Cocaine relapse after promising myself i would never use again

Hi everyone ,

Iv been using this app for a few months now but i always seem to relapse between 30 and 45 days

So im hoping i can reach out to someone for advice

Iv been using for over 12 years it started off at 16 having at the odd weekend on it with friends and when it was done it was done and you didn’t care but now it has turned into bindges on my own which can go for days and i struggle to know when to say when

I dont want to go to a rehab clinic i know i have this in me i just need talk to someone who’s going through or has been through this

Thanks in advance

if you go to ameeting youl meet people who have gone through what your going through wish you well


AA/NA has helped me stay sober for 10 months now. I suggest giving it a shot.


Thank you for your quick responses and well wishes

I have looked into that but no one knows about this issue i have and they would question where i was going

I feel it could cause problems with my family and job they may not look at me the same

Im wondering if theres anyone on this group who can give me some guidance with cravings and help me understand why i have no control after a period of time

Thanks for taking the time to read this

Have u deleted your dealers number yet?

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I have yet again Donnie and blocked it

But its never hard to find it when you want it

Thats romancing the idea to use. Cravings usually are only strong for 5-10 min. If you search and romanticly make a date with the ol white gurl of course your gonna score after all that trouble. How about setting some other goals to save your money for. Find a hobby or look for festivals or events in the area. If you put as much soul searchin in yourself as you do trying to go out of your way to find it you may find yourself in a better state of mind…

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Have you been hugged today? That seems to be the preferred method here.

I understand what you mean, i have hobbies and interests and booked a holiday next year for my family on the basis it was the coke money but in the end im paying both

When i think about my hobbies and interests there limited, im going to look into something new

Just need to be stronger this time

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Maybe check out its a place that you can enjoy activities locally with people if finding friends is a problem and you choose not to use n/a or SMART meetings.

… your comments :joy: I appreciate the diversity on this forum.

Pro tip: cocaine is a fickle bitch. The urges to use can strike out of nowhere. AA and outpatient rehab helped me a lot

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Hugs might work for some

…Probably won’t though but that’s ok

Expert tip

Having a day to think about it properly im going to bite the bullet and seek help i feel it will be the only way to avoid relapsing again

It has gone on too long

Write a letter to coke. And if you really think about it, coke sucks. I mean you get to a point when you’re just kinda worrying about when it’s gonna run out and then it’s not even fun. Think of all the ways it truly sucks.

Basically my point is you are passed the point of fun, way passed. So it’s basically pointless

I’m going to do that tonight

Running through all the nagatives in my head is a real eye opener

You will never get the high you got the first time you used it. Thats what we all chase when we use it.

There are many ways to get that amazing high feeling, rather than putting that shit up your nose.