Checking in daily to maintain focus #8

ah just seen the tip to link everyone in one post - so apologies for bombardment still learning to navigate.
Wow, great nos, did have a list of all your names but you can only attach 10 and don’t want to miss anyone out. So congrats to all those numbers posted since 11 last night -fabulous.

Checking in on Day 25 feeling good after a good night sleep - hooray, been gym did Body Combat a new class, omg how hard but great for de-stressing can see this will become a regular class, but did look like I was swotting flies at some point, but I sweated and felt better so that is all that counts. Now to sort out office at home in prep for concentrated job hunt next week cannot work in this mess (how did I let it get to this!)
@TrueSpiritRyuu thank you for your offer of support probably will take you up on that at some point.

And to my sober twins @GVLNative :mountain_biking_man: @Jen2020 @Shannon1980 hope you all doing ok? GVLNative good luck with your cycling and raising sponsorship :slight_smile:

I wish everyone a strong, healthy sober day :innocent: :pray:


Really stressed about this partnership I’m supposed to be going in on. I’m realizing it’s not being true to myself and the benefit is very one sided. I can’t go through with it. I didn’t realize how stressed I was about it. I’m tired of making rich people richer while I starve to death because I’m overly loyal. I just can’t get screwed again. So I’m planning my departure. Even though I’m literally doing nothing wrong, I feel sick to my stomach. One company is plenty for me. It will be something new :joy:

@SoberWalker it’s funny that you always mention the language barrier. I’ve honestly never noticed even once, and would think English was your first language, so you’re rockin’ it!! :heartpulse:

@anon89892515 It’s rough getting off them and I’ve sworn them off for an eternity. Weaning did not cut down withdrawals. I used to also get the “zappy’s” it was like an electric shock sensation in my nerves. Good news is that it doesn’t last forever. Hang in there.


Huge Congrats on 6 months @CapriciousCapricorn!!



Checking in, Day 580. Happy Valentine’s Day! :two_hearts:


Sorry you are suffering, but stick with it. How long were you taking lexapro for before you stopped? And are you tapering? I believe with SSRIs it is important to taper off.

I am also back on lexapro @C_8. We meed to remember we all have different body chemistries. :heart:


How did I miss this?! Congrats on 500 days @Brookiemonster618! This is an awesome accomplishment! I’m sorry things are difficult in IRL. Sending you hugs. :hugs:


Lets see. Day 115. I told myself I was going to an AA meeting today ( went to one yesterday). But I am so very comfy on the sofa. If I don’t get up in 15 minutes to get out of my pj’s, the window (for the big book meeting I want to try) will have closed.

I just have zero energy.

Just seeing if anyone can motivate me - kick up the butt style :grimacing:

Tick Tock :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Good point! Thank you🙏

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I know…I was a little freaked out too. :upside_down_face:

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Get up! Go! Now! You want to go or you wouldn’t have posted this. You will find the energy you need as you need it.



Yes, everyone responds differently. I had no problems with Cipralex (aka Lexapro), with either starting or stopping (even without tapering off). I did have a few “brain zaps” here and there when stopping (as I did when stopping other SSRIs), but that was it, and once I knew that was normal I was able to just let it be and it was all fine. We all just respond differently. In fact, I’ve even responded differently to the same SSRI at different times years apart. Lots of factors besides the specific med and dose level.

@anon89892515 Sometimes with people that struggle with the discontinuation effects after tapering to a low dose get switched to an equivalent dose of an SSRI with a longer half-life, like fluoxetine (Prozac), before stopping completely, so that the slope is gentler. If this gets too difficult for you it’s worth discussing options with the doctor.

Also some improvements may happen quickly in the first week or two, while others will take several weeks. It’s not only the amount of serotonin activity that changes, but also the sensitivity of your various neurons to it as they adapt to the change. Part of the therapeutic effect of SSRI treatment is not just the serotonin boost itself, but the changes in neurons as they adapt to the presence of this extra serotonin activity, and this happens a lot more slowly than the actual levels of medication changing. This would apply to both starting and stopping an SSRI.


By now I’m too late if you’re still lounging, but book studies are one of my favorites. :+1: Good stuff in there.

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Great plan of action stick with it when you can

Day 45…checking in friends😊


Very true James!!! I waited about 5 mins then decided to kick myself up the butt!

Thank you! Am in the parking lot now, with 8 mins to spare :+1:


Thanks for that!! I’ve bookmarked :+1:

Actually made it to the meeting. In the parking lot now. Waiting to try to be last in :grimacing::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yaaass! The power (and the butt kick) was in you all along! :medal_sports:


Yikes, these are chatty folks. No way will I remember anyone’s name!!! :flushed:


Checking in on Day 206. Ready for the weekend. Nothing too wild going on, just taking it one day at a time.

Have a strong day!!!