Cigarettes in sobriety

hey guys, I ve been clean since November 28th, then I got the flu. I wanted to hear people’s experience on cigarettes in sobriety. Because to me, it’s a feel good thing, nicotine is a drug technically but a small one.
And I crave cigs, like I want to chainsmoke. It’s messing with me because iknow it’s unhealthy, and I’m killing myself
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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In early sobriety you don’t want to overwelm yourself and try to do too much. Concenrate on your sobriety and make quitting smoking your next goal in the future. Go easy on yourself…there are a lot of smokers in sobriety.


Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind, I don’t want to relapse because I want a cigarette.

That says it all,going to get a script for chantax next week(only thing I haven’t tried) baby steps 1 problem at a time!! 91 days & still going, not sure how, guess I’m just stubborn! No one thought I could go this long[even me] have a good night, keep fighting


Stay strong, you can do it!

I don’t smoke, but I have in the past. When I don’t drink I want to pick it up again.


Don’t do it!!!

Lol, I wont, but it’s like substituting one addiction for another. Plus it provides awesome temporary relief. I miss it. I miss booze. Bla.

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I don’t know what I miss. but I’m craving ATM

Dear Gale,
I will talk only about my experience. I’m 159 days sober today (which makes me very happy). I decided to quit all things at one time (alcohol, drugs and cigarettes). I thought all these three things go hand in hand so I quit all of them at one time. Try reading Allan Carr’s ‘Easy way to quit smoking’. It opened my mind and helped me a lot. I keep my fingers crossed for you! Take care!

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I’m doing the same. Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs trigger each other in my case.

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Funny you should say that, I quit smoking 7 years ago using Paul McKenna hypnosis CD and have only ever had one craving (not bad considering I smoked for 12 years. That one craving was on New Years Eve just gone, I was happy watching everybody drink alcohol and get rather merry with no problem however when they were having a cig, I really fancied it :grimacing:


I just quit after 30 some days of sobriety, and I got a bad chest infection afterwards. I feel like smoking can be abused as a replacement crutch for alcohol. Even you don’t really get high it’s still super addictive. In my personal life I no longer want to have a crutch but maybe for you it’s useful when you are first getting sober so you have something small to hold on to. I would suggest to faze it out of your life once you are feeling solid in your sobriety and you can afford to deal with it. I would also suggest you read the easy way to quit smoking, very good book, helped me quit.

Exactly @Leigh ! That high feeling, even brief, can definitely be abused.

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This is one of my addictions I’m trying to
Manage it is harder than the alcohol and weed for me. I’m currently on day 5 would of been 10 days but I relapsed. Yesterday after work I had a strong craving for it I started shaking and getting all weird I did not give in I knew then my body was really addicted I just kept myself busy it was night time so I washed my face and plucked my eyebrows or basically groomed myself. The i fell asleep. I bought chewing gum regular
trident just in case I get a craving I can use that as an oral fixation.

I never smoked but I dipped. I gave up all of it. I dip when I drink and drink when I dipped. The tobacco has been much easier to give up than the booze

Smokes are an issue for me the moment. I’ve been sober for 3.4 days but still smoking a few cigs each day as they help distract me.

They make me feel like shit health wise though, so I plan to get rid of them once I get further with my sobriety.

thank you for your opinions and experience :slight_smile: I’ll work on cigarettes once my life stress goes down