Closed - Checking in daily to help maintain focus #5

Thank you! :orange_heart:

Thank you @crystalclear. I couldnā€™t do it without the help of all you wonderful people. :joy:

Iā€™m checking in at day 25.

Yes, the desire is there to get my fix. Maybe it will always be. So far, Iā€™m saying ā€œNoā€ to the first thought or look today. weā€™ll see how that goes. In that area, not so good lately. Iā€™ve been struggling to maintain custody of my eyes and mind over the past several days. But today is a new day, and I havenā€™t used porn or MB. So Iā€™ll take it.


Day 446 sober from alcohol. Are there any others trying to quit cigs starting from 1st of January? Or recent quitters?

Edit or please recommend a thread to join


Today is 11 years since I quit smoking. I smoked a lot for more than 30 years. A hard fought struggle and glad it is well behind me.


Thanks @Fargesia_murielae! Itā€™s a great feeling and a natural high that Iā€™m craving more these days. :hugs:


@Bluemoon1 - if your xmas party was outside of contracted working hours, then it was in your personal time and harder to apply employment law.

Put it this way, if you were to be injured by a falling light fitting or something and tried to sue them, they would argue straight back that it was outside of contracted work hours/scope.

But still a near-miss nonetheless.

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Good to hear :+1: :blush: Iā€™m pretty motivated too as i have only smoked for one year now. Did before too but it was more than 13 years ago


Have you reached out to any of your CR peeps RE: your struggle right now? Donā€™t just take a ā€œweā€™ll seeā€ attitude. Fight for your sobriety. Take action to keep your mind and eyes focused on good things that fill you with light. Maybe some prayer or scripture reading would help?


Thanks, makes sense, just i cannot be doing works nights out anymore and will be explaining why also on monday. Need to focus

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Second check in,
Back from the funeral. De first song I heared made me cry. I was a beautiful Dutch song Iā€™ve never heared before about a daughter and her difficult relationship with her mom and her passing away. A song about me and my mom too. The song was a sort of gift, thatā€™s the way I look to it. I put it on my Spotify so I can listen more to it.
It was good to be at the funeral for my friend. Afterwards I bought a big box of chocolat for my family to celebrate life. I need that! Life is both, dead and life. So glad to be alive and enjoy my family and doing that sober :heart:
Thank you @Blondie1x, @Rob68 and @crystalclear for the nice words, much appreciated!!


Day 56 and day 16. What a day, I know not everyday can be great but Iā€™m sure I would be happier single. Picked up some drugs today and then decided to throw it across the room. This app causes more problems than I need sometimes. Do you sit on here and try and get clean and sober or do you talk to your partner who says I ignore her and whoā€™s only advice is if your that bothered then have a smoke. It upsets HER to see me crying at work bc I want a joint or drink. TBH my dear Iā€™m not too fucking happy about it myself, me having a total breakdown and still not picking up is me being strong. No one understands an addict like an addict. Deep breath and carry on. Hope youā€™re all having a better day than me, probably not, just remember, nothing is an excuse to drink or get high. Nothing!!!


Congratulations on hitting 100 days @Lisa07! Seriously so awesome. Keep on kicking ass, youā€™re doing great!!

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Well thatā€™s the first thing to make me smile today, I knew you were put on this planet for a reason, unfortunately for you it was just to keep me happy.

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I unfortunately use chewing tobacco and have for almost 20 years. I so want to quit and have thought several times about making it my New Years resolution, even though Iā€™m not a fan of NYRā€™s, but I honestly donā€™t know if I can quit. Even though I absolutely hate the habit. Itā€™s like thatā€™s the one last vice I have. I am going to try and quit, but Iā€™m not sure of my confidence level in succeeding. might be biting off more than I can chew.

Pun not intended, but hell, nice one, lol.

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Sending a hug your way Claudia. Enjoy that chocolate with your family. Love that you are celebrating life with them.

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Congrats! So happy for you! :pray:t2:

I can always count on you @Dolse71 to make me laugh. You say the funniest shit :rofl: :rofl:
This forum has been my best support system. Thank you @Hidden for being a part of my journey and allowing me to be a part of yours. :smiley:


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