Closed - Checking in daily to help maintain focus #5

Thanks for the warm welcome! I’m finally wanting to do this for myself, for too long I’ve told myself it’s fine but now I have concrete proof that it is not. I also have a 6 and 4 year old to stay healthy for. My doctor wants to repeat the test in 2 weeks. I do feel bad I lied about my alcohol use when I registered for my appointment. As far as she knows I just drink ‘normal’ amount. Time to start owning up to some hard truths.

I’m also almost 35lb overweight. Between all the empty calories and lack of motivation to exercise, I hate how I look/feel. Been asked more than once if I’m pregnant. Ugh.


:confetti_ball::tada:Congrats on 400 days of sobriety, keep on piling up them numbers.
Have a great sober day.


376 for me :grinning:. Welcome @Bananagram. I had my day 1 post here just like you. Stay strong, one day at a time! @Eke @anon30771928 @SoberGuyUSA the wonder triplets - big congrats on the 500 club. I have found so much inspiration from all 3 of you, as well as my pal @ifs who has earned that 400! Nice work one and all.



:confetti_ball::tada:Big up @SoberGuyUSA, @anon30771928 and @Eke for half a century days of sobriety. Many congrats and keep up the good job of stacking the days.:confetti_ball::sparkles::balloon:
Blessings and sobriety!



Very stylish :kissing_heart:

1 Like
  1. Coffee before work. Feeling pretty good this morning. I’m changing my routine at night by going to bed early and reading at least an hour. Two books now, one a very simple one on the Dalai Lama and Buddhism (got to start somewhere) and one on the early days (1880’s) of cycling as a sport in Holland. I always loved reading but hardly did for the last ten years and never made the connection to drinking more and more. Seems so logical now. Really happy I seem to be getting back into it.
    The pic is not really connected. Just a nice mural from my neighbourhood. Might say it’s part of me being present, of being mindful, of being alive. Have a good day all! Sober and clean love from Amsterdam. @ifs Huge congrats James! @GVLNative welcome back! And welcome @Bananagram! Be with us all, it helps!

Missed this one…
Exquisite number capture


Jeeej! :confetti_ball: Go @Eke go!! :confetti_ball: :grin:
Congratulations! :chipmunk: :chipmunk: :chipmunk:
Wow! And you too @SoberGuyUSA! :confetti_ball: And @anon30771928! :tada:
:100: :100: :100: :100: :100: days rock!!

And you @ifs! Another big milestone James, :100: :100: :100: :100: days! :confetti_ball: Thank you for being around, your words are much appreciated! :heart:

Hi and welcome @Bananagram! 🙋 It’s a helpfull place to be in. Well done for your day one, the most important day! :facepunch:

Day 449 :footprints:
Nothing much to share, everything well. My back is healing ok, starting to ich now. My husband (who dislike tattoos) admits he like my new tattoo a lot. He suggested to go see a photografher when the tattoo is finished and make a stilish picture of it to hang it in our bedroom :heart: How sweet of him!
I’m very gratefull to have him and my kids :pray:


Feeling quite heard and validated with an area I was struggling with. It is okay. I am safe. :heart::seedling::tulip:


Day 53. I will be part of the research project I mentioned earlier and get bloodtests and a liver scanning in january. Yesterday I recieved good news about my education (I study nutrition and health), so I am in a good mood today.


Checking in at 77.51 days. Man, last night, after a long day, I had my jammies,laptop on my lap, in my bed, and I decided to check my calendar quickly for the next day. It was 5:15pm, and holy shit! I was supposed to be at an awards event at 5:30pm!!! I was tired, cranky, cold, and had an awful headache. I was like no way I’m going to pull myself together, be presentable, and get there in time. My daughter is like “Mom, you paid for it, you should go” then I got a text from someone who was already there asking if I was going. Miracle of miracles, I ordered and Uber, changed, ran a brush through my hair and actually made it on time. BOOM. Glad I went! Still have that awful headache though, boo :unamused:


Day 160

Little one off too school, excited again as her final day of her Christmas plays

Off too the gym for a good sweat out, on the cross trainer :cold_sweat::grin:

Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises

Off too see the little ones Christmas play :christmas_tree::santa::mrs_claus::snowman_with_snow::deer:

Work tonight

Have a great day peeps



Thanking God for His blessings…430 days sober!


Well done dude :blush::ok_hand:

Day 90-friggin-9.

Woke up in weird place. Not deeply depressed, not overly dark like yesterday…I’m going to go with lonely because I can’t quite figure it out at the moment. There is still a disconnect with my wife and I think not being about to see how this works out, the lack of clarity I find frustrating. Another 1st yesterday - went for acupuncture. I am going to refrain from final judgement but just want to say that I can move freely for the first time since Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful Tuesday all.


Checking in. I’ve gone back and forth the past couple of years on whether I am going for total alcohol abstinence or not, but now feeling like the healthiest thing, both psychologically and physically, is zero alcohol. It’s hard to unpick old habits and cultures so I am very grateful for this community. Love having clear head when I wake up.


@Bananagram kids are great motivation. Mine are my 1st and foremost reason I am sober. At first it was for them. Now it’s for me and them. Lots of us share a similar story. You are with friends.


This is where I am at 6:45 on Tuesday morning. If I make it to 6am tomorrow it’ll be 90 days. I’m still feeling like every day is a battle in my mind and I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Soldier on folks. Happy sober Tuesday.


29 days, checking in. Things are moving along so smoothly I feel like it’s suspicious lol! I’m letting myself enjoy the new feeling of freedom I’ve gained but a part of me still wants to be vigilant.