I love the new avatar. I’d never seen it before either since I’m rather new here. I think somehow the name suits you at this point and I’d be a little sad to see it changed. But I understand about wanting to change it because I changed mine a while back. So do what suits you best & keep being your awesome self!!
After tonight’s performance from everybody there’s absolutely no way that I’m changing it, previous to all that I did fancy changing it but not now.
And @Forged keep your ten bucks buddy I have a feeling you need it way more than I do.
What would make you feel that way Slacks?
Knowing my bank balance.
I am fine.
Glad to hear. It is a rather amazing story of origin. I don’t remember when I read it but it was worth a chuckle for sure. Soldier on dear @Pants we are better for knowing you!
Perhaps something more casual and carefree…how do you feel about shorts???
I quite like them but I don’t bow to popular demand so for now at least it shall start the same. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Nah Bootz I dont feel superior in my sobriety or restless or sad and lonely nor am I willing to pick a fight with you.
I wish I knew your story but I don’t.
Glad you got the shirt and I hope you pass it around.
You are my favorite person here.
And Bootz the point to this whole entire thread as it seems to be missed is that I am encouraging you to have a viewpoint and for your message to be left alone and defended by you and not censored.
Thanks Bootz. I am o.k.
You need some new cast iron in your life.
Too much cast iron but some does trickle in on occasion.
To be left unfiltered is what I meant by being left alone. Not steered away from it’s original intent as distasteful as some of those opinions may be and challenged in the open by the group and not by someone else’s standards however well intentioned.
This place to me is a place of healing and growing. There shouldn’t have to be rudeness and defending shit since you could just refrain yourself from clearly confrontational behavior.
I get your intention, but the only thing your doing is defying the mods. And we should be thanking them rather then facing them. Since there all just doing service.
You don’t make rules, you make jokes about it I guess then just deal with whatever comes your way. Free speech is awesome but no rascisme no glorifying of usage and no sexism are also awesome. There is a line and luckily we have a team of mods to guard that line.
@anon13078412 please Gareth always be your 7 holed self!
I need another bowl of popcorn and a glass of diet Pepsi. Would anyone else like some?
You mean @slacks?
You missed a bunch of letters above that slacks comments. You seem to be slacking.
Nope man I read what you wrote. I disagree.