Checking in to stay sober

I need to be accountable for my sobriety, and my choice to stay that way. It’s day 3 and im struggling, but im making it thru.

Feel free to join if anyone reads this and wants a place to check in.

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37h here. The habits are going to be hard to change. But we choose to quit to change for better, no? Right now I know the easiest path today will lead to nothing good tomorrow; and the hard path today will lead to great things tomorrow and after. Keep it up!


So very true. Yes we chose to make a change for the better! At least i have.
I have been using a similar motivational saying…

If its easy, it aint worth it. And if its worth it, it aint easy!

One day at a time

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It’s staying sober through the tests that feel so good. When you do something “normal” that you’d normally do wasted, man that feeling is better than any high or drink I’ve ever had. It’s worth it just for that. You’re both doing great, you’ll have a natural high because you feel just well and healthy in no time.


Another day. And I’m , ok.

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Same here :slight_smile: 10th day free from drugs and I’m loving it!! It’s so hard to be around my friends… but i always keep a bottle of water near and my car keys and everytime I’m triggered i just leave… i love them but i do start to avoid them and I’m not guilty at all…!

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Day 3 for me too, struggled for a little bit, but then focused my attention on my garden. My cravings passed, and I was so happy I didn’t cave! Here’s to one moment at a time :heart: