Closed - Checking in daily to help maintain focus #5

Sorry to hear that Paul, sounds like you’re fighting three battles instead of just fighting the smoke and the drink. More power to you for your resolve to remain sober through all of that. Sounds like you and your partner could both use a big hug. If I was there I’d pull you both in for one. Hang in there my friend, better days are ahead. wish I could say how soon those days will be here, but that’s not up to me, I just know there coming if you keep pushing forward. sending strength and hugs to you and your partner.



Haha, nice one indeed

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You’re definitely not alone, we’re all here for you Paul. I feel this struggle with the partner. Mine is drinking very heavy and it’s caused more drama in the past few days. I’ve been taking long walks in the freezing cold just to get away. Hang in there friend. Big hugs to you @Dolse71. :hugs:


I know it may be hard but I’m mentally prepared to face it. I did several lazy tries before but they led nowhere. If I have survived this soon ending year, I will survive quitting cigs too :+1::+1: but I’m afraid I’m gonna need some venting and support maybe…


Cheers. I’m still really happy inside especially with my new found serenity and positive outlook on life but it only takes one idiot to test it.


I will vent like hell with you, but I’m going to give it a go come Jan 1. I hate the habit and have wanted to stop chewing longer than I wanted to stop drinking. Chewing just didn’t turn me into as big as a fuck up as drinking did, but its killing me just the same.

Going to be some grumpy A-holes around here come Jan 1. Lol


Well you just made me laugh so thank you!


Almost @ 90 !!! New year s gonna be a b*tch though :v::sweat_smile:


Yay! nice of you to give it a try. If it was just me I probably wouldn’t give a damn and continued until my lungs explode, but there are several reasons… I’m giving bad example to my daughters 7 and 13. I smell like an ashtray and have to wash my hands, coats, gloves etc constantly. Smoking is a ridiculous waste of money. And I wish to continue exercising both gym and yoga. Smoking and healthy lifestyle just aren’t from the same opera.

Edit plus we need to establish Grumpy A-holes thread


Checking in. I over slept this morning and missed my meeting. I’m trying not to bash myself too harshly for that. I expect perfection from myself too often. I am checking in on here, going to do some reading in my Recovery Dharma book, and I’ll do a meditation practice, so I’m still staying plugged in for the day.

I had a rough day yesterday of just beating myself up for not being “better” in general. The no job thing, really has me down, but I do have an interview on Monday. Part of my goal is to be kinder and gentler to myself, while still holding myself accountable. My critical nature caused a snowball of dissatisfaction because I was beating myself, for beating myself up. :roll_eyes:.

@Lisa07 & @Recovering_Addict Way to go on 100! It gives me such hope to see you two hit these milestones.

@anon79808082 Glad to see you in here. :grinning:

@Soraiah Welcome! I hope you find this forum useful in recovery and look forward to seeing your check ins.


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Hhhmmnn . I should really give up my daily nicotine gum habit. Gave up smoking cigarettes 20 years ago. Thinking that 66 days AF is too soon to take on another addiction though :thinking:


Maybe too soon. Do not try all at once. It may end up badly, but please join us grumpy a-holes whenever you’re ready


It’s a deal :+1:

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Just be careful I tried to quit weed and tobacco about 3 weeks AF and it nearly bloody killed me. I’m doing OK now but timing is the key. We need to fight individual battles to win our war.


All for the grumpy A-holes thread.

That’s a good list of reasons to quit. I need to quit so I don’t get cancer and have to get half my face cut off. It’s a disgusting habit that I have hid for 20 years that I’m absolutely sick of and the money I waste on it is ridiculous. so cheers to grumpy January! Here we go!!


Thank you :pray: I’ll just have it in the back of my mind to kick the gum in 2020, but will be on my guard when I try. I need alcohol 100% out of my life.
I have given up the gum before, (90 days x twice), but it isn’t easy.


Hi @adeygaga49 just thinking of you. Not seen @anon12657779 either is he giving you a talking to?

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Haha thanks for thinking of me I’m just in from work and knackered as I didn’t really sleep last night worrying about Erin flying on her own but she was fine.

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