Chest pains man

It’s coming up to day 10 tomorrow … I’ve noticed pain where my heart is. I wonder if it’s a symptom of suddenly stopping drink. It’s not pleasant whatever it is and bothering me a tad

Hey Pete, if its persistent you might wanna go to the docs.


Usually true heart pain is felt in the middle/ right side because of where the nerves are. Have you tried taking an antacid or something for gas?

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Absolutely you can have chest/heart pain. If it doesnt ease up definitely get into a doctor to make sure its nothing serious.

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I had a lot of that in the first week, especially laying in bed. Now it comes and goes less frequently but always scary. A few years back it was happening when I changed jobs and I got it checked out, about 7 different tests, and everything came back perfect, luckily. Definitely get it checked if it persists or gets worse.


Obligatory… Go see a doc. Detoxing can be hell on your body and you don’t want to miss something major when you are trying to do the right thing.

From what I know now, my detox was a potential suicide mission and people need to be very vigilent and very careful of the detoxing themselves. It shouldnt be done on your own with no one else keeping tabs on you.

It was only after doing it I learned all the fun stuff that I prob went through detoxing myself. I was on blood pressure meds and even then my BP was elevated and my pulse was running high. With the coffee I was drinking bc I couldn’t sleep, in my already dehydrated state my kidneys felt like they were going to be pulled out of my body when I urinated. Learning that people that drank way less than I did had seizures was scary.