experience).


Ugh, my stomach just turned sour all of a sudden. That’s what I get for eating leftover lunch buffet food when I got to work :sweat_smile: I really don’t miss feeling like this everyday. Idk why I did it to myself day after day knowing the result. Insanity I guess :woman_shrugging:

It snowed a few inches overnight and the roads weren’t plowed. I drive my daughter to her bus stop and there’s no way around going uphill to get there. Even with my new tires, I couldn’t make it up the super steep hill in front of my house, so I backed down to go around(I once watched a salt truck struggle and slide backwards in the same spot!). Made it to the top of the longer hill but got stuck on the turn and had to pull a U-ie to drive back down the clear lane. At that point I just drove her to school. On my way back, everything was clear! Little late, don’t you think?! :triumph: I’ll be looking forward to it melting on Sunday when it’s 50°!

Work was lamer than lame. No one on the books. Luckily, two couples walked in, but that was it for 5 hours! It was a good shift to break in my new shoes that came today. They’re really nice so…Merry Christmas to me :grin:

Omg! So this blindsided me yesterday :fearful: I got a call from my daughter’s teacher yesterday at work. She told me my daughter hasn’t handed in any homework all year! I’ve asked her every single day if she has homework and she’s just straight up lied to me this whole time :exploding_head: Like, WTF?! Oooh I was pissed! I didn’t say anything yesterday bc I didn’t want to ruin the concert vibe, but I went off this morning. She brought a ton home and started doing it immediately after school. I just can’t even understand what she was thinking. Trying not to overreact too negatively bc I just want her to get back on track. Anyway, that’s alot for today. Thanks for reading if you got this far :heart: Enjoy the journey everyone :pray:


☆Day 2270 :walking_woman:
Had a good day at work but was very tired afterwards. My kids visits and we did boardgames, it was fun so I went to bed late.
Slept bad and woke up early so I feel wonky.

Picture from “a stairway to heaven” I saw in a church a while ago. I like art with meaning and humor.
Today? Work a few houres at home and goldsmith class in the evening.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Kids, hey, gotta love how they test the boundaries. My stepson (14) still tries to pull every stunt known to mankind to get out from underneath homework!

Also, isn’t the teacher a bit late, calling you in what must be one of the last school weeks of the year? :man_shrugging:t2:


Right?! She said, and I quote, “She kinda slipped under the radar this whole time” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: There’s 2 teachers that alternate 2 classes of 20, so she has 40 kids to keep track of. A friend of mine teaches there and immediately said “Ooh…Sounds like she’s really behind on turning in her work :grimacing:” (the teacher) Idk. During orientation, I was concerned to learn this school is ranked one of the worst overall in the state! (Attendance, academics, behavioral, etc.) They’re obviously doing something wrong. Worse, there’s no other option. Every kid in the city goes there for 5th/6th, then another for 7th/8th. It was different when I was in school. 6th/7th/8th were split between the two. I never even went there. She’s just gotta make it thru 1.5 more years :pray:


Day 19 AF. Trying to deal with day to day problems is tough.

Today I just got on my bike and rode away. Got some fast food. I am not strong enough yet to deal with all the shit the world serves up. It is easier just to escape. Riding provides a quick escape.

Sometimes I get the temptation to just open the throttle and zoom off. I have to be careful. It is a easy way to get seriously injured or even to get killed.

I know I cannot keep escaping but it is too early. I am not yet ready to deal with it. I need some more time. Does that make sense? Or am I just being very selfish?