Chips & Salsa

Eating my weight in chips and salsa to distract.

P.S. said no to a shot of whiskey that was directly handed to me.


Good for you! Keep it going!

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Chips and salsa is definitely the better choice! Aaaah the direct hand off. “Hi I know you’re trying to stay clean/sober, but you should do this just once because it will be fun (of course unless they didn’t know your goals than this doesn’t apply) and you should have fun with me because that’s what I want.”

Good job saying no.

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Good job!! Way to stay strong :muscle:t3:


No, they knew. I just stared at it and went, yeah remember how we just talked about how I was quitting drinking… Though it hasn’t been that long. Day 3 (had 4.5 before that).


Well played.


Man, I hate that. I’ve had that happen so I’ve real sympathy for you on this. Day 3 is still a good start and it’s a bum deal for you to tell someone you’re quitting a vice only to have them try to tempt you with it.

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I think ppl offer out of habit sometimes… I love chips and salsa but it’s a trigger for me. Good job decling💪!

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