Checking in day 7

I’m hours to making it an entire week without a drink. Today will be challenging as we are going out tonight for supper and “drinks”.
Since I am trying to do this on my own without telling my spouse and family, it will be particularly difficult.
It’s not like they don’t know I have this problem, it’s just never been spoken out loud .
I wonder if they noticed that I HAVENT had a drink this week? Hmmmm


Yikes. Stay strong! The idea of that is stressing me out. What’s your plan? Can you think through all the possible scenarios and have a reaction ready to deal with them? @Yoda-Stevie used to (I believe) write his sober time near his watch strap so he could look at how far he’d come and what he’d have to lose if he gave in. Note: He is way more articulate!!!

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Check this thread out :point_down:


If your going in to this without mentioning to your partner what your intentions are then you will need a plan, luckily there are loads of threads covering this. I understand your trepidation regarding telling your partner but he will more than likely support you and it always helps to have a sober buddy. :slightly_smiling_face:

My biggest fear is telling him- then disappointing if I fail - and drink…
He drinks too, but doesn’t have a problem with it.
I am determined to do this - and I will tell him, just not ready to say it out loud to him yet😔

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Yah I understand that, from what I have read on here your chances of success in these situations greatly improve when your have a solid plan in place incase you get put on the spot. You can do this we all believe in you. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

My plan for tonight is ordering iced tea- and my reason will be I’m tired of headaches in the morning… this will lead to a discussion - and I am ready - I’m tired of trying to hide how much I drink, and trying to think clearly in the morning with a massive headache every single day.


Good for you. I was going to suggest you tell them while your out and I would speak up and say “Before you order drinks I have something to discuss with you all.” Hell they might refrain from drinking to support your decision and recovery. Good luck and enjoy yourself sober. :wink:


Thanks for the support and suggestions😄
I will be ok -for tonight. I will be the designated driver, and get through it- and enjoy dinner without slurring my words :wink:


How’d dinner go? I felt the same way you did about telling my husband. In reality what I didn’t want was the accountability it would bring to my life. I ended up not having a choice because my drinking got so bad he confronted me about it and asked me to stop. All along I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it from him. He wasn’t fooled. Him knowing and me owning it was actually a huge relief. I didn’t have to hide anymore. He’s been very supportive and stopped drinking (he can actually have just 1 drink with no problem) as a show of support. Telling him the truth was the right thing to do. I hope you get to a place where you can share and be honest about your struggle and that your family will support you. No matter what though, we will support you here!

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My god, this is the share that keeps on giving.

:heart: you, @anon46927530!


Dinner was fun! Ordered lemon water - no questions as to why.- he was probably just relieved . , not to the point of telling him yet, but it will come.
Glad to have this safe place for support right now .


Congrats !!!
We can do this one day at a time :smile:

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Congrats on dinner out and almost making it a week! I totally understand you not wanting to say something and then disappoint him but if you have never said anything about it, you might be surprised at how much of a relief it is to get it off your chest. Once it happens you won’t have to plan or worry about explaining things when you order iced teas/water/etc because he will know and be there to support you. my S/O has been really helpful. Not trying to push you to do it earlier than you would, I just wanted to share my positive experience with it. Good luck with everything!!

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There is a downsite on not telling your spouse…
It also gives you the possibitity to start drinking again…Be aware of that one too!

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