Checking in Sober- Day 1

Looking for other friends on Day 1 :blush:


Welcome. These are a great bunch of people who offer a lot of support

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If you want to make sober friends face to face then maybe a meeting might help wish you well

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So excited to have found this group. Thank you!

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Welcome!! This forum is a fantastic support system! I don’t think I would have been able to stay sober without it. I can’t do it alone :slight_smile:

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Hello and welcome here! :raising_hand_woman:
This app helps me a lot. I’ve got to do the hard work, but I don’t have to do it all alone. There is allways someone to talk to and there is enough information to find!

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Thank you for welcoming me. This group seems so supportive. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone in this journey.

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Thank you for welcoming me! I am excited to use the app. The goal setting and milestones should motivate me and it’s amazing that this group is on here. I haven’t found anything else like it!

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Well done … :heart:

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Thank you! :heart: